Oct – Dec 2011

Oct - Dec 2011, Other

Hispanic Muslim Day 2011

http://www.muslim-calendar.com/EventDetails.aspx?EventId=8947 Date: Sunday, October 23, 2011 @ 1:00 AM Event contact: Home 2 (Boxed) Location: North Hudson Islamic Educational Center4613 Cottage PlaceUnion City, NJ 07087 Description: We welcome people of all faith to join us in celebrating the 9th Annual Hispanic Muslim Day. It is a day of recognition, support and encouragement for our new Muslim brothers and sisters. This gathering is to invite our neighbors to learn more about Islam and to celebrate those who already have embraced it. Our mission: to share guidance of the glorious Quran, and the mercy of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) with our neighbors

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Oct - Dec 2011, Other

About “Hawo’s Dinner Party”

http://www.shelbyvillemultimedia.org/modules/hdp/ With tensions mounting between the U.S. and the Muslim world, integrating newcomers from those countries raises a whole set of sensitivities and challenges. That’s where “Hawo’s Dinner Party: The New Face of Southern Hospitality” comes in. This half-hour DVD serves as a tool for community leaders including educators, clergy, law enforcement, public officials, and employers who are helping to integrate newcomers with unique needs, often against considerable obstacles. By focusing on the experiences of several Somali residents in Shelbyville including Hawo, a refugee and former nurse who now works at a local poultry processing plant, and Mohamed, the local

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Oct - Dec 2011, Other

Who’s Using “Hawo’s Dinner Party” and Why

http://www.shelbyvillemultimedia.org/who%E2%80%99s-using-hdp/ Across the country from houses of worship to YMCA’s, libraries, classrooms and more people are taking a cue from Hawo. Community leaders are using her story to bring people together in established and informal settings to help deepen discussions, build new relationships, and break down stereotypes across faith, race, culture and citizenship status. You can use it too. Below are a few highlights to help you plan! …More than 250 people attended this first-ever collaboration between local Muslim and Latina/o communities, convened by Puentes New Orleans, the Islamic Shura Council of Greater New Orleans and the Jefferson Muslim Association.

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Oct - Dec 2011, Other

Hawo’s Dinner Party in New Orleans

By Jenny Yanez Assalamu Aleikum,Peace and blessings dear brothers, sisters, friends, and colleagues, Attached please find an invitation to a special gathering tomorrow, Friday, November 11th, from 7:00pm-9:00pm at the new Islamic Center in Kenner, LA, also known as Dar Al Salam Hall. It is adjacent to the Islamic School of Greater New Orleans. Latinola, Puentes, Jefferson Muslim Association, and The Islamic Shura Council of Greater New Orleans have joined together in a partnership that we believe will benefit the community in general. We hope that this first gathering will help start a dialogue regarding immigrants and refugees living in

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Oct - Dec 2011, Other

Two Latino Cultural Events at the Muslim Community Association

Homepage Latin Cultural NightMCA Banquet HallFriday, December 09, 201106:30pm – 10:00pm Latin Cultural NightMCA Banquet HallFriday, December 09, 201106:30pm – 10:00pm Our Mission: We are the Muslim Community Association of the San Francisco Bay Area. In cooperation with Muslim communities around the Bay Area, our mission is to: Live our faith as a congregation, inspired by the teachings of the Quran and Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) as individuals and as a collective body, and to foster a mission of peace, justice and compassion for all within our Mosque, our community and the world.

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Oct - Dec 2011, Other

Creación de “CAIR en Español’

Por Wilfredo A. Ruiz, Esq. 25 de agosto de 2011 Assalam Ailekum; Ramadan Kareem! ” Bismillah: Sé que la mayoría de ustedes conocen la organización CAIR (Council of American Islamic Relations – http://fl.cair.com/sfl/). También estoy seguro que conocen y/o han experimentado la necesidad de nuestra comunidad de musulmanes latinos en los EEUU de tener un vehículo de representación ante los cada vez más frecuentes expresiones de islamofobia, desinformación sobre el Islam y nuestro Profeta (SWS) y en el plano personal las reiteradas violaciones de nuestros derechos civiles ya sea con problemas con patronos que no respetan el derecho de las

