

Islam, Jan - Mar 2011

Abdullah Ibn Sailam

http://www.imanway1.com/companions/biography.htm Al-Husayn ibn Sailam was a Jewish rabbi in Yathrib who was widely respected and honoured by the people of the city even by those who were not Jewish. He was known for his piety and goodness, his upright conduct and his truthfulness. Al-Husayn lived a peaceful and gentle life but he was serious, purposeful and organized in the way he spent his time. For a fixed period each day, he would worship, teach and preach in the temple. Then he would spend some time in his orchard, looking after date palms, pruning and pollinating. Thereafter, to increase his understanding

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Islam, Oct - Dec 2010

Eighth Annual Hispanic Muslim Day

By Nylka Vargas Alok October 19, 2010 Asalaamu Alaikum wa Rahmatullah wa Barakatuh All! The NHIEC’s Eight Annual Hispanic Muslim Day is this Sunday (10/24) from 1p-5p.It’s a dawah event catering to Latinos and Latino Muslims. Please spread the wordto anyone that may be interested in learning more about Islam. The event is bilingual,with presentations in both Spanish and English with Spanish translation available.We will have plenty of free literature and cds, IslamInSpanish cd’s, Entertainmentfeaturing Latino Muslim children reading from “Un Velo y Una Barba” written by Wendy Diaz (www.hablamosislamninos.com), giveaways, and complimentary brunch and dinner.There is no admission charge.

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Islam, Oct - Dec 2010

Eidul Adha Greeting

From LA_Latino_Muslims AsociacionDeLatinosMusulmanes Yahoogroup http://groups.yahoo.com/group/asociaciondelatinosmusulmanes/message/11532 Assalamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuhu Bismillahirrahmanir rahim Beloved Muslimin and Muslimah, God Almighty said in his glorious Qur’an: “The first house (of worship) appointed for men was that at Bakkah:full of blessing and of guidance for all the worlds. In it are signsmanifest: the station of Abraham – whoever enters it attainssecurity, and pilgrimage there to is a duty men owe to God – thosewho can afford the journey: but if any deny faith, God stands not inneed of any of his creatures.” ( surat al-imran, 96-97 ) and said also: “For hajj are

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Islam, July - Sept 2010

Islam in the Dominican Republic

From DR1.com http://dr1.com/articles/islam.shtml Although it has become one of the most controversial religions of the 21st century, there is much intrigue and misinformation surrounding Islam. The political realities associated with the religion have forced many who have had limited contact with Islam to form, at times, disingenuous and misguided opinions about it. It has become an unfortunate reality that when conversations about Islam are initiated, many wary eyes raise eyebrows in concern, fearing that television images will soon become a reality in a restaurant near you. But nestled away from the grim images we see on the daily news, in

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Islam, July - Sept 2010

Eid al-Fitr BBQ in Bay Area

http://www.muslim-calendar.com/syndicate.aspx?eventid=7311 Date: Sept. 12, 2010Time: 1:00 PMLocation: Harding Park(Lake Merced)99 Harding RoadSan Francisco, CA 95141Metroplex: Bay Area, CA Description: The Bay Area Latino Muslim Society and Society of Islamic Education invites you to our Eid al-Fitr event this Sunday celebrating the end of Ramadan with family and friends of the community. There will be tons of food, activities for the kids, and lots of fun celebrating this blessed day here in the beautiful Bay Area! So Inshallah come out, bring your family and friends. Feel free to bring any cultural dishes to share with everyone and meet the rest of

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Islam, July - Sept 2010

My Granada Experience

By Justin Mauro Benavidez Muslim Spain was one of the greatest civilizations in history. The history of al-Andalus, as it was known in Arabic, is celebrated for the convivencia of the three Abrahamic traditions living side by side. Moreover, it is the birthplace of some of the greatest intellectual and spiritual masters of the Islamic tradition: Ibn Rushd, al-Qurṭubī Ibn ʿArabī, Ibn Juzayy, al-Shaṭīib—whose scholarship made important contributions to European civilization. Today Spain is home to some of the most spectacular architectural monuments—the Alcazar in Sevilla and in Granada the Alhambra, Spain’s pride and joy. Southern Spain today, and Granada in particular,

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Islam, July - Sept 2010

Islam in Latin America, an FIU Project

http://casgroup.fiu.edu/lacc/pages.php?id=458 Islam in Latin America is a collaborative project of FIU and the Social Science Research Council-Carnegie foundation that aims at addressing the significant disparity that exists between the American media’s, and by extension the American public’s, perception of Muslims in Latin America and the reality of the current state of affairs. Part of this communication problem can be attributed to the lack of sound and systematic examination of this subject in English. Islam as a contemporary religious, cultural, and socio-historical phenomenon in Latin America is grossly understudied, especially when compared to its European, Asian, and North American counterparts. The

