
Dawah, Grants, Muslim converts, Organizations, Other, USA

Mosque Dawah Committee Awarded LADO Grant

The following was included with the application. Assalamu Alaikum! Throughout my upbringing and adult life, I have witnessed the profound impact of healthy diversity within the Muslim community and its positive contribution to broader society. Unfortunately, I’ve also observed the consequences when diversity is not embraced. I am thrilled to share that the Dawah committee at the Islamic Society of Greater Springfield, IL, has been actively promoting Islamic education, dawah training, leadership development, and program initiatives over the past few months. We are fortunate to engage with an active interfaith community, receive regular requests for information about Islam, and collaborate

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Books, Dawah, Holidays, Islam, Latino Muslims, Muslim converts, Organizations, Other

How Latino Dawah Affects You

The Impact of Latino Dawah on Strengthening the Muslim Community Dawah, the Islamic tradition of spreading the message of Islam, takes various forms across the globe. In recent years, there has been a significant and positive development within the Muslim community – the rise of Latino Dawah. This refers to the efforts made by Latino Muslims to share their faith with fellow Latinos and the wider community. This phenomenon has brought about numerous benefits, contributing to the diversity, unity, and growth of the Muslim community. In this article, we will explore the various ways in which Latino Dawah has positively

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Dawah, Latino Muslims, Muslim converts, Scholarships, Stories

Help Ustadh Kenny Solis Complete his Certificate in Islamic Chaplaincy!

LaunchGood.com/UstadhKenny About The Fundraiser The LADO Group is currently seeking to raise the necessary funds to provide Ustadh Kenny Solis with a scholarship in the amount of $7,000 to enable him to complete the last three courses required to earn his Certificate in Islamic Chaplaincy. A Message from Ustadh Kenny Solis Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh, I was born and raised in Santa Ana, CA, Orange County. I am a Mexican-American. I now live on the East Coast but teach the Muslim community in English and Spanish in the United States and abroad. How You Can Make a Difference With your help, I will

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Books, Dawah, Islam, Latino Muslims, Other

Representation Matters: Islamic Books for Latino Children

By Wendy Díaz May 8, 2021 Original link: Representation Matters: Islamic Books for Latino Children | About Islam Fifteen years ago, my husband and I, both Latino converts to Islam, welcomed our first son to this world. Alhamdulillah, he was the first Muslim child born into our families, a blend of Puerto Rican and Ecuadorian heritages living here in the U.S. His fitra, that innate faith in one Supreme Creator, was untainted unlike ours had been. He did not have to discover Islam later in life in his teens and twenties like his parents had. We named him Uthman after

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Books, Dawah, Islam, Latino Muslims, Muslim converts

A Book About Our Journeys to Islam

By Aaron Siebert-Llera As a light-skinned (Chicago winters will do that to anyone) Mexican-American, I have often had to deal with the frequent ‘you don’t look Mexican’ comments. Now that I am also Muslim (13 years & counting), I am more often mistaken for being Arab or Bosnian, so I actually blend in at the mosque. But when people find out I’m Mexican, they then ask the question ‘wait, how can you be Mexican and Muslim?’ Part of the issue for people not being aware of our presence has always been that the greater Latino/a community does not do a

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Dawah, Latino Muslims, Muslim converts

Did you feel alone this holiday season?

Dear fellow Muslim – peace be upon you, Do you remember how you felt alone during this holiday season? Well, that’s how new Muslims feel during Islamic holidays. Perhaps, you haven’t given much thought to it because you have supportive Muslim friends, a loving Muslim family, and an active local Muslim community all year around? What does your local community do for the new convert during Islamic holidays? What do you do for them? Please consider giving to The LADO Group by the end of this tax year. You may know of us better as the Latino American Dawah Organization

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April - June 2012, Dawah

Latino American Dawah Organization (LADO)

From Encyclopedia of Muslim-American History http://www.fofweb.com/History/MainPrintPage.asp?iPin=EMAH0163&DataType=AmericanHistory Founded in September 1997 by a handful of U.S. Latina/o Muslims in New York City, LADO, the Latino American Dawah Organization, has become one of the most important and influential organizations among Latina/o Muslims in the United States. Juan Alvarado, Samantha Sánchez, and Saraji Umm Zaid, its founders, formed the organization to promote Islam among Latina/os in the United States and to create a network of support among them. From LADO’s inception, the Internet has played an important role in the organization’s attempt to create a sense of Latina/o-Muslim community. A month after forming

