
April – June 2004

April - June 2004, Latino Muslims

Comments: ISNA Latino Muslim Conference

By Juan Galvan Assalaam alaykum, During the July 4th weekend, I attended the fifth annual ISNA Latino Muslims Conference. The event was held in Dallas, Texas. Our main speaker was Imam Yahya Suquillo of Ecuador. Imam Suquillo helped a Latino take shahada at the event. It was beautiful to see a Latino make his declaration of faith in Arabic and Spanish. All the sisters were crying, and the brothers who weren’t crying were trying hard not to cry. After a day long of sessions, I requested the audience to write down their comments about the program. InshAllah, all Muslims can

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April - June 2004, Islam

Common Questions About Mosques

Q: What is a mosque?A: A mosque is a public place of worship used by Muslims. The English word “mosque” is derived from its Arabic equivalent, masjid, which means “place of prostration.” Suitably termed, because the Islamic prayer, or salat, includes prostrating oneself before God. Q: How is a mosque used?A: The Mosque plays a central role in the Muslim community primarily because it functions as the place where we may congregate to perform the required five daily prayers as well as the Friday Communal Prayers. In the United States, mosques may also accommodate fulltime and weekend Islamic schools, day

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April - June 2004, Islam

Vida Musulmana en Estados Unidos

http://usinfo.state.gov/espanol/muslim La Oficina de Programas de Información InternacionalDepartamento de Estado de Estados Unidos El Islam es una de las religiones de más rápido crecimiento en Estados Unidos. Según un estudio reciente, hay 1.209 mezquitas en este país y muchas más de la mitad de ellas se establecieron en los últimos 20 años. Entre el 17 y el 30 por ciento de los musulmanes estadounidenses son conversos. La familia ocupa el lugar central tanto de la vida estadounidense tradicional como de la mayoría de los inmigrantes musulmanes que, generalmente, han llegado en fecha más reciente. El ingeniero Shahed Amanullah, quien vive

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April - June 2004, Islam

The Future Is For Islam

By Shaykh Muhammad Qutb http://www.islaam.com/Article.aspx?id=317 The Islamic community had been left in ruins. It had been weakened and divided into small nations. The seeds of internal conflict had been planed and nurtured. Every effort had been made to draw society far away from the essence of religion, keeping people in ignorance and luring them with worldly incentives. Attempts to reform within an Islamic framework are still being suppressed. Religious practicing Muslims have become outcasts in their own society. And yet it was the will of Allah, the Almighty, that this religion would survive – not only survive, but make a

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April - June 2004, Islam, Quran, Women in Islam

La Virgen María en Islam

Por Juan Galvan Mucha gente se sorprendería al ver el amor que los Musulmanes sienten por la Virgen María, la madre de Jesús. En el Corán, a ninguna otra mujer se le da más atención que a María. Ella recibe más atención que a todos los Profetas con la excepción de Adán. En los 114 capítúlos del Corán, María esta entre las ocho personas en tener un capítúlo a su nombre. El decimonoveno capítúlo del Corán se llama Mariam, en honor a la Virgen María. ‘Mariam’ significa María en Árabe. El tercer capítúlo del Corán se llama Amran, el cuál

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April - June 2004, Islam, Quran, Women in Islam

The Virgin Mary in Islam

By Juan Galvan Many people may be surprised that Muslims love Mary, the mother of Jesus. In the Quran, no woman is given more attention than Mary. Mary receives the most attention of any woman mentioned in the Quran even though all the Prophets with the exception of Adam had mothers. Of the Quran’s 114 chapters, she is among the eight people who have a chapter named after them. The nineteenth chapter of the Quran is named after her, Mariam. Mariam means Mary in Arabic. The third chapter in the Quran is named after her father, Imran. Chapters Mariam and

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April - June 2004, Other

Al-Andalus (Andalusia), 2002

By Sharif Online under “On the Road”http://apacheeagles.tripod.com/caravansaryofpeace/id10.htmlwww.caravansary.de.vu Prophet Muhammad brought home to the Muslims in a famous hadith to travel for the sake of ´ilm (education, science) even if this journey takes us to China. Brother Bakr and I made a 10-day-trip to Andalusia in southern Spain; the Arabs gave it the name Al-Andalus. After having had a nice flight from Dusseldorf to Seville alhamdulillah we looked for a tourist information center so that we could arm ourselves with city maps. As we are perfect backpack travelers, we already had lots of information from the internet about the Andalusia sightseeing,

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April - June 2004, Latino Muslims

Latino Open House in New Orleans

By C.K. Harpole The Latino Open House was held on Sunday, April 25, 2004 from 3:00PM to 5:00PM. It was one of the first events of its kind to take place in our area. The open house took place at Masjid Abu Bakr Al-Siddiq in Metairie, Louisiana, a suburb of New Orleans. It was sponsored by Muslim American Society of New Orleans. The Latino Muslims are a group that follows Ahl-sunnah wal-jamaat. Sister Jenny Yanez hosted the event with the help of the Islamic community. Her mother is from Spain but lived in Cuba for many years. Her father and

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April - June 2004, Poems

Teens: It Is Hard

By a 15 year old Muslim teenager from Dallas, TX It is hard,So hard.The stress,The expectation,The obligation: “Uphold the family image”“Uphold Islam”“Make something of yourself”“Be successful”“Get better Grades”“Prove to your teachers you can”“Be an example to your siblings    and to other Muslim women”“You have more opportunities then I ever had”“Why aren’t you studying”“Study harder”“Do your homework”“Listen to your teachers”“What are they teaching you”“You just have to work harder”“You don’t take school serious enough”“You can be anything you want….    anything at all……” But, what do I want to beWhat do I want to studyCan I please them all? Can not be a failureCan

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April - June 2004, Quotes of the Month

Quotes of the Month

“Nay – whoever submits his whole self, to God and is a doer of good – he will get his reward with his Lord; on such shall be no fear nor shall they grieve.” – Qur’an 2:112. “Say to the People of the Book and to those who are unlearned: ‘Do ye (also) submit yourselves?’ If they do, they are in right guidance, but if they turn back, thy duty is to convey the Message.” – Quran 3:20. The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said, “A time will come when the murderer will not know why he has committed the murder, and

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