April – June 2006

April - June 2006, Other

Response by a Cristina Show producer

———- Original Message —————-Subject: Musulmanes y amores multiplesDate: Wed, 1 Feb 2006From: “Martin Fernandez”To: Grupo LADO Thank you for your response. I am aware of your practices and the reason why girlfriend are mentioned in this email was because it was a general email not only to you but in general to everyone not only to the Muslim community. I know it is a rare practice but you get no where if you don’t try. I found one men in Puerto Rico who has 4 wives and 12 children who is not a Muslim and is willing to come. I

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April - June 2006, Other

Cero Tolerancia

Por Sh. Yahya Juan Suquillo Ser consecuentes con los preceptos de nuestro Dîn “religión”, como constituye para los musulmanes el sumo respeto y amor al profeta Muhammad -Paz y bendiciones de A-lâh sean con el- es un deber ineludible y un Amana “encargo sagrado” que cumplen los musulmanes y por el que seremos contabilizados en el Día del Juicio Final. A-lâh dice: “Di: si vuestros padres, hijos, hermanos, esposas, vuestro clan familiar, los bienes que habéis obtenido, el negocio cuya falta de beneficio teméis, las moradas que os satisfacen, os son más queridos que A-lâh, Su mensajero y la lucha

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April - June 2006, Other

Latinos Musulmanes: Un Grupo en Crecimiento

Por Pilar Marrero La Opinion 9 de Mayo de 2006 Es domingo por la tarde y un pequeño grupo de devotos musulmanes se reúne, como cada dos semanas, a compartir las enseñanzas de su libro sagrado, el Corán, en un salón del Centro Islámico de Los Ángeles, en la calle Vermont. Lo particular de este grupo es que el idioma en el que llevan a cabo la discusión es el español y que los participantes son de México, Costa Rica, Guatemala, El Salvador y otros países de América Latina. Marta Felícitas, quien lleva como segundo nombre el musulmán Khadija, es

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April - June 2006, USA

The Great Sixth Annual Sisterhood Event in Chicago

By Rebecca AbuQaoud An unforgettable reunion of women reflected their togetherness and unity in cooperation, effort, organization, and preparation. Because of their togetherness and unity, they had an amazing event. Some brothers also joined the sisters to help in the arrangement on the day of the sister’s event. Around three o’clock in the afternoon, a group of sisters and brothers set up the tables, arranging and preparing the Red Banquet Room for the special occasion. At the entrance, next to the main door, a big banner read – “Chicago Association of Latino American Muslims.” Meanwhile, bright lights inside the banquet

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April - June 2006, Latino Muslims, USA

Latino Muslims in Chicago

By Juan Galvan I have personally been blessed to have met several Latino Muslims from Chicago. I met Brother Ricardo Pena, Sister Diana Pena, and Brother Yahya Lopez in 2002 at the ISNA Latino Muslims Conference. Husband and wife, Brother Ricardo and Sister Diana, have been involved in the local Chicago Muslim community volunteering, for example, with the Inner-City Muslim Action Network (IMAN). Brother Yahya Lopez is responsible for translating much of the Spanish Islamic literature distributed by the Institute of Islamic Information and Education (III&E). A year later, I would meet Brother Edmund Arroyo who works extensively with the

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April - June 2006, Islam

Do Muslims have a Sense of Humor?

By Juan Alvarado Ever since I came to Islam, I’ve been struggling with this question. I tried to find out if there were Muslim comedians and in the beginning, I found none. Then I realized there were comedians. The problem was that they did not speak English. Well, that’s a relief. At least there are Muslims who try to make others laugh. Much later I found that there are English-speaking Muslim comedians. What does this matter? Lots of times, I’ve gotten the feeling that most Muslims are stodgy, unfunny characters. I’m sure others must have gotten the same feeling. We

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April - June 2006, Islam

In Between Religions (Regressa a tu Senior y tu Cultura Latino)

By Raheel Rojas Bismillah ar Rahman hir Raheem MY WANDERINGS When I was wandering the land between Christianity and Islam a long time ago I used to visit a lot of Muslim chat sites. I met many people who knew about Islam but did not revert. It was strange that I met these people during that time of my life. A Sikh (The religion that wears turbans) was telling me that he wanted to be a Muslim but he loved and honored his family so he remained a Sikh. He called me a coward for thinking of becoming a Muslim

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April - June 2006, Dawah

E-Dawah: Fundamentals and Methods

By Juan Galvan The Internet is revolutionizing the everyday life of ordinary people. Many Muslims do not recognize the unique opportunity the Internet offers for conveying Islam. Many non-Muslims searching for truth also benefit from the Internet. The Internet will never replace face-to-face dawah and direct mailing of Islamic literature, but the Internet will continue to broaden dawah opportunities in new ways that benefit both Muslims and non-Muslims. With the growth of the Internet, we have seen an amazing growth of business conducted over the Internet, or E-Commerce. I want to encourage using the Internet to convey the guidance of

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April - June 2006, Poems


By Isa Lima It’s time for lunch so I’m racing to the spot,I got the windows down because dang it’s hot.Summertime’s here and I have plenty of time,asr ain’t two hours after dhuhr so I’ll be fine. But on the horizon I see what makes me run,a lot of t.a. walking around everywhere spoiling my fun.That nasty eye candy’ll rot your eyes,if you keep staring at it it’ll be your demise. Jannahamburgers you taste so bad,the very sight of you makes me all sad.I’ll never get with you so I’m really glad,on the day of judgment your haramness will go

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April - June 2006, Quotes of the Month

Quotes of the Month

“The servants of (God) Most Gracious are those who walk on the earth in humility, and when the ignorant address them, they say, ‘Peace!’” – Qur’an 25:63. “And they spend not any sum, small or great, nor do they traverse a valley, but it is written down for them, among their good works, that Allah may give them the best reward for what they did.” – Quran 9:121. Allah’s Messenger (PBUH) said, “Be on your guard against committing oppression, for oppression is a darkness on the Day of Resurrection. And, be on your guard against small-mindedness for (it) destroyed those

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