The Impact of Latino Dawah on Strengthening the Muslim Community Dawah, the Islamic tradition of spreading the message of Islam, takes various forms across the globe. In recent years, there has been a significant and positive development within the Muslim community – the rise of Latino Dawah. This refers to the efforts made by Latino Muslims to share their faith with fellow Latinos and the wider community. This phenomenon has brought about numerous benefits, contributing to the diversity, unity, and growth of the Muslim community. In this article, we will explore the various ways in which Latino Dawah has positively
Read MoreBy Wendy Díaz May 8, 2021 Original link: Representation Matters: Islamic Books for Latino Children | About Islam Fifteen years ago, my husband and I, both Latino converts to Islam, welcomed our first son to this world. Alhamdulillah, he was the first Muslim child born into our families, a blend of Puerto Rican and Ecuadorian heritages living here in the U.S. His fitra, that innate faith in one Supreme Creator, was untainted unlike ours had been. He did not have to discover Islam later in life in his teens and twenties like his parents had. We named him Uthman after
Read MoreBy Aaron Siebert-Llera As a light-skinned (Chicago winters will do that to anyone) Mexican-American, I have often had to deal with the frequent ‘you don’t look Mexican’ comments. Now that I am also Muslim (13 years & counting), I am more often mistaken for being Arab or Bosnian, so I actually blend in at the mosque. But when people find out I’m Mexican, they then ask the question ‘wait, how can you be Mexican and Muslim?’ Part of the issue for people not being aware of our presence has always been that the greater Latino/a community does not do a
Read MoreFrom MuslimSpeak July 3, 2008 The Kalimah & the Shahādah in Various Languages If one were to search the net they would find various pages dedicated to demonstrating how to say and write ‘I love you’ in as many languages as those making the list can compile. One might also find less meaningful phrases such as ‘Where is the bar?’ or ‘Cheers!’. For any Muslim there is indeed no phrase more dear to them than the Shahādah or the Kalimah, so I decided to compile such a list for surely it would be far more useful and beloved to us than
Read MoreCentro Islámico Para Asuntos de la In the name of Allah, most gracious and most mercifulAll Praise be to AllahPeace and blessings upon our beloved Prophet Muhammad, his family and his companionsPeace be upon you ISLAMIC CENTER OF WOMAN’S AFFAIRS in order to provide the correct information about Islam and Muslims to the Guatemalan society, the center has done its first Islamic conference to general audience on the topic: “THE REAL PERSONALITY OF PROPHET MUHAMMAD” onSaturday, October 6th, 2012. For this activity, many Muslims and Non-Muslims have come and paid special attention to the topic and also asked questions
Read MorePor Imam Juan Suquillo Latinoamérica el terruño de las nuevas generaciones de musulmanes en occidente. Veinte años atrás cuando decidimos con mi esposa y un grupo de hermanos musulmanes fundar el primer Centro Islámico reconocido oficialmente por el gobierno Ecuatoriano, jamás pensé que este decisión sería la semilla edificadora de una nueva identidad naciente en Ecuador: El Musulmán Latinoamericano. Interpretando la marca de identidad de las jóvenes generaciones que han transcurrido en estos años en nuestro Centro Islámico, se puede colegir con certeza, que el Musulmán Latinoamericano no pertenece al estereotipo del musulmán inmigrante en Latinoamérica, pues su pertenencia geográfica
Read MoreBy Dr. Abdellatif Charafi This article is intended to be a trip in time to a very special period in world history: from the ninth to the thirteenth century in Andalusia, and more specifically in Córdoba, where a million people lived in Europe’s largest city, the cultural center of that period. There existed no separation between rigorous scientific study, wisdom and faith. Nor was East separated from West; nor was the Muslim from the Jew or the Christian. It was there that the European Renaissance actually began, and from where it grew. By examining the trajectory of Islam in Andalusia,
Read MoreFrom IslamToday April 1, 2012 A delegation of Muslim and Jewish leaders representing five Latin American countries and two Caribbean islands ended two days of high level meetings in Washington, DC vowing to strengthen ties between their two communities. The Mission of Latin American Muslim and Jewish Leaders to Washington, DC was hosted by The Foundation for Ethnic Understanding (FFEU) and the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA). 14Fourteen Muslim and Jewish leaders from Brazil, Argentina, Peru, Ecuador, Uruguay, Barbados and St. Croix were introduced to the pioneering work spearheaded by FFEU to strengthen Muslim-Jewish relations in North America
Read MoreFrom Amnesty International 23 April 2012 European governments must do more to challenge the negative stereotypes and prejudices against Muslims fuelling discrimination especially in education and employment, a new report by Amnesty International reveals today. “Muslim women are being denied jobs and girls prevented from attending regular classes just because they wear traditional forms of dress, such as the headscarf. Men can be dismissed for wearing beards associated with Islam,” said Marco Perolini, Amnesty International’s expert on discrimination. “Rather than countering these prejudices, political parties and public officials are all too often pandering to them in their quest for
Read MoreBy Wendy Diaz April 4, 2012 (English below) As salaamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu Queridos Hermanos y Hermanas, ¡Hablamos Islam Niños está en el proceso de publicar nuevos libros, insha’Allah! Alhamdulillah, hemos tenido éxito con los primeros 3 y estamos anciosos de terminar los próximos, insha’Allah, pero necesitamos su ayuda. Si nos ayudan a recaudar fondos, podremos procesar e imprimir los nuevos libros más rapidamente, insha’Allah.Pueden donar por medio de nuestra página: (opríma el boton para “chipin” en el derecho de la pantalla) y también enviarle este mensaje a sus contactos. Para las personas que contribuyan $50 o
