
Oct - Dec 2012, Poems

Soy un Musulman Mexicano-Americano

Por Juan Galvan Crecí al norte de Texas.Crecí en cinco ciudades diferentes.Coseché algodon para comprarme mi ropa de la escuela.Viví en un pobado de 200 habitantes.Fuí miembro de FFA y 4-H.Fuí un maestro de CCD y un ministro de la Eucaristía.Creí que Lubbock era impresionante.Amo a mi mamá, a mi papá, y a mis abuelos.Mi mamá hace buenas tortillas.Tengo un hermano y seis hermanas.Una hermana murió en un accidente automovilistico.Tengo más de una docena de sobrinos y sobrinas.Tengo alrededor de cuarenta primos.Estoy orgulloso de ser Texano.Estoy orgulloso de der Mexicano-Americano.Estoy orgulloso de ser Musulmán.Venero solo a Dios. I am a

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Oct - Dec 2012, Poems


By Samantha Sanchez Outstretched handsI attempt to grasplike a brass ringI reach, extending my armsAs far as possibleClawing my way towardsI reachbut cannotalas I beseech your mercy As much as I tryI cannot attain perfectionPerfection is for God aloneForgive meAll I can offeris me © May 2003

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July - Sept 2012, Poems

A Silent Prayer to Allah

By Samantha Sanchez O Allah! Please grant me oneWho will be the garment for my soulWho will satisfy half of my deenAnd in doing so make me whole Make him righteous and on your pathIn all he’ll do and sayAnd sprinkle water on me at FajrReminding me to pray May he earn from halal sourcesAnd spend within his meansMay he seek Allah’s guidance alwaysTo fulfill all his dreams May he always refer to Qur’anand the Sunnah as his moral guideMay he thank and appreciate AllahFor the woman at his side May he be conscious of his angerAnd often fast and

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Jan - Mar 2012, Poems

What Happened

By Naida Jakirlic 12/20/02 What happened to youO Muslim Man?Hasn’t the prophet taught you something,toward your wife to be gentle and kind? Who gave you the permissionO Muslim Man?to twist Allah’s wordsto jail your women inside the home? To school you forbid them to goO Muslim Man!yet when a sister is raped in another landyou pay no heed to itand think you have Iman. You say woman is no toyO Muslim Man!to the leaders of the west you sayASTAGHFIRULLAH!yet you commit the same crimes,only in a different color they hide. What happened to equalityO Muslim Man?before Allah we will stand

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Oct - Dec 2011, Poems


By Emily Correa RenewThe journeybacktowardsmy innocence,was my deepestdesire. To be once againlike a child,full of acceptance,and voidof allsin. And to go backto “living to learn”,and reversingmy habits ofdestruction. Once,I wasstrapped downwith vainities,plusI grew up too soon, My inner selfsufferedcontradictions,bruisesand selfishpursuits. But as newas a butterfly,I sought to beresurrected, Becausewith too muchwaterin my lungs,I admitI almostdrowned. That day,I finallyrealizedtherewas no oneto save me,alone,and deserted,I cried out. Then I surrendered.

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July - Sept 2011, Poems

Whispers of Satan, a poem

By a 15 year old sister from LA, California Stay in your bed, don’t make a fuss.Your prayers can wait; give in to your nafs. (1) What! Go to the mosque, the path you’ll pave?Don’t bother, think of the gas you’ll save. Why go the extra miles to be kind?Don’t share that smile, they won’t mind! Listen to your parents, why should you?You’re big enough, don’t let them tell you what to do! Don’t look at those orphans, what could they need?You have your own problems, and family to feed. Wear good Hijab? Oh me, Oh my, you’ll be targeted

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July - Sept 2011, Poems

Two Ramadan Poems

http://muslimpoet.com/yourpoemschild.htm Taqwa’s Ramadan PoemBy Taqwa Brookins Oct 2003 Every Ramadan I wake up before sunrise for Sahur.Sometimes during the day I read a page of the Qur’an.In the evening I break my fast, “Yum.” And I eat a date.On the day of ‘Eid, I wake up before sunrise and get dressedin special clothes and go out to do a special prayer,and I do the same thing on ‘Eid al Adha.I see my friends there. Sometimes I take naps during the dayto make fasting easier for me.In Ramadan I pray tarawih and do a du’a,and I break my fast at iftar

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April - June 2011, Poems


By Isa Lima There are times when your heart feels like stone,and shaytan ravages you like a dog chews a bone.you wonder how to get out of such a horrible abyss,where you lie in darkness and can’t comprehend the gist,Why’re we here upon this treacherous land?our father was from paradise, you must understand. We’re in a prison with insurmountable bars and walls,There’s only one exit, death, it will overtake us all.some of us have rap sheets as long as the nile,we continue to sin profusely as we live in denial.Our Creator has rights upon us, we mustn’t disdain.sincerity means we’re

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Jan - Mar 2011, Poems

Islamic Creed

By Saad Shamim Allah is my Lord,Quran is my Light We forbid what is wrong,And enjoin what is right Sunnah is my role model,Islam is my way Jihad is my life,Good deeds are my pay Righteousness is my character,Justice is my goal Muhammad (S)’s my messenger,Iman is my soul Muslims are my brothers,Charity’s my gain Piety’s my mean,Fasting is how we train War is what I hate,Peace is what I love They say that we are terrorists,Though we support the dove This is the Creed I’ll die on,It sums up my belief I’ll make Islam prevail,For Islam is my relief

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Oct - Dec 2010, Poems


By Samaiyah Brookins, 9 years oldhttp://muslimpoet.com/yourpoemschild.htm SpringIn spring the flowers bloom. The rainy days begin. What fun to play in puddles. Look at the bright yellow ducklings . And the sky is so pretty! It’s the afternoon. Time to go home and eat lunch. YUM! Peanut butter and jelly sandwich and a glass of milk!! SummerIn summer I go to the beach. And splash in the water. The water is so blue! When I am at the beach I make sand castles. It is so much fun at the beach! Splashing in the water is fun too! So I’ll be

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July - Sept 2010, Poems

¿Donde estaba Dios el 11 de Septiembre y donde esta la justicia ahora?