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Islam, July - Sept 2010

Ramadan entre los musulmanes latinos de los Estados Unidos

Por Juan Alvarado Para algunos musulmanes latinos, el comienzo del Ramadán es determinado por la información obtenida de países islámicos, organizaciones islámicas, por las mezquitas, o por amigos y familiares. La mayoría de musulmanes en los Estados Unidos son árabes, paquistanies, o afroamericanos. Los musulmanes hispanos son apenas una fracción de los musulmanes aquí. Por tal razón es que hay muy pocos programas islámicos para principiantes hispanos. Sin embargo, algunas mezquitas con poblaciones altas de creyentes hispanos tienen clases en espanol para los que no entienden el inglés u otros idiomas usados en la mezquita. En Ramadán algunos centros islámicos

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April - June 2010, Islam, Latin America

FIU Hosts Conference on Islam in Latin America

http://international.fiu.edu/index.php?name=news_item_islam_in_latin_america March 17, 2010 Florida International University (FIU) The Middle East Studies Program in FIU’s School of International and Public Affairs is organizing a one day conference on Islam in Latin America. The event will take place on Friday, March 26, 2010 at 10:30 a.m. in the MARC International Pavilion on FIU’s Modesto A. Maidique Campus. Leading scholars from Latin America will join FIU scholars to discuss the presence of Islam and Muslims in Latin America, their impact on and integration into Latin American societies, and their historical and contemporary ties to the Middle East and the larger Muslim world.

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April - June 2010, Islam

Cómo Orientalista: Telemundo’s El Clon, Part I and II

Cómo Orientalista: Telemundo’s El Clon, Part I By Sister Diana Muslimah Media Watch April 21st, 2010 http://muslimahmediawatch.org/2010/04/como-orientalista-telemundos-el-clon-part-i/ Spanish soap operas (telenovelas) are just like any other serial dramas, with all the conventional characteristics: star -crossed lovers, dramatic music, a flair for the outrageous and a seemingly never-ending plot. This is exactly what can be expected from Telemundo’s telenovela, El Clon (The Clone). A remake of a Brazilian soap opera that aired in 2001 and 2002 titled O Clone, this Spanish-language telenovela is targeted at the U.S.’s Spanish speaking market. However, what is unexpected is the drama’s lengthy commentary on Islam

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April - June 2010, Islam

The Spanish Nasheed Project

By Khaleel Ahmad Gramajo Before I begin let me greet you with peace and blessings from our Creator, the ONE and only ONE without comparison. Asalam Alaykum wa rahma tullahi wa barakatu! I was born in Guatemala. I have resided in California for almost 25 years. I have been singing since an early young age. I used to perform as Christian singer almost every week but I stopped singing after I embraced Islam in 1995. Later in 2003 as a Muslim I started to listen to some Anasheed (plural for Nasheed). This inspiration brought me back to singing, and I

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April - June 2010, Islam

Among the 500 Most Influential Muslims in the World

Among the Muslims listed in the book “The 500 Most Influential Muslims in the World” were Muslims from the following countries: El Salvador, Mexico, Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Guyana, Jamaica, Trinidad and Tobago, Spain, and Portugal. CENTRAL AMERICA EL SALVADORQattan, Dr AhmadQattan is a Muslim convert from Palestinian origins. He is the co-founder of the Arab Islamic Center in Salvador. Qattan has been an educator and da’wa activist for the past 17 years, and has published more than 100,000 copies of a book introducing Islam, which has been read by an estimated 250,000 people. Al Salvadori, MustafaMustafa Al Salvadori

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April - June 2010, Islam

Shaikh Yahia Suquillo: An Exemplar of Islamic Leadership

By Juan Galvan My definition of leadership is someone who has the ability through ceaseless commitment to inspire others to be their best. Although the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) is the greatest leader of all time, I want to share with you the life of a lesser-known hero. Shaikh Yahia Suquillo has truly been an inspiration for many Latino Muslims including myself. Above all else, it has been the life of the Prophet Muhammad that has been his source of inspiration. Like all great Muslim leaders, he is a great leader for his ability to follow the lead of the Prophet

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Islam, Jan - Mar 2010

Khadijah Rivera (1950-2009)

