

Islam, July - Sept 2006

Hispanic Muslim Day 2006

http://mymasjid.org/content/view/46/2 The Islamic Educational Center of North Hudson held it’s 4th Annual Hispanic Muslim Day event yesterday (September 10th, 2006) to celebrate the Islamic heritage Latinos from across the globe share through their Moorish ancestors who once ruled Spain for over 800 years. The day’s event was filled with lectures, food, games, and Q&A sessions. Many Latino converts, along with some of their family and friends, attended the event that was first created by IEC 4 years ago to recognize their ever-growing Latino congregation. With the rapid rate by which Latinos are converting to Islam, IEC recognized the need for

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April - June 2006, Islam

Do Muslims have a Sense of Humor?

By Juan Alvarado Ever since I came to Islam, I’ve been struggling with this question. I tried to find out if there were Muslim comedians and in the beginning, I found none. Then I realized there were comedians. The problem was that they did not speak English. Well, that’s a relief. At least there are Muslims who try to make others laugh. Much later I found that there are English-speaking Muslim comedians. What does this matter? Lots of times, I’ve gotten the feeling that most Muslims are stodgy, unfunny characters. I’m sure others must have gotten the same feeling. We

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April - June 2006, Islam

In Between Religions (Regressa a tu Senior y tu Cultura Latino)

By Raheel Rojas Bismillah ar Rahman hir Raheem MY WANDERINGS When I was wandering the land between Christianity and Islam a long time ago I used to visit a lot of Muslim chat sites. I met many people who knew about Islam but did not revert. It was strange that I met these people during that time of my life. A Sikh (The religion that wears turbans) was telling me that he wanted to be a Muslim but he loved and honored his family so he remained a Sikh. He called me a coward for thinking of becoming a Muslim

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Islam, Jan - Mar 2006, Quran

Prophet Ibrahim: The father of the Prophets

From Islamicity.com http://www.islamicity.com/mosque/ibrahim.htm The birth of a Great Prophet Ibrahim was born in a house of idolaters, in the kingdom of Babylon. His father Aazar was a well known idol sculptor that his people worshipped. As a young child, Ibrahim used to watch his father sculpting these idols from stones or wood. When his father was done with them, Ibrahim would use them as toys, riding on their backs, and kicking them at times. Then after a while, he would see these same statues in the temple, and people prostrating in front of them! Ibrahim asked his father: “Why do

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Islam, Jan - Mar 2006

Alhamdulilla. Gracias A Dios.

By Juan Galvan The Message InternationalNovember-December 2005http://www.messageonline.org Editorial I grew up in the Texas Panhandle. I spent over half my life in two small towns, Turkey and Quitaque. Turkey was named after Turkey Creek. Quitaque was named after an Indian name, which means “horse manure.” I sometimes joke that I am uncultured as a result. The population of both towns is less than 600 and shrinking. In 1972, the Turkey and Quitaque schools consolidated creating Valley School halfway between the two towns. I attended Valley School and have fond memories of life as a Valley Patriot. Of course, our school

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Islam, Oct - Dec 2005

Considerations When Translating Islamic Texts into Spanish

By Shafiq (Juan) Alvarado Brief History of Spanish The Spanish language has a fascinating history. Having evolved in the Iberian Peninsula, Spanish is now spoken by an estimated 332 million people in about 20 countries and within many other countries. Because very many people in many countries speak it, Spanish was chosen as one of the representative languages of the United Nations. Another result is a natural variation has evolved in all of the countries and regions. For example, Spanish words, slang, and dialect may vary within a particular country or region. Spanish evolved out of ‘vulgar Latin’ or the

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Islam, July - Sept 2005

Alicante’s Muslims May Spend Ramadan With no Mosque

By Al-Amin AndalusiIslamOnline Correspondent http://www.islamonline.net/English/News/2005-09/05/article06.shtml MADRID, September 5, 2005, (IslamOnline.net) Muslims in the Spanish city of Alicante are facing the bitter possibility of seeing the doors of their only mosque shut down before or during the holy months of Ramadan. The problem escalated few weeks before the advent of the holy fasting month when the City’s Municipality decided to close down the mosque, in response to complaints by the city’s residents. Muslims of Alicante have succeeded to convince the local authorities to suspend the closure decision, pending a court ruling on the issue. The suspension decision followed a meeting between

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Islam, July - Sept 2005

IQRA! Newspaper in the Eye of the Storm

By Amatullah Abdullah and Corey Habbas In the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, September’s tragic natural disaster which left the city of New Orleans devastated, IQRA! Newspaper with the determination of its founder-editor Sister Cara-Karema Harpole, and some help from technology in the form of the Internet – emerged from the eye of the storm intact. As the people of New Orleans evacuated the flooded city, Cara took what she could carry with her – a computer and a few copies of IQRA! – and sought refuge, first in Baton Rouge in a Muslim village of Louisiana State University students, and

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Islam, July - Sept 2005

“Delegates of 33 Latin American countries and from the Muslim World met in Lima.”

