
Latino Muslims

July - Sept 2008, Latino Muslims

Latinos and Islam

By MuslimBridges.org http://www.muslimbridges.org/content/blogcategory/8/13/ Why so many young Muslims are falling in love with Latinos, getting married, forming wonderful families, and integrating together with such harmony and positive contributions to each other? Why many Hispanics become Muslims, and why many who are not Muslims, give their children Islamic names (like Omar, Fatima, Salma, Ismael, …), loving the Islamic culture and art, and integrating it in their homes (arches, patio gardens at the center of the homes, tile roofs, even cooking traditional Muslim meals like Paaia? Many women (especially in Mexico) are empowered by the Islamic Rights and keep their last name

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April - June 2008, Latino Muslims, Mexico

What Latino Muslims Can Learn From Mexican Muslims

By Tania Tahira Canales Islamic Center of Mexico Before September 2001, Islam was largely viewed as a religion for Arabs. Most Mexicans could not identify a woman wearing hijab with Islam if they saw her walking down a Mexican street. After September 11, Mexican people received all kinds of information about Islam. They heard good information, half-true information, biased information, and misconceptions about Islam. But many Mexicans wanted to know more about Islam. They wanted to know what we Mexican Muslims had to say about Islam. After understanding Islam, many Mexicans understand why some of their countrymen have embraced Islam.

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April - June 2008, Latino Muslims, Muslim converts

Latino Conversion to Islam: From African-American/Latino Neighbors to Muslim/Latino Global Neighbors

By Danny “Khalil” Salgado Al-Puerto Rikani I. INTRODUCTION In recent times, there has been a sudden increase of Latinos converting to Islam, both in the United States and within Latin America. This phenomenon has even reached the attention of some within the media. Despite an increase of Latino Muslims, there has not been (for the most part) a great effect to call the Latino population to Islam. Indeed, Muslims have a long way to go in when it come to calling Latinos to Islam. For those Muslims in the U.S. who are concerned with da`wah (calling to Allah), there are

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July - Sept 2007, Latino Muslims

The Next Step After Latino Muslim Reversion

By Rebecca Abuqaoud Waleikum Salam, I am pleased to discuss an interesting phenomenon that is happening in North America. The Latino Muslims as a whole are growing in numbers like never before. Amazingly, Islam is one of the fastest growing religions in the United States, and it is significantly attracting Hispanic people. There are only estimates about the accurate number of how many Latinos have reverted to Islam. This interesting phenomenon about the growing number of Latinos converting to Islam in the United States is so appealing that recently Latino Muslims are subjects of study by teachers, professors, and universities.

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April - June 2007, Dawah, Latino Muslims, Organizations, USA

LADO Timeline of Accomplishments

Timeline September 1997 Latino American Dawah Organization (LADO) is founded to promote Islam among Latinos in the United States. October 1997 LADO begins to formalize its mission statement and the means for accomplishing its mission. October 1997 LADO selects “¡A su LADO!” as its slogan. October 1997 LADO establishes first LADO website. October 1997 LADO establishes first LADO online newsletter. 1998-2000 LADO makes alliances with organizations on a local level. January 2001 LADO initiates Latino Muslim Census. July 2001 LADO attends the 2nd Annual Latino Muslim Conference. July 2001 LADO is endorsed by ISNA and ICNA. August 2001 LADO is

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Latino Muslims, Oct - Dec 2006

Islam Spreading Rapidly Among the Latino…

By Khadijah Rivera http://piedad-latinodawah.blogspot.com/2007/06/islam-spreading-rapidly-among-latinos.html Islam Spreading Rapidly Among the Latino in the US and Latin America. First Latino Muslims Speaking Tour in Florida was organized with Imam Ali Siddiqui who delivered an impressive Khutbah at Tampa, Fl. OUR first Latino Speaking tour took off with many unexpected difficulties but many beautiful Muslims from Florida and California helped us to pull it off. We also learned valuable lessons from our shortcomings. First, a BIG KUDOS goes to Imam Ali Siddiqui, Imam Benjamin Perez and Br Mario Nunez. It’s just impossible to state how grateful we are! These wonderful brothers left deep

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Islam, Latino Muslims, Oct - Dec 2006