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Dawah, Jan - Mar 2012

Various Latino Muslim Events

Latino Muslims: Letters from Al-Andalus https://www.facebook.com/events/181547835291064/ [Description] Learn about the Muslim Cultural Legacy from Islamic Spain to the US featuring guest speakers on:* From Andalus to El Barrio (NY) w / Omar Abdur-Rahim Ocasio* Latino Muslims: Service and Advocacy w / Latino Muslims from MPAC and MWB* The Next Wave March 17, 2012 (5-8pm)America’s Islamic Heritage MuseumWashington DC Latino Muslims, Latino Friends, and all Seekers of Knowledge Encouraged to Attend. Capacity of 60+ guests. Please RSVP. http://mydahyouth.weebly.com/http://muslimsinamerica.org/ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WOW9v6JfsFY ————————- Latino Muslim Gathering Saturday, March 03 http://www.dfwinternational.org/calendar/event.php?m=201203&i=4f3c4e6c42a3c PLEASE JOIN US on Saturday, March 3 for a special Latino / Hispanic Muslim Gathering

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Dawah, July - Sept 2011

The Texas Prison Dawah Project

http://www.prisondawahproject.org The Texas Prison Dawah Project was founded in 2000, for the purpose of distributing Qur’ans, Islamic videos, books, and pamphlets to the incarcerated Muslims of Texas and the rest of the United States. TPDP is funded by the East Texas Islamic Society (ETIS) and promotes Millati Islami, a twelve step recovery program founded by Zaid and Sybil Imani in Baltimore, Maryland 1993. The work of Dawah (propagation, invitations, and/or conveying) is directed towards Muslims and Non-Muslims. Regional Muslims Chaplains and knowledgeable Muslims on the inside need materials and support from us to enhance their efforts in teaching the religion,

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April - June 2010, Dawah

Internet Serves Da`wah in Brazil

By Hany Salah IslamOnlineMay. 27, 2009 http://www.islamonline.net/servlet/Satellite?c=Article_C& cid=1242759218762&pagename=Zone-English-News/NWELayout CAIRO In a vast country like Brazil, the internet is emerging as the most effective tool to spread the message of Islam, says a leading Muslim scholar in the South American nation. “The internet is one of the most successful contemporary da`wah tools,” Al-Sadiq Al-Othmani, head of the Islamic Affairs Department at the Center of Islamic Da`wah in Latin America, told IslamOnline.net over the phone. “That’s why I encourage scholars to spread the word to broader masses through the web, especially in such a vast country.” Othmani, a Moroccan who has lived

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April - June 2007, Dawah, Latino Muslims, Organizations, USA

LADO Timeline of Accomplishments

Timeline September 1997 Latino American Dawah Organization (LADO) is founded to promote Islam among Latinos in the United States. October 1997 LADO begins to formalize its mission statement and the means for accomplishing its mission. October 1997 LADO selects “¡A su LADO!” as its slogan. October 1997 LADO establishes first LADO website. October 1997 LADO establishes first LADO online newsletter. 1998-2000 LADO makes alliances with organizations on a local level. January 2001 LADO initiates Latino Muslim Census. July 2001 LADO attends the 2nd Annual Latino Muslim Conference. July 2001 LADO is endorsed by ISNA and ICNA. August 2001 LADO is

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April - June 2006, Dawah

E-Dawah: Fundamentals and Methods

By Juan Galvan The Internet is revolutionizing the everyday life of ordinary people. Many Muslims do not recognize the unique opportunity the Internet offers for conveying Islam. Many non-Muslims searching for truth also benefit from the Internet. The Internet will never replace face-to-face dawah and direct mailing of Islamic literature, but the Internet will continue to broaden dawah opportunities in new ways that benefit both Muslims and non-Muslims. With the growth of the Internet, we have seen an amazing growth of business conducted over the Internet, or E-Commerce. I want to encourage using the Internet to convey the guidance of

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Dawah, July - Sept 2004, Latino Muslims, Organizations

LADO Current Projects

What you can do to help! LADO is a volunteer organization. We need: Islamic literature.LADO always accepts donations of Islamic literature. Contact us if you have books, brochures, or cds that you would like to donate to Latinos interested in Islam. You can also purchase Spanish and English language material and donate it for free distribution. CDs, DVDs, and Audio Tapes.We need recordable CDs and DVDs to copy and distribute Spanish Islamic literature. Talents, skills, and interests.We need people with various skills and talents. Use your interests for the benefit of the Ummah. Volunteer Translators.We need volunteers who can speak,

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Dawah, July - Sept 2003, Latino Muslims, Organizations, Other