Lima, 17 of July of 2005. Delegates of 33 Latin American countries and the Arab world met in Lima for the 5th Congress of Islamic Organizations of Latin America and the Caribbean. The meeting was sponsored by the Islamic Organization for the Education, Science and Culture (ISESCO), the Islamic Organization for Latin America and the Caribbean (OLPADI), and the Islamic Association of Peru. The meeting began with the speech of Dr Abdulaziz Al-Tuweijiri, CEO of ISESCO, as well as with the participation of diverse delegations of the Bank of Islamic Development (IDB) and of the Islamic International European Council. The

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April - June 2005, Islam

Andalusian Muslims Recall Painful Mass Exodus

By Al-Amin AndalusiIslamOnline Correspondent http://www.islam-online.net/English/News/2005-02/27/article02.shtml RABAT, February 27, 2005 (IslamOnline.net) — After more than five centuries, Muslims of Al-Andalus (now Spain) still mark every year in anguish the mass exodus of their ancestors by Spanish authorities to North Africa. The Moriscos, the name given to Muslims who were living in Spain after the fall of the last Muslim stronghold of Granada in 1492, were subjected to an array of persecution, torture, mass killings, forced conversions to Christianity, the notorious Spanish Inquisition and mass exodus that started in February 1502. Today, up to four million grandsons of the Moriscos are living

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April - June 2005, Islam

The Islamic Social Order

By Maulana Abul Ala Maududi Equality of Mankind Allah created a human couple to herald the beginning of the life of mankind on earth, and everybody living in the world today originates from this couple. The progeny of this couple were initially a single group with one religion and the same language. But as their numbers gradually increased, they spread all over the earth and, as a natural result of their diversification and growth, were divided into various tribes and nationalities. They came to speak different languages; their models of dress varied; and their ways of living also differed widely.

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April - June 2005, Islam

La Orden Social Islámica

Por Maulana Abul Ala Maududi http://www.whyislam.org/877/Espanol La Igualdad de la humanidad Alá creó un par de humanos para anunciar el principio de la vida humana en la tierra, y todos que vive en el mundo hoy origina de este par. La progenie de este par era inicialmente un solo grupo con una religión y una misma lengua. Pero como sus números aumentaron gradualmente, se separaron todos sobre la tierra y, como resultado natural de su diversificación y crecimiento, fueron divididos entre varias tribus y nacionalidades. Vinieron hablar diversos idiomas; sus modelos del vestido vino a variar; y sus maneras de

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Islam, Jan - Mar 2005

Eastern Europe Muslims Crave for Attention: Activist

By Radwa Hassan http://www.islam-online.net/English/News/2005-02/05/article05.shtml IslamOnline CAIRO, February 5 (IslamOnline.net) A Europe-based Muslim activist has called for according due attention to the sizable Muslim community in Eastern Europe, which has broken loose from the Communist yoke. “In East European countries like Albania, Bosnia, Kosovo and Macedonia Muslims make up the majority of populace,” Ayman Sayed Ahmad, director of Eastern Europe Department at the Federation of Islamic Organizations in Europe (FIOE), told IslamOnline.net’s visitors in a live dialogue. He added that in other countries such as Bulgaria, Ukraine and federal Russia Muslims are considered “influential minority communities”. Ahmad put the number of

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Islam, Jan - Mar 2005

Chicago’s Annual Latino Eid Al-Adha Festival

By Ricardo Pena Chicago Association of Latino-American Muslims Eid Al-Adha is the blessed holiday commemorating the event in which the Prophet Abraham, may the peace and blessings of God be upon him, was going to sacrifice his son in submission to the will of God before He stayed his hand. This act is the epitome of submission and has since been the example for all of mankind to follow. It is fitting that it is upon this holiday that Muslims take their pilgrimage to Mecca to fulfill one of the five pillars of Islam. For converted Muslims it is especially