Islamic Horizons March/April 2010 Heart of the Community Discussing her conversion, Khadijah Rivera, a Puerto Rican ex- Roman Catholic, wrote: “Reverting to Islam would be complicated by my childhood training that Jesus Christ was my savior and salvation. To pray to anyone but him would be blasphemy. I therefore studied several religions when I left my church and its rigid teachings. But they were all Christian and not much different from the original one. Of course they all believed that the papal aristocracy was nonsense and I praised them for that. But they could not justify Jesus Christ in a

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Islam, Jan - Mar 2010

Ibrahim Benjamin Perez Mahomah (1933-2009)

Islamic HorizonsMarch/April 2010 Widely Sharing Love of Islam Hajji Ibrahim Benjamin Perez Mahomah passed away peacefully in his sleep on 8 Dec. 2009 after a fight with brain and stomach cancer. He was laid to rest in Livermore, CA. One of the first, if not the first, Hispanic converts to what he thought was Islam in the San Francisco/Bay Area back in the 1950s, he told Deborah Kong of the Associated Press in June 2002 about his conversion. A Puerto Rican, he was nevertheless drawn to the Nation of Islam meeting in 1957 out of curiosity. The only Latino at

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Islam, Jan - Mar 2010

Science and Scholarship in Al-Andalus

The Message InternationalNovember-December 2005, pg 17 Maslamah al-Majriti wrote a number of works on mathematics and astronomy, studied and elaborated the Arabic translation of Ptolemy’s Almagest, and enlarged and corrected the astronomical tables of the famous al-Khwarizmi. He also compiled conversion tables in which the dates of the Persian calendar were related to Hijrah dates, so that for the first time the events of Persia’s past could be dated with precision. Al-Zarqali, known to the West as Arzachel, combined theoretical knowledge with technical skill. He built a water clock capable of determining the hours of the day and night and indicating

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Islam, Jan - Mar 2010

The Principles of Islam

By Sayyed Mohammad http://www.irca.org.au/Islam/Poems/principles.htm In the name of Allah, Most Beneficent, Most Merciful I Know, child, that God is only One,And has no Partner or Son;He has made us and everything,All beasts, all fowls, all birds that sing,The Sun, the Moon, the Starry Sky,The Land, the sea, the mountains high.He knows whatever we think or act,By Him is seen the real fact.And only He does what He wills,He makes, He keeps, He saves, He kills.Forever the same, no age, no youth,He is Perfection, He is Truth.Almight, All-Seeing, Wise,He had not form, or shape or size.But Self-Existing is our Lord,And is

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Islam, Oct - Dec 2009

Interview with Samantha Sanchez and Juan Galvan

By Saraji Umm Zaid The Message InternationalDecember-January 2005, pp 29. Samantha is a poet, writer, teacher, da’iyee, mother, and wife. She is one of the original co-founders of LADO: The Latino American Dawah Organization, and wrote her master’s thesis about Latinos and Islam. She was one of MuslimPoet.com’s “Poets in Residence” from 2003 to 2004. Juan is a writer, husband, soon-to-be daddy and da’iyee who lives in San Antonio, Texas. He has written extensively about the emerging Latino Muslim community. He enjoys encouraging cooperation among ethnically diverse Muslim communities. Saraji: What is the goal and purpose behind LADO?Juan: The purpose

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Islam, Oct - Dec 2009

My Hispanic Muslim Legacy

By Khadijah Rivera What Islam means to me: To be qualified is to know GOD? I was raised as a Roman Catholic from a very strict and practicing Hispanic family. To even think of leaving the aristocratic Catholics was considered a sin. Actually having been raised by nuns in private schools taught me that one did not have the luxury of questioning the Bible or even the Catechism that was engraved in our memory banks as children. I once had the audacity to ask my teacher why we did not study the Bible; her answer was a blunt, “You might

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Islam, Oct - Dec 2009

La Fiesta de Eid 2009 en Chicago

Por Rebecca Abuqaoud ¡Assalam Aleikum! El pasado domingo, 4 de octubre del 2009, se llevo a cabo una vez más la tradicional fiesta de Eid familiar en el MCC, Muslim Community Center, de la avenida Elston en Chicago. El evento empezó aproximadamente a las 4:35PM. Esta vez con la participación especial del hermano Abdullah Clark, quién abrió el programa con un dua (suplica personal) y luego compartió con un tema islámico y entre los puntos que trato fue del porque los musulmanes celebran el Eid-ul-Fitr, la fiesta del fin del ayuno del Ramadán. El hermano Abdur Rahmán hizo la traducción

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