Read More Introduction: Praise be to Allaah who gave us this life and the opportunity to worship him, and blessings be upon the last of his messengers, Muhammad saw. Good manners are indispensable in the life of the believer and every believer should try to put them into practice. This little book does not explain all the manners of Islam being that these are many, however it is an effort to make you know some of them. Islamic manners are a way to get closer to our creator, and by putting these into practice we can obtain a personality according to what Allah
Read MoreFrom: “Companions of The Prophet”, Vol.1, By: Abdul Wahid Hamid.MSA of the University of Missouri-Rolla History would have by-passed this man as it had by-passed thousands of Arabs before him. He, like them, would have had no claim to attention or fame. The greatness of Islam, however, gave to Abdullah ibn Hudhafah the opportunity to meet two world potentates of his time “Khusraw Parvez the King of Persia and Heraclius, the Byzantine emperor. The story of his encounter with Khusraw Parvez began in the sixth year of the hijrah when the Prophet decided to send some of his Companions with letters to
Read MoreBy The LADO Group بِسْمِاللَّهِالرَّحْمَنِالرَّحِيمِ What is the reason for this paper? Why do we need a message for non-Muslims? Why do we need a message to Latinos? The whole purpose or existence of LADO (Latino American Dawah Organization) is the propagation of Islam to anyone interested. However, LADO’s emphasis is to show Islam to Hispanics or Latin Americans. Our basic mission is “… to promote Islam among the Latino community within the United States by becoming better-educated Muslims and by working with like-minded Muslims …” From the beginning of recorded history, humanity has been seeking the meaning of life – Why are we here? Who
Read MoreBy Yusef Maisonet August 3, 2011 As Salaamu Alaikum wa rahmatullah wa barakatullah, I serve the Muslim community in the most treacherous prison in the United States. We have approximately fifteen Muslim brothers on Death Row and a large Muslim community in regular population. All members of the Holman Islamic Community have many needs. They all want to learn the way of (Ahlus sunnah wal Jamaah). Alhamdulila. They make Wudu and Salah like the Prophet (SAW), as explained by Shaykh Muhammad S. Adly. The need is great but I am counting on those that know that this work is hard
Read MoreBy Holly Garza July 14, 2009 As-salamu Alaykum! This just means “peace be upon you” or, in Spanish, “La paz sea con usted”. Am I hot in my headscarf with covered arms and legs? Yes, I am hot, but I’m not any hotter than you not covering like I do. Honestly, at times I’m even four to six degrees cooler than you. Now, a few degrees cooler will not make me feel cool in 95 degree weather, but I am not really suffering much more than someone who is not covered. This I know for a fact. At home
Read MoreFrom the Andalucia Center Blog August 27, 2011 In efforts to raise awareness and support for its groundbreaking project, the Andalucia Center and IslamInSpanish hosted a Fundraising Gala on August 17th. Entitled “Serving Humanity in the Multimedia Age”, the Gala affair featured various figures that spoke openhearted about the impact the Center has made so far in the community and its need to be recognized as a headquarters of using media to promote social change. An assortment of videos played which not only highlighted the targeted demographics that the center caters to–Youth, Women, New Muslims, Latinos and the General
Read MoreBy Imam Yusuf Rios God Almighty says in the 107 verse of the 21st chapter of the Qur’an “And we have not sent you except as a mercy to all of Creation” A Thematic Introduction to the Verse Theme One: Islam Is Peace And Justice For All This verse of the Holy Qur’an, defines the reality of the person of Muhammad (May the Peace and Blessings of God be Upon him) emphasizing him as primarily characterized by mercy. The most prominent feature describing the Prophetic mission of Muhammad (PBUH) besides his comprehensiveness is just this -his being a mercy
Read MoreBy Nylka Vargas LLAMO NewsletterApril 13, 2011 – Vol. 1, Issue 1 PIEDAD (Propagación Islámica para la Educación y Devocion a Allah el Divino) is a national network of Muslim women coming together for the common good: spiritual development, community building, sisterhood, and educational outreach, with a focus on the Latina/Hispanic community. As-Salaamu Alaikum! Thank you for your interest in PIEDAD. The following is an outline of our programs. We hope that you enjoy reading about the and ask for your feedback. If you have any questions, or would like to help us out please send us an email.
Read MorePeace be with you, We hope that you are enjoying a spring season of warmth, blooming, renewal and growth. We’d like to inform you of a mosque open house at the Islamic Association of North Texas on April 2, 2011. The open house will include a tour, information booths, English and Spanish presentation, Q & A sessions, free gifts, free literature, and of course, free Mediterranean food! Please feel free to share this information with anyone who might be interested to attend. The details are as follows: Mosque Open HouseApril 2, 2011, 2:30 — 5:30 PMIslamic Association of North Texas840
Read MoreBy Wendy Diaz In English: Bismillahi ar Rahmani ar Rahim.As salaamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu dear brothers and sisters, Hablamos Islam and Hablamos Islam Niños are established programs that provide Islamic resources to the Spanish-speaking community. However, in our efforts to expand and meet the needs of both our Hispanic/Latino and English-speaking brothers and sisters, we have published our Islamic children’s books in both English and Spanish, alhamdulillah. Our newest book is called “The First Day of Ramadan/El Primer Día de Ramadán” and is priced at $11.99. This is the perfect pre-Ramadan gift for your child! All proceeds go
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