July – Sept 2006

July - Sept 2006, Other

The Halal Burrito

By Ann Alucard South Paterson has a new eatery! Amidst the Main Street Halal Restaurants is an innovative family owned Halal Mexican take-out and delivery. “The Halal Burrito”, 1021 Main Street, South Paterson, New Jersey celebrated their “Grand Opening, June 15, 2006, along with Mayor Joseph “Jose” Torres, North Jersey Chamber of Commerce Members and their family. The restaurant provides the area with a healthy, quality Halal alternative. They are certified by the State of New Jersey for serving only Halal chicken breast, ground beef and filet mignon. The menu features Wraps, Burritos, along with their overflowing Nacho Platters, Quesadillas,

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July - Sept 2006, Other

Equipo de Publicidad de Ramadán

Por Council on American-Islamic Relations de Canadá. (CAIR-CAN) http://www.caircan.ca En el nombre de Dios, el Compasivo, el Misericordioso As-salámu aleikum. La paz esté sobre usted. Ramadán es un tiempo especial para la comunidad musulmana. Como el mes más bendecido del año, es una época de reflexión, de rezo y de renovar de la fe. Los musulmanes por todo el mundo ayunan desde amanecer hasta la puesta del sol, absteniendo del alimento y de otros placeres sensuales para terminar con uno de los cinco pilares del Islam y para alcanzar autodisciplina, purificación, y compasión para los menos afortunados. Cada año el

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July - Sept 2006, Other

30 Hadeeth for Ramadan

All Hadeeth are from Al Bukhari and Muslim.Imaam Abdul Majeed has checked all Hadeeth. Suggested useage guidelines: Primary objective is to help mosque worshippers understand more about Ramadan and fasting from the correct authentic sources.(Secondary objective is to help all Muslims everywhere understand more about Ramadan and fasting from the correct authentic sources.) One Hadeeth to be displayed per day in your local Mosque – KINDLY GET THE PERMISSION OF YOUR LOCAL MOSQUE’S IMAAM BEFORE YOU DISPLAY THE HADEETH IN YOUR LOCAL MOSQUE. Enlarge each Hadeeth (English and Arabic) and print on one sheet of A4 paper. You may want

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July - Sept 2006, Other

Enlightenment in the Dark Ages (A Play)

By Linda Rodriguez Preview A common saying of the Dark Ages was when God forgot the world, maybe not entirely. In Umayyad Spain. Islamic Spain about 850 AD. While the rest of Europe dabbled in the Dark Ages a shining star in the Iberian Peninsula, Al Andaluz, Islam’s Garden of Light in Europe. In a small villa in the outskirts of Cordova. Characters. In Order of Appearance: Maximo: Spanish. Works as an Albanil (mason) at La MezquitaRosario: Married to Khalid (Arab Muslim). Sister of MaximoIsabela: Mother of Maximo and RosarioMaria: Isabela’s Friend (The Neighbor)Khalid: The Alcalde’s son. Married to RosarioEl

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Islam, July - Sept 2006

Hispanic Muslim Day 2006

http://mymasjid.org/content/view/46/2 The Islamic Educational Center of North Hudson held it’s 4th Annual Hispanic Muslim Day event yesterday (September 10th, 2006) to celebrate the Islamic heritage Latinos from across the globe share through their Moorish ancestors who once ruled Spain for over 800 years. The day’s event was filled with lectures, food, games, and Q&A sessions. Many Latino converts, along with some of their family and friends, attended the event that was first created by IEC 4 years ago to recognize their ever-growing Latino congregation. With the rapid rate by which Latinos are converting to Islam, IEC recognized the need for

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July - Sept 2006, USA

Una Jornada en Chicago

Un Aprendizaje a base de experiencia Por Rebecca Abuqaoud Paz y bendicion, Mi participacion en la organizacion de programas como las Confraternidades Anuales, Clases Islamicas en Espanol para las hermanas y otros eventos de Dawah en la comunidad me han dejado una gran leccion de vida que en ocasiones comparto con mis hermanas cuando nos reunimos. Con el transcurrir del tiempo he aprendido que la vision y metas se logra a base de mucho esfuerzo y dedicacion con optimismo. Una vez lei el pamfleto La Vision, publicada por The Instituto of Islamic Information and Education. De este pamfleto aprendi que

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July - Sept 2006, Poems

Ramadan Mubarak

(A Song for the Entire Family) By Samantha Sanchez Counting down the days to EidSo I pray and fast and readI go to the mosque and listen to Qur’anAll through the month of Ramadan Ramadan’s a blessed monthWe give thanks and offer praiseWe share with others and give sadaqaFor 29 or 30 days Counting down the days to EidSo I pray and fast and readI go to the mosque and listen to Qur’anAll through the month of Ramadan We wait for the crescent moon in the skyTo tell us when its time to fastThen we wait again for the moon

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July - Sept 2006, Other

Curries, Tajeens and Moles

Exploring Culture and Conversion Through Food By Anisa Abeytia Exploring other cultures always implied a culinary exchange to me. When meeting someone from an unfamiliar culture, the first thing I ask is, “So, what do you all eat?” I ask this because food holds our history and can reveal a story with each bite. It can take the global and exotic and turn it into the local and the intimate. We usually do not try new food alone and many times a friend from another culture introduces us to it, along with an explanation of the way a food is

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July - Sept 2006, Poems, Ramadan

Ramadan in the West

By Altaf Bhimji http://www.muhajabah.com/ramadan-poems.htm A new nightbeginning of the sacred monththe thin slice of the crescentvisible only a few minutesto the naked eye Awaiting the news, here, far awayin a land pretentiously secularwith In God We Trustvisited only on Sunday Awaiting watching the Internet for the crescent newsAnd some calls madeRelatives far flung: Chicago, New York, London,Frankfurt and Los Angeles Yes! The crescent has been sighted! Ramadan Mubarakh!Over miles and miles and miles of telephone lines The masjid schedule consulted, and alarm clock set.For the meal before first light Work the next day, same tempo, same schedule.The boss and co-workers

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July - Sept 2006, Quotes of the Month

Quotes of the Month

The Prophet (PBUH) said, “Whoever does not give up false statements (i.e. telling lies), and evil deeds, and speaking bad words to others, Allah is not in need of his (fasting) leaving his food and drink.” – Sahih Bukhari 8.73.83. Narrated by Abu Huraira. “And among His Signs, He shows you the lightning, by way both of fear and of hope, and He sends down rain from the sky and with it gives life to the earth after it is dead: verily in that are Signs for those who are wise.” – Quran 30:24. “Think of the day when Allah

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