Islam, July - Sept 2011

Your Assistance is Always Needed

By Yusef Maisonet

August 3, 2011

As Salaamu Alaikum wa rahmatullah wa barakatullah,

I serve the Muslim community in the most treacherous prison in the United States. We have approximately fifteen Muslim brothers on Death Row and a large Muslim community in regular population. All members of the Holman Islamic Community have many needs.

They all want to learn the way of (Ahlus sunnah wal Jamaah). Alhamdulila. They make Wudu and Salah like the Prophet (SAW), as explained by Shaykh Muhammad S. Adly. The need is great but I am counting on those that know that this work is hard but fruitful. As many of you know, I also do work in Puerto Rico and Cuba, and your financial support allows me to continue all of this much-needed work.

This Ramadan we are trying to raise a minimum of five thousand dollars ($5000.00) to send a believer to hajj (inshAllah). I am asking you for your help during this Blessed Month of Ramadan. We are getting ready to open a grocery store to help us achieve our goal of being a service to the Muslim and Non-Muslim community. We want to create jobs and make decent food products more available. This is to implement all that I have learned from my Muslim brothers and sisters from overseas. I’m appealing to the Muslim in you for your assistance.

We are also doing everything that we can for the Muslims that are incarcerated, so that they may have a prosperous Ramadan. And, during this Blessed Month, they continue to have many needs including Islamic literature, prayer rugs, kufis and for the Eids, halal food slaughter by Muslims and cooked for the Muslim inmates. I just wanted to make you aware of some of the blessings that you can earn as caretakers of this Deen. Again, please consult your hearts.

We have a Paypal account on our website:

Ramadan Mubarak to all of the believers.

Imam Yusef Maisonet
Masjid As-Salaam
313B Houston St.
Mobile, Al 36606