Jan – Mar 2006

Islam, Jan - Mar 2006, Quran

Prophet Ibrahim: The father of the Prophets

From Islamicity.com http://www.islamicity.com/mosque/ibrahim.htm The birth of a Great Prophet Ibrahim was born in a house of idolaters, in the kingdom of Babylon. His father Aazar was a well known idol sculptor that his people worshipped. As a young child, Ibrahim used to watch his father sculpting these idols from stones or wood. When his father was done with them, Ibrahim would use them as toys, riding on their backs, and kicking them at times. Then after a while, he would see these same statues in the temple, and people prostrating in front of them! Ibrahim asked his father: “Why do

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Jan - Mar 2006, Other

Consejos Sobre Como Presentar la Mezquita a Los No-musulmán

Por Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) El Islam en los EEUU Los musulmanes tienen mucho para ofrecer los EEUU. La riqueza y la variedad de la comunidad musulmana los EEUU tienen una gran potencia “de promover lo bueno y prohibir lo malvado” en esta sociedad. Para lograr esta meta, los musulmanes deben realizar su obligación de representar el Islam precisamente en este país. Una de las mejores maneras de presentar el Islam a las comunidades locales es teniendo un día especial en la mezquita o centro islámico cuando los no-musulmanes pueden visitar. Abriendo la mezquita Abriendo la mezquita a

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Jan - Mar 2006, Latino Muslims

Latino Activism – Taking it to Another Level

By Yahsmin M.B. BoBo December 23, 2005 Masjid al Islam hosts an Annual Da’wah March through the streets of Oakland, California. This annual march follows Salatul Jumaa (Friday prayer) after Thanksgiving Day. We take to the streets at this time because we figure that most folks are off from work and relaxing in their homes at this time. The reaction is lovely; we feel supported by the neighborhood. The purpose of this year’s march was essentially the same as previous marches. However, we also took the opportunity to speak with local liquor storeowners in the inner city who happen to

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Hajj, Jan - Mar 2006


By Enrique Raheel Rojas Many people asked me about Hajj when I returned. My Christian parents were glad that I came home alive. However, I did not expect them to realize the full significance of Hajj. My brother-in-law did his best to stay awake during my retelling of my Hajj experiences. Alhamdulilah; this is or will be the extra experience that a Muslim revert will go through that a born Muslim will not. What can I say about Hajj other than what the Prophet (pbuh) said, “GO. Go as soon as you can or eliminate the conditions preventing you from

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Hajj, Jan - Mar 2006

8 tips on preparing for Hajj NOW!

From SoundVision http://www.soundvision.com/Info/hajj/prepare.asp Any Muslim who can afford it and is in good health must perform Hajj. it’s an obligation not an option. This once-in-a-lifetime experience for most Muslims requires the utmost preparation and planning beforehand. Below are some tips to help you start preparing today. 1. Ask Allah Say Bismillah (In the Name of Allah) and make Dua (supplication) to Allah to help you find the resources and time to perform Hajj this coming year. Only He can make it happen. 2. Discuss vacation time If you work or have other obligations, you must ensure you get the three

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Jan - Mar 2006, Other

Univision Visits IEC

From MyMasjid.org http://mymasjid.org/content/view/41/2 The Islamic Educational Center of North Hudson (IECNH) hosted nationally syndicated Hispanic television station Univision [channel 41 in the NYC metro area] on Thursday February 23rd at its center in Union City, NJ. El Centro Islamico de North Hudson tuvo a la emisora reconocida nacionalmente, Univision, el Jueves el 23 de Febrero en su centro en Union City, NJ. Miriam Mesiji, an Univision field reporter, was investigating the large number of Latin Americans leaving Catholicism into other faiths, namely Islam. She interviewed Sr. Neisy Lara and Flor Maza and discussed their conversion into Islam as well as

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Jan - Mar 2006, Other

Mi experiencia como Latina Musulmana al hacer la Peregrinación a Mecca

Por Rocío Martínez-Mendoza Soy Musulmana Latina originaria de la Cd de México que actualmente reside en en oeste de Texas. Mi esposo es Marroquí y como resultado nuestra casa esta llena de cultura Latina y Arabe. Mi esposo y yo habiamos estado planeando nuestro viaje de la Peregrinación a Mecca pero no habiamos tenido la oportunidad debido a razones economicas, de visa, o por la espera de nuestro primer bebe. Cuando al final tuvimos esa oportunidad empezamos a planear, mi esposo me dijo desde un principio que este iba a ser un viaje muy especial, diferente a cualquier viaje que

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Jan - Mar 2006, USA

The Hui Against All Odds: Exemplars for American Muslims

By Abd al-Rahman Benavidez In the summer of 2002, the Nawawi Foundation organized and lead a group of some one hundred American Muslims on a tour throughout China that included five provinces across the vast continent from the capital Beijing to the heartland Xian and finishing at the great metropolitan and commercial city Shanghai. More meaningful than a tour, it was a journey that focused on the little known ethnic Chinese Muslims, or Hui, and their monuments dating back to the ancient Islamic civilization established by their ancestors. One may ask: of all the places and people to visit, why

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Islam, Jan - Mar 2006

Alhamdulilla. Gracias A Dios.

By Juan Galvan The Message InternationalNovember-December 2005http://www.messageonline.org Editorial I grew up in the Texas Panhandle. I spent over half my life in two small towns, Turkey and Quitaque. Turkey was named after Turkey Creek. Quitaque was named after an Indian name, which means “horse manure.” I sometimes joke that I am uncultured as a result. The population of both towns is less than 600 and shrinking. In 1972, the Turkey and Quitaque schools consolidated creating Valley School halfway between the two towns. I attended Valley School and have fond memories of life as a Valley Patriot. Of course, our school

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Jan - Mar 2006, Quotes of the Month

Quotes of the Month

“Among His Signs in this, that He created you from dust; and then,- behold, ye are men scattered (far and wide)! And among His Signs is this, that He created for you mates from among yourselves, that ye may dwell in tranquillity with them, and He has put love and mercy between your (hearts): verily in that are Signs for those who reflect. And among His Signs is the creation of the heavens and the earth, and the variations in your languages and your colors: verily in that are Signs for those who know.” – Quran 30:20-22. “(Also) mention in

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