Check it Out! The LADO website

y Natasha QuraishiIllumination Magazine, June 2003. Pg 3.www.illuminationmag.org The Latino American Dawah Organization (LADO) is anon-profit organization founded in 1997 that iscommitted to providing information about Islam,particularly to the Latino American community. Withthe increasing number of Latino Americans discoveringor rediscovering Islam, it is a much neededorganization. LADO’s motto is ‘AT YOUR SIDE!’ whichmeans ‘At your side!’ The LADO website, atwww.latinodawah.org, contains a wealth of informationfor prospective reverts and non-Muslims. The sitecontains LADO’s monthly newsletter, useful links onIslamic information and websites, and a library withIslamic resources for beginners in English, Spanish,and Portuguese. From the ‘Contact Us’ page, youcan find Latino Muslims from around the country. Helpacknowledge the diversity

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Dawah, Islam, July - Sept 2003

Latino Muslims: The Change of Islam in America

By Samantha Sanchez and Juan Galvan Islamic Horizons MagazineJuly / August 1423/2002 Pages 22-30. The image of Islam in America is changing due to more and more people reverting to it. While there have always been large numbers of both African-American and Caucasian-American populations reverting to Islam, the Muslim population is becoming increasingly diverse. In recent years, the number of Latinos who reverse has increased tremendously. Some figures reveal that 40,000 Latino Muslims live in the United States. Latino Muslims have been gaining media attention. Headlines such as “A New Minority Calls Itself: Hispanic Muslims” and “Hispanic Muslims of New York” are just a

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April - June 2003, Dawah, Islam

Fact Sheet: Islam in the United States

http://usinfo.state.gov/usa/islam/fact2.htm Islam is one of the fastest-growing religions in the US By the year 2010, America’s Muslim population is expected to surpass the Jewish population, making Islam the country’s second-largest faith after Christianity.1 The American Muslim community is a mosaic of cultures, its members having come from all of the five major continents. In fact, a recent survey showed that most Muslims are immigrants – 77.6% versus 22.4% US born.2 This same survey indicated that the ethnic origins of the Muslim community are as follows: 26.2% Middle East (Arab)24.7% South Asia23.8% African American11.6% Other10.3% Middle East (Not Arab)6.4% East Asia While

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April - June 2003, Dawah

Who is Allah?

by Abu Iman ‘Abd ar-Rahman Robert Squires http://www.muslim-answers.org/allah.htm Some of the biggest misconceptions that many non-Muslims have about Islam have to do with the word “Allah”. For various reasons, many people have come to believe that Muslims worship a different God than Christians and Jews. This is totally false, since “Allah” is simply the Arabic word for “God” – and there is only One God. Let there be no doubt – Muslims worship the God of Noah, Abraham, Moses, David and Jesus – peace be upon them all. However, it is certainly true that Jews, Christians and Muslims all have different concepts of Almighty

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Dawah, Islam, Jan - Mar 2003, Quran

The Prophet’s Night Journey

The Prophet’s Night Journey From Makkah To The Farthest Mosque In Jerusalem, And Ascent To The HeavensSardar, Ziauddin. “MUHAMMAD: Aspects of His Biography.” Excerpt.The Islamic Foundation: Leicester, UK. 1982.http://islamicbookstore.com/b3799.html On the night of the twenty-seventh Rajab, Muhammad (peace be upon him) was in a deep sleep in a house in Makkah when (Gabriel) woke him up. With the archangel was Al-Buraq: an animal unique in creation. It resembled lightning in swiftness and lustre, was of clear white colour, medium in size, smaller than a mule and taller than an ass, and so quick in movement that it put its feet

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Dawah, Oct - Dec 2002

From the Teacher’s Desk

By Tweaka Temple Dilek From the Teacher’s Desk, I Salaam alaykum, Insha’Allah everyone is well and your month of Ramadan had been well. As a Muslim educator working in a school with a population that is 95% Hispanic, this month gives special opportunities and also difficulties. As we are all aware an important part of being a good Muslim is Dawah, calling others to Islam. As there have been countless articles posted dealing with this subject, I will not delve into it. However, this is an excellent time for your child to show pride about their Muslim identity but they

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Dawah, Oct - Dec 2002

Lessons from a Dawah Barbeque

By Isa Lima I remember the last time I tried to participate in dawah work with Hispanics. We sort of went out into Culmore, the Spanish neighborhood close to the Darul Hijrah mosque in Virginia. We set up a barbeque and a table full of pamphlets. One bro was grilling burgers; another was yelling “FREE FOOD!” I was trying to give an overview of Islam to those who were coming, and other brothers were giving pamphlets out. If people showed a lot of interest and wanted to know even more than what the pamphlets said, we’d give them a Spanish

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