FAQS About Latino Muslims, Revisited

By Juan Galvan On Saturday, November 18, I had a unique opportunity to meet with Muslims from New York City and New Jersey. I met with Muslims at the 96th St Mosque until noon then with more Muslims at the Islamic Educational Center of North Hudson (IECNH) until 4:00PM. My visit to New York was mainly vacation but I wanted to meet some Muslims who I admire for their contribution. I have been blessed to meet many amazing Muslims on the Internet. I also wanted to request some input on a number of issues from them. Originally, my plan was

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Latino Muslims, Oct - Dec 2006, USA

Latina Muslims in New York City

By Nichola Saminather November 18, 2005 When Pamela “” now Aisha “” Munoz came to the United States from Bolivia five years ago in search of her true self, she didn’t imagine that it would involve a radical conversion away from her Roman Catholic roots. Today, 17 months after she accepted Islam, she sits serenely on a metal bench in the bustling Queens Center Mall in Elmhurst, with her black hijab wrapped securely around her head. She has, she says, finally found what she was seeking. Without the hijab “” the Muslim headscarf — she could be any 23-year-old Latina.

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April - June 2006, Latino Muslims, USA

Latino Muslims in Chicago

By Juan Galvan I have personally been blessed to have met several Latino Muslims from Chicago. I met Brother Ricardo Pena, Sister Diana Pena, and Brother Yahya Lopez in 2002 at the ISNA Latino Muslims Conference. Husband and wife, Brother Ricardo and Sister Diana, have been involved in the local Chicago Muslim community volunteering, for example, with the Inner-City Muslim Action Network (IMAN). Brother Yahya Lopez is responsible for translating much of the Spanish Islamic literature distributed by the Institute of Islamic Information and Education (III&E). A year later, I would meet Brother Edmund Arroyo who works extensively with the

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Jan - Mar 2006, Latino Muslims

Latino Activism – Taking it to Another Level

By Yahsmin M.B. BoBo December 23, 2005 Masjid al Islam hosts an Annual Da’wah March through the streets of Oakland, California. This annual march follows Salatul Jumaa (Friday prayer) after Thanksgiving Day. We take to the streets at this time because we figure that most folks are off from work and relaxing in their homes at this time. The reaction is lovely; we feel supported by the neighborhood. The purpose of this year’s march was essentially the same as previous marches. However, we also took the opportunity to speak with local liquor storeowners in the inner city who happen to

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Latino Muslims, Oct - Dec 2005

A Day for Latinos to Rediscover their Roots

By Wendy Diaz-Guadalupe October 11, 2005 was a historical night in New York City where Muslims and non-Muslims came together as one entity to discuss untold events of Latino culture. Columbia University’s Muslim Students Association and Lamda Pi Chi Sorority, Inc., sponsored “Latinos in Islam: Rediscovering Our Roots.” The event was presented by Hernan Guadalupe of the Latino Muslim Outreach Program (L.M.O.P.), a program founded under the PrimeXample Company which aims to build relationships between non-Muslims and Muslims through Islamic awareness based on the Qur’an and Sunnah, or authentic traditions of the Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him.

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July - Sept 2005, Latino Muslims

Latino Muslims at the ICNA-MAS Convention

By Shinoa Matos During the July 4th weekend, thousands of Muslims attended the annual joint convention of the Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA) and the Muslim American Society (MAS). The ICNA-MAS Convention is one of the largest, annual Islamic conventions in the United States. This year’s ICNA-MAS Convention was held in Stamford, Connecticut. The main hall at ground level included endless vendors selling everything from clothing and hijabs to food, books, and literature. The three-day event, held at the newly built Convention Center included different lectures and seminars by keynote speakers. This year’s theme was “Family: The Foundation of

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July - Sept 2005, Latino Muslims

The Struggles of Latina Muslimahs

By Rebecca Abuqaoud What They have Accomplished and their Vision for the Future in Chicago Assalam Waleikum, What a great blessing for the many Latinas who have entered into the fold of Islam! They were searching for the truth – to quench their thirst for truth in order to satisfy their spirituality. In searching for the truth, they found this unique religion called “Islam.” Through Islam, these Latinas found answers to questions that in the past did not make sense. For many new Muslims, life in Islam is now more precious and more meaningful. Islam elevates the spirituality of a

