Comments: ISNA Latino Muslim Conference
By Juan Galvan
Assalaam alaykum,
During the July 4th weekend, I attended the fifth annual ISNA Latino Muslims Conference. The event was held in Dallas, Texas. Our main speaker was Imam Yahya Suquillo of Ecuador. Imam Suquillo helped a Latino take shahada at the event. It was beautiful to see a Latino make his declaration of faith in Arabic and Spanish. All the sisters were crying, and the brothers who weren’t crying were trying hard not to cry. After a day long of sessions, I requested the audience to write down their comments about the program. InshAllah, all Muslims can learn from events, such as this one, to make future Latino Muslim events that much better.

“Muchas gracias por esta mas buena noche! Thank God for your efforts and may Allah bless you and your families. Please, please, please, we need more sessions and lectures about Islam in Latin America and how other Muslims here can help. Jazakom Allah Khayr.”

“Este es mi primera vez de los tres dias de la conferencia de ISNA que escucho una lectura de Musulmanes Hispanos. Mi impression, MashAllah, todo ‘perfecto.’ InshAllah, que en las conferencias anuales de ISNA se incluyen nuestra comunidad Hispana Musulmana. Fi Amanillah.”

“All the sessions in the Latino Muslim portion were greatly beneficial. Having the sessions in Spanish allowed me to relate so much more because it was in my own language. It also allowed for those who understand Spanish more to finally be able to learn in their language. Overall, each session demonstrated just how Islam is growing among Latinos in America and those in South America. More sessions like this would continue to bring more Latinos into Islam, insha’Allah.”

“I just wanted to say thank you for having Imam Yahya Suquillo at the conference. He is an amazing brother, and I look forward to a day when the Latino Muslim community has more knowledgeable Latino Muslims, because Allah knows we need more Muslims like Br. Suquillo in our dawah efforts.”

“Bishmilah. Todo muy bien? Alhamdulilah. Creo que lo unico que falta es mas material en espanol. Aparte de eso, todo bien. Necesitamos mas hermanos/as, inshAllah.”

“Allah sabe que hay calidad spiritual en los Hispanos Muslims. Podemos dar mucho, usando la technologia. Se necesitan videos, audios, libros en espanol, etc. Pero sobre todo, aunar o unir esfuerzos y mantener intercambios entre nosotros. Creceremos en la fe. InshAllah!”

“The reversion stories were very moving. The translation to English was much appreciated. I wish that there was a more diverse crowd – such stories are inspiring to all people.”
“Alhamdulillah, all the brothers and sisters are very serious about Islam. It seems that many of us have already studied Islam for a long time already. I would like to see a workshop where we can introduce each other, where we live, what activities/dawah we would like to see in our communities, or those activities we are working on.”

“Very insightful talks.”
“Me siento muy bien el haber escuchado a dos ustedes hablar de lo hermoso que es el Islam. Sigan asi sin tanto protocolo y con la sensibilidad que carceteriza a los verdaderos musulmanes. Que Allah los bendiga.”

“For the first time, I have enjoyed a well done, organized Spanish meeting (conferences) that invites all Spanish brothers to propagate Islam, and overall to be historically, the first Spanish conference on this area, in Dallas, or maybe the whole USA. And, we thank Allah for this blessing that has been pouring on this Spanish community. May Allah bless all us.”
“Wonderful sessions, but I feel you would reach a broader range of people if the sessions were in Spanish and English.”
“The conversion/reversion stories were very touching. If nonSpanish speaking Muslims knew more about our reversion stories, maybe, they could have tools in which to better understand what has to be done dawa-wise. Also, I believe that Spanish speaking Muslims could benefit from our reversion stories. Perhaps, some of our brothers could speak at a main session. Other Muslims need to be inspired and help us with the dawah movement in the Latino community.”

“It would be useful if we could exchange our phone numbers and email addresses so we can keep in touch. I would like to see a lecture on eeman, ibadah, and purification of the soul. I would definitely attend Spanish sessions again and help in any way I can. Masha’Allah for all the organizers on a job well done. May Allah (swt) increase us in eeman and in numbers.”