
July – Sept 2010

July - Sept 2010, Latino Muslims

The Tri-State Latino Muslims

By Ismail Ocasio http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=72781187208 July 22, 2010 As Salaamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuhu Peace be onto you my dear brothers and sisters. I am sure most of you have noticed the change in the settings of this group. This letter will better explain the changes that were made and the reason behind them. When I first created this group it was in response to an event I attended with our brothers and sisters in the North Hudson Community (May Allah accept their Islam and their efforts). As a Latino born and raised in this deen, especially coming from a

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Islam, July - Sept 2010

Islam in the Dominican Republic

From DR1.com http://dr1.com/articles/islam.shtml Although it has become one of the most controversial religions of the 21st century, there is much intrigue and misinformation surrounding Islam. The political realities associated with the religion have forced many who have had limited contact with Islam to form, at times, disingenuous and misguided opinions about it. It has become an unfortunate reality that when conversations about Islam are initiated, many wary eyes raise eyebrows in concern, fearing that television images will soon become a reality in a restaurant near you. But nestled away from the grim images we see on the daily news, in

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Islam, July - Sept 2010

Eid al-Fitr BBQ in Bay Area

http://www.muslim-calendar.com/syndicate.aspx?eventid=7311 Date: Sept. 12, 2010Time: 1:00 PMLocation: Harding Park(Lake Merced)99 Harding RoadSan Francisco, CA 95141Metroplex: Bay Area, CA Description: The Bay Area Latino Muslim Society and Society of Islamic Education invites you to our Eid al-Fitr event this Sunday celebrating the end of Ramadan with family and friends of the community. There will be tons of food, activities for the kids, and lots of fun celebrating this blessed day here in the beautiful Bay Area! So Inshallah come out, bring your family and friends. Feel free to bring any cultural dishes to share with everyone and meet the rest of

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Islam, July - Sept 2010

My Granada Experience

By Justin Mauro Benavidez Muslim Spain was one of the greatest civilizations in history. The history of al-Andalus, as it was known in Arabic, is celebrated for the convivencia of the three Abrahamic traditions living side by side. Moreover, it is the birthplace of some of the greatest intellectual and spiritual masters of the Islamic tradition: Ibn Rushd, al-Qurṭubī Ibn ʿArabī, Ibn Juzayy, al-Shaṭīib—whose scholarship made important contributions to European civilization. Today Spain is home to some of the most spectacular architectural monuments—the Alcazar in Sevilla and in Granada the Alhambra, Spain’s pride and joy. Southern Spain today, and Granada in particular,

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Islam, July - Sept 2010

Islam in Latin America, an FIU Project

http://casgroup.fiu.edu/lacc/pages.php?id=458 Islam in Latin America is a collaborative project of FIU and the Social Science Research Council-Carnegie foundation that aims at addressing the significant disparity that exists between the American media’s, and by extension the American public’s, perception of Muslims in Latin America and the reality of the current state of affairs. Part of this communication problem can be attributed to the lack of sound and systematic examination of this subject in English. Islam as a contemporary religious, cultural, and socio-historical phenomenon in Latin America is grossly understudied, especially when compared to its European, Asian, and North American counterparts. The

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July - Sept 2010, Latino Muslims

Who are Latino Muslims?

By Juan Galvan Islamic Horizons MagazineJuly/August 1429/2008, Pp 26-30. Any discussion of Latino Muslims is tri-dimensional: Latinos, Muslims and Latino Muslims. Who are Latinos? Who are Muslims? Who are Latino Muslims? Disagreements abound about the meaning of each dimension. However, attempts to answer these questions lead to others and, consequently, a better understanding of Latino Muslims. The first large-scale conversions of Hispanics occurred in the 1960s and 1970s, when many Spanish-language Muslim groups began to emerge and the Black Muslim movement was at its height. In 1997, the American Muslim Council counted approximately 40,000 Hispanic Muslims; in 2006, it counted

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Islam, July - Sept 2010

Ramadan entre los musulmanes latinos de los Estados Unidos

Por Juan Alvarado Para algunos musulmanes latinos, el comienzo del Ramadán es determinado por la información obtenida de países islámicos, organizaciones islámicas, por las mezquitas, o por amigos y familiares. La mayoría de musulmanes en los Estados Unidos son árabes, paquistanies, o afroamericanos. Los musulmanes hispanos son apenas una fracción de los musulmanes aquí. Por tal razón es que hay muy pocos programas islámicos para principiantes hispanos. Sin embargo, algunas mezquitas con poblaciones altas de creyentes hispanos tienen clases en espanol para los que no entienden el inglés u otros idiomas usados en la mezquita. En Ramadán algunos centros islámicos

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July - Sept 2010, Poems

¿Donde estaba Dios el 11 de Septiembre y donde esta la justicia ahora?

Por Samantha Sanchez Preguntas que automaticamente consumen nuestra existencia¿Cómo y porque suceden las tragedias?¿Qué y Quienes son los responsables?La Fé se pone a prueba ¿Te preguntarás donde esta Dios?Dios estaba ahi mismoCon la gente inocente que murióCon la gente que milagrosamente sobrevivióAun con los que cometieron la horrible y desafortunada decisión de causarloDios lo controla todoEn su infinita sabiduría, el mundo gira como debe de girar ¿Quién lo hizo y como vengarse?Puede que sea más fácil decir quien no lo hizo.Los trabajadores del WTC quienes venian de diferentes caminos en la vida y detodas las razas y credosY aquellos que

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July - Sept 2010, Poems

Where was God on September 11th and where is justice now?

By Samantha Sanchez Questions automatically consume our existenceHow and why does tragedy happenWho and what are responsibleFaith is put to the test Where was God you ask?God was right there.With the innocent people who diedWith the people who miraculously survivedEven with those who made the horrible and unfortunate choice to cause itGod controls everythingIn his infinite wisdom the world goes as it should be Who did this and how can we fight back?Perhaps I can answer who didn’t do this more easily.The workers at WTC who were from all walks of life and all races and creedsAnd those who now

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July - Sept 2010, Quotes of the Month

Quotes of the Month

“God is the light of the heavens and the earth. His light is like a niche that holds a lamp; it is like a lamp which contains a crystal as bright as a star. It is kindled from a blessed tree, an olive tree that belongs neither to the east nor to the west. Its oil would almost shine, even with no fire touching it. It is light upon light. God guides towards his light all whom he chooses.” – Quran 24:35. “Swell not thy cheek (for pride) at men, nor walk in insolence through the earth; for God loveth

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