April - June 2007, Dawah, Latino Muslims, Organizations, USA

LADO Timeline of Accomplishments


September 1997Latino American Dawah Organization (LADO) is founded to promote Islam among Latinos in the United States.
October 1997LADO begins to formalize its mission statement and the means for accomplishing its mission.
October 1997LADO selects “¡A su LADO!” as its slogan.
October 1997LADO establishes first LADO website.
October 1997LADO establishes first LADO online newsletter.
1998-2000LADO makes alliances with organizations on a local level.
January 2001LADO initiates Latino Muslim Census.
July 2001LADO attends the 2nd Annual Latino Muslim Conference.
July 2001LADO is endorsed by ISNA and ICNA.
August 2001LADO is in the news and Islamic Horizons Magazine.
July 2001LADO begins working with ISNA’s Latino Coordinating Committee.
October 2001LADO begins collecting a book on Latino conversion stories.
October 2001LADO forges relationship with various Muslim organizations.
October 2001LADO establishes YahooGroup.
Dec 2001 – Sept 2002LADO members in various newspaper and magazine articles.
January 2002LADO overhauls its website and online newsletter to better serve the needs of the Latino Muslim community.
July 2002LADO attends the 3rd Annual Latino Muslim Conference.
July/August 2002LADO coordinates first, ever Muslim magazine issue dedicated to American Latino Muslims. Islamic Horizons: July/August 2002 issue.
July/August 2002LADO releases the first comprehensive article about Latino Muslims in America in Islamic Horizons Magazine.
September 2002LADO members speak at 39th Annual ISNA Convention.
March 2003LADO forges closer relationships with Latino Muslim organizations.
July 2003LADO attends the 4th Annual Latino Muslim Conference.
September 2003LADO members speak at 40th Annual ISNA Convention.
December 2003LADO clarifies its mission statement, dawah objectives, and guiding principles in response to the rapid growth of Latino Muslims.
June 2004LADO establishes chat room and guestbook.
July 2004LADO attends the 5th Annual Latino Muslim Conference.
September 2004LADO members speak at 41th Annual ISNA Convention.
October 2004LADO members speak at 2nd annual Hispanic Muslim Day event in New Jersey.
Nov/December 2004LADO coordinates the first, ever Latino Muslims magazine issue by The Message International dedicated to Latino Muslims. The Message International: November/December 2004 issue.
Nov/December 2004LADO releases extensive article in English and Spanish about Latino Muslims in The Message International.
May 2005LADO unveils its redesigned website.
July 2005LADO attends the 6th Annual Latino Muslim Conference.
September 2005LADO members speak at 42th Annual ISNA Convention.
October 2005LADO members speak at 3rd annual Hispanic Muslim Day event in New Jersey.
Nov/December 2005LADO coordinates the second Latino Muslims magazine issue by The Message International dedicated to Latino Muslims. The Message International: November/December 2005 issue.
Nov/December 2005LADO releases article about the founding of LADO in The Message International.