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July - Sept 2005, Latino Muslims

Conference on Islam among Latino Americans

By Rocio Martinez-Mendoza Dallas, Texas During July 4th weekend, the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA) held its Annual SouthCentral Regional Conference. This year was the 6th Annual Conference on Islam among Latino Americans. This Latino Muslims conference is one of the Islam in America Conferences held in conjunction with the regional conference. We extend our gratefulness to ISNA for allowing us, Latino Muslims, to unite for the simple fact of pleasing Allah (swt) and to obtain more knowledge about Islam. Approximately 25 Latinos attended the event. The group of Latinos included those born in the United States as well

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July - Sept 2005, Latino Muslims

What does it Mean to be a Latino Muslim?

By Khalid Malik Rosa July 30, 2005 Thoughts from Denver, Colorado I have been asked this question many times in my few months of “reverting” to Islam. I can only respond that I am only half Latino. 🙂 I can then respond with the fact that once I fully embraced Islam I became part of the community. The ‘umma (community) I belong to exists beyond the parameters of race, ethnicity, and nationality. I am Muslim and my concern is serving Allah (swt). By no means does this indicate that Islam erases who I am. It means that my identity as

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April - June 2005, Latino Muslims, Muslim converts, Organizations, Other, USA

The LADO Genesis

By Juan Alvarado Evolution of the Latino American Dawah Organization Since childhood I always noticed that I was spiritual to say the least. I was baptized, did my communion and confirmation. I was even an altar boy. By the time I was 19, I renounced Christianity once and for all due to my lack of belief in the basic teachings of Christianity. However, I continued my search for truth. This search led me to read on a non-stop basis, something that I still do. After studying Islam for a couple of years, I was sufficiently comfortable that I decided to

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Hajj, Jan - Mar 2005, Latino Muslims

My Hadjj Experience as a Latina Muslim

By Rocío Martínez-Mendoza I am a Latina Muslim from Mexico City who now lives in west Texas. My husband is Moroccan, and, as a result, home is full of Latin and Arab culture alhamduliAllah. My husband and I have been planning our Hadjj trip but didn’t have the chance to do it either because of money, visa, or pregnancy reasons. When we finally thought we were able to do it and started the planning my husband told me that it is inshaAllah going to be a very different kind of trip; it is not a trip for vacation, for leisure,

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Jan - Mar 2005, Latino Muslims

The Rise of Latino Muslims

By Juan Galvan The Message InternationalNovember-December 2004http://www.messageonline.org In the Qur’an, Allah (swt) says: “And We did not send any messenger but with the language of his people, so that he might explain to them clearly. Then Allah leaves astray whom He wills, and guides whom He wills. He is the Mighty, the Wise.” (14:4) In the verse, language doesn’t only mean language in its verbal form. Prophets addressed the concerns, values, beliefs, and needs of the people to whom they were sent. The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) was born in Arabia and naturally spoke the language of his people. He knew

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Latino Muslims, Oct - Dec 2004

Latino Muslim Cultural Night

By Kathryn Espinoza It’s the night of August 20, 2004, and my heart is smiling, reflecting my face, as I sit here on this now empty stage, looking upon this now empty hall that about two hours ago was full of approximately 250 Muslims ranging from all corners of the globe. I’m still. I’m free. I’m happy. The ummah is now complete…I think to myself. Thinking back in my memory bank to 4:30 pm: the arrival of the enchiladas de pollo, the ones sisters and brothers slaved over the night before. Picture this…a garage turned kitchen with Mexicanos, Mexicano-Pakistanis, Salvadorenos,

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Dawah, July - Sept 2004, Latino Muslims, Organizations

LADO Current Projects

What you can do to help! LADO is a volunteer organization. We need: Islamic literature.LADO always accepts donations of Islamic literature. Contact us if you have books, brochures, or cds that you would like to donate to Latinos interested in Islam. You can also purchase Spanish and English language material and donate it for free distribution. CDs, DVDs, and Audio Tapes.We need recordable CDs and DVDs to copy and distribute Spanish Islamic literature. Talents, skills, and interests.We need people with various skills and talents. Use your interests for the benefit of the Ummah. Volunteer Translators.We need volunteers who can speak,

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