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Hajj, Oct - Dec 2011

Running to Remember a Mother and Her Trust in Allah

From YesPakistan.com http://www.yespakistan.com/eid/running.asp Muslims who perform the Hajj or Umra must run in the middle portion of the distance between Safa and Marwa seven times. Safa and Marwa are two hills close to the Kaba. This is a commemoration of one mother’s sacrifice for her son. That mother was Hajira (may Allah be pleased with her). Her son was the Prophet Ismail (peace be upon him). Prophet Ibrahim (peace be upon him) was Hajira’s husband, and Ismail’s father. Hajira’s example of sacrifice took place when she and her baby was left in the valley of Makkah by Allah’s order as

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Oct - Dec 2011, Other

Guerra y Paz

By Miguel Alvear http://www.miguelalvear.com/resources/hoy%20encontre%20un%20lugar%2005.pdf Este díptico es un retrato del quiteño: Dr. Juan Suquillo, Shaij del Centro Islámico e Imam de los Musulmanes en Ecuador. Estudió en la Escuela Militar, y cuando subteniente, se enfrentó al ejército peruano en la Cordillera del Cóndor, durante el conflicto armado de 1981. Una mina le causó gravísimas heridas y la pérdida de su mano derecha. Al borde de la muerte, Juan Suquillo dice que se dió cuenta que “no estaba preparado para enfrentar a Dios”. Luego de su recuperación fue condecorado con la Cruz al Mérito de Guerra y viajó a Estados Unidos

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Oct - Dec 2011, Women in Islam

In Memory of Sister Mary Ali

By Rebecca Abuqaoud December 9, 2011 Assalam Aleikum dear sisters in Islam, It was not easy to receive the sad news of the decease of Sister Mary Ali last Tuesday. The news was shocking. She leaves us with great memories. May Allah SWT have mercy on her soul and grant her the highest rank in Paradise. It was an honor to have Mary Ali among us with her teachings, advice, and wisdom. The first time, I met Sister Mary Ali face-to-face was in my house in September 8, 2001. I invited her over the phone to my house to share

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Latino Muslims, Oct - Dec 2011

Latino Muslims in Hispanic Parade

By Nahela Morales Before the Parade: September 30, 2011 Assalam Alaikum WRWB Brothers & Sisters, For the first time our Hispanic Muslim community will be participating in the parade of “Hispanidad” this Sunday, October 2 at 10:00 am. It is very important that we all participate as our mosque is in this community. This is the best opportunity for dawah and to show the surrounding communities how diverse we are. I can’t stress enough how importance it is to attend this parade. Please, join us for the sake of Allah. We will are waiting for all of you at the

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Oct - Dec 2011, Poems


By Emily Correa RenewThe journeybacktowardsmy innocence,was my deepestdesire. To be once againlike a child,full of acceptance,and voidof allsin. And to go backto “living to learn”,and reversingmy habits ofdestruction. Once,I wasstrapped downwith vainities,plusI grew up too soon, My inner selfsufferedcontradictions,bruisesand selfishpursuits. But as newas a butterfly,I sought to beresurrected, Becausewith too muchwaterin my lungs,I admitI almostdrowned. That day,I finallyrealizedtherewas no oneto save me,alone,and deserted,I cried out. Then I surrendered.

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Oct - Dec 2011, Quotes of the Month

Quotes of the Month

“Had God not repelled some people by the might of others, the monasteries, churches, synagogues, and mosques in which God’s praise is daily celebrated, would have been utterly demolished. God will certainly help those who help His cause.” – Quran 22:40. “O you who believe! Avoid much suspicions, indeed some suspicions are sins. And spy not, neither backbite one another. Would one of you like to eat the flesh of his dead brother? You would hate it (so hate backbiting). And fear Allah. Verily, Allah is the One Who accepts repentance, Most Merciful.” Quran 49:12. The Prophet said, “Every Muslim

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