Por Samantha Sanchez Preguntas que automaticamente consumen nuestra existencia¿Cómo y porque suceden las tragedias?¿Qué y Quienes son los responsables?La Fé se pone a prueba ¿Te preguntarás donde esta Dios?Dios estaba ahi mismoCon la gente inocente que murióCon la gente que milagrosamente sobrevivióAun con los que cometieron la horrible y desafortunada decisión de causarloDios lo controla todoEn su infinita sabiduría, el mundo gira como debe de girar ¿Quién lo hizo y como vengarse?Puede que sea más fácil decir quien no lo hizo.Los trabajadores del WTC quienes venian de diferentes caminos en la vida y detodas las razas y credosY aquellos que

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July - Sept 2010, Poems

Where was God on September 11th and where is justice now?

By Samantha Sanchez Questions automatically consume our existenceHow and why does tragedy happenWho and what are responsibleFaith is put to the test Where was God you ask?God was right there.With the innocent people who diedWith the people who miraculously survivedEven with those who made the horrible and unfortunate choice to cause itGod controls everythingIn his infinite wisdom the world goes as it should be Who did this and how can we fight back?Perhaps I can answer who didn’t do this more easily.The workers at WTC who were from all walks of life and all races and creedsAnd those who now

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April - June 2010, Poems

El Amigo Amoroso

Por Daniel Montenegro Noches se pasan en total soledadQuizá con la luna como único testigoA la más cercana unión entre él y su pareja.El amado aparece y el corazón responde,Ha sido muy larga la separación, demasiada la espera,Sin embargo, vino y me cuidó.Intoxicado, la flama del amor consumió mi almay le hizo pensar, “la espera ha sido larga, ha valido la espera.”Despues le dí un vistazo al mundo y con dolor me percatéSolo una noche de encontrarme con mi amado, penseque debería abrumarle las catastrofes que el hombre ha causado.Pero el hombre con su arrogancia no tiene teimpo de conocerlo,Está

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Jan - Mar 2010, Poems

Because Allah ta’ala made me both…

By MusliRican http://muslirican.blogspot.com/ Hejab on my headWith a machete dangling from my neckI’m not a terroristJust a bonafide Boricua with coquis on my mindI love the flares of salsa skirtsWith claves and congas singing to my heart’s contentWhile I prostrate on the sands of RinconAwaiting the whales to make their presenceBorinquen is my paradiseAllah is my creatorYes–I can inhabit both spacesAnd when bachata comes on the radioI move three steps liftThree steps liftAnd when the azhan is called“Allahu Akbar” and “Bismillah” run out of my mouthGive me some piraguas with a side of datesA little of sunlight with a dash

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Oct - Dec 2009, Poems

Eyes of the Outsider

By Francisco Deleon http://www.islamicpoetry.org/viewpoem341.htm I looked at the Men who bowed in the day to the strangemusic that playedThe voice hypnotizingThey say Islamic Faith ..Is corruptBut if they lookThey are corruptThey see what they wish to seeBut from outsiders eyes I see beautyI see sands sweeping soft melodiesI hear children playI cry for understanding of two faithsI fear the impendingBut open my arms to Allah Copyright 11/11/2006.

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April - June 2009, Poems

Unwrap Me

By Shinoa Matos Unwrap meand find nothing extraordinaryexcept the ordinary, yet extraordinary me No “freedom” to exposeMy hair will tell you nothingEvident are my truthsIn speech, action, and thinking My body’s crevices, belonging to my makerWill give you not a drop of informationIt is my attitude, my spirit, and faithIn which you can make your assessment, your evaluation For you see, not a sliver of sound can be heardNot a piece of personality can be seenFrom all your walking modelsBinging, prostituting, and exposing It is you who needs unwrappingFrom your material and immoralityFind comfort in your blessingsRather than your ego,

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Jan - Mar 2009, Poems

La fundación del Islam

Por Mansoor Marican La fundación del Islam es elchaháda o la declaración de la fe. La traducción del significado del chaháda es“yo atestiguo que no hay otro dios paraadorar excepto Aláh y Mujammad esel ultimo mensajero de Aláh.” Se debe creer en el corazón y ser declaradoverbalmente con sinceridad, certeza y sinduda, entendiendo su significado, yaceptando todas sus condiciones. La primera parte del chaháda comienzaen la negativa (“ningún otro dios”) ytermina con afirmación (“excepto Aláh”). La creencia en Islam comienzacon el rechazo de todo que no es Dios.Incluye los profetas, santos ydioses falsos hechos por sereshumanos tales como ídolos y

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Oct - Dec 2008, Poems

Creencia en un solo Dios

Por Dr. Y Mansoor Marican, Ph.D. La creencia en un Dioses la base del Islam. La mera aceptación que existe unDios no hace a uno un creyente. El creyente acepta a Dios enla manera que Dios se describe. La única descripción correcta de Diosse encuentra en el Corán que contienelas palabras de Dios exactas. En el Corán noble Dios usa elnombre personal de Al-lah. El nombre árabe “Al-láh” es librede género y no tiene forma plural. “No hay otro dios que pueda seradorado con excepción de Al-láh” esla parte más importante en lacreencia islámica en un Dios. Al-láh es el

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