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Islam, Oct - Dec 2004, Ramadan

Normas generales en el mes del Ramadán

EL CENTRO ISLAMICO DEL ECUADORhttp://www.centroislamico.org.ec NORMAS GENERALES EN LA OBSERVANCIA DE AYUNO DEL MES ISLAMICO DE RAMADÁN “! CREYENTES!. SE OS HA PRESCRITO EL AYUNO, AL IGUAL QUE SE PRESCRIBIO A LOS QUE OS PREDECIERON. QUIZAS ASI TEMAIS A ALAH (DIOS) “. – SURA AL-BAQARA: 183 ¿EN QUÉ CONSISTE EL AYUNO? El ayuno de Ramadán es una orden de Dios y una purificación, que consiste en la abstinencia total de la bebida, comida, relaciones matrimoniales y otros detalles más que puntualizaremos. ¿QUÉ TIEMPO DEL DIA? Comienza desde el amanecer hasta la puesta del sol. ¿QUÉ TIEMPO DEL AÑO? El mes

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Islam, Oct - Dec 2004

The Second Annual Hispanic Muslim Day

By Shinoa Matos Bismillah ArRahman ArRahim”We share family values,” said Imam Mohammad Al-Hayek, referring to the many commonalties that Latinos and Arabs share. “We even look alike.” This foundation of similarities was laid down at the 2nd Annual Latino Muslim Day Event that took place on Sunday, October 3rd, at the Islamic Educational Center of North Hudson in Union City New Jersey.The event held a succession of speakers, Qur’anic recitations, Q&A, trivia with prizes, food, and a gigantic cake with a replica of a Mosque on top of it. Each guest was given a folder containing Islamic materials in Spanish

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Islam, July - Sept 2004, Quran

Abu Huraira: The Beloved Narrator

By Hamzah Qassem From Nida’ul Magazine http://quraan.com/index.aspx?&tabid=35&artid=65 ” ‘An Abi Huraira radiyallahu anhu qal, qala Rasul Allahi, sallallahu alayhi wa sallam….”(On the authority of Abu Huraira, may Allah be pleased with him, he said: Allah’s Messenger (s.a.w) said…) Through this phrase millions of Muslims from early history of Islam to the present have come to be familiar with the name Abu Huraira, who you expect to find his name in most Hadith, Sirah or Fiqh books. Abu Huraira (r.a.a) enjoyed a great talent, he was gifted with an extraordinary long term memory to the extent that he would hear a

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Islam, July - Sept 2004

Etiquette guide for being the ideal guest

By Sound Vision Staff Writer http://www.soundvision.com/Info/misc/summer/sum.guest.asp Whether it’s your uncle in the Middle East, your aunt in the Midwest, your friend in Malaysia, or your nephew in Pakistan, invitations from relatives to visit for most Muslims are not scarce, Alhamdu lillah. And why not? Welcoming guests is a part of our way of life as Muslims. But being a good guest is the other side of this coin. Below are some tips to keep your hosts happy and your visit virtually problem-free. Tip #1: Don’t overstay Khalid ibn Amr relates that he heard the Messenger of Allah, the Prophet Muhammad

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Islam, July - Sept 2004, Women in Islam

Women in Islam

By Hasan Rabani How do women fit into Islam? What is their fate?This has been the subject of many a debate.“for the believing men and women, is a great reward’This is from Surah Al Azaab, the words of our Lord.It can be seen from reading the Holy Quranthat a woman has some privilege over a man. Women can pray at the mosque or even at home.They may marry or divorce, its their choice, their own.After marriage she can retain her old maiden nameand is rewarded for treating all her offspring the same.Once women are married they should live pious lives.“and

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April - June 2004, Islam

Common Questions About Mosques

Q: What is a mosque?A: A mosque is a public place of worship used by Muslims. The English word “mosque” is derived from its Arabic equivalent, masjid, which means “place of prostration.” Suitably termed, because the Islamic prayer, or salat, includes prostrating oneself before God. Q: How is a mosque used?A: The Mosque plays a central role in the Muslim community primarily because it functions as the place where we may congregate to perform the required five daily prayers as well as the Friday Communal Prayers. In the United States, mosques may also accommodate fulltime and weekend Islamic schools, day

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