Response by a Cristina Show producer
———- Original Message —————-
Subject: Musulmanes y amores multiples
Date: Wed, 1 Feb 2006
From: “Martin Fernandez”
To: Grupo LADO
Thank you for your response. I am aware of your practices and the reason why girlfriend are mentioned in this email was because it was a general email not only to you but in general to everyone not only to the Muslim community. I know it is a rare practice but you get no where if you don’t try. I found one men in Puerto Rico who has 4 wives and 12 children who is not a Muslim and is willing to come.
I continue my search and hope that when the show airs you will see that the focus of this show is very news oriented and not “sensational” as you may put it. We do produce these kinds of shows but this will not be one of them.
Again thank you for your time.
Martin Fernandez
Cristina Show
Univision Communications Inc.
9405 NW 41 Street
Miami, Florida 33178
———- Original Message —————-
Subject: Musulmanes y amores multiples
Sent: Wednesday, February 01, 2006
From: Grupo LADO
To: Martin Fernandez
Mr. Fernandez:
My apologies for the late reply. We thank you for your request for information and interest in Islam. Unfortunately, we are unable to provide you with the names of Latino Muslims who are involved in plural marriage. Today, the practice is very rare among Muslims, even within the Muslim world.
It is clear from the letter you wrote that this aspect of Islam is a mystery to you and the people interested in making this show. Let us clarify that it is not within our religion to allow a man to have several women as girlfriends but he is allowed to have up to four legitimate spouses within the bounds dictated by Allah (that is God). The reasons why it is permitted and the conditions needed to establish such households deserve an in-depth study that unfortunately cannot be transmitted very well by e-mail.
Finally, Muslims respect the laws of the countries in which we live, and therefore, it is not recommended for Muslims to be involved in plural marriages in the United States nor in any country where it is illegal. Polygyny is a permission granted by Allah in Islam. It is not a requirement to fully practice our faith. Since the Christina Show usually focuses on the sensational, we hope that future episodes will show Islam and Muslims in a respectful and unbiased manner.
Thank you for your time.
On behalf of LADO
Maria Enriqueta Romero
Seattle, WA
En Español –
Sr. Fernandez:
Mi disculpa por escribirle tan tarde. Les agradecemos su pedido e interés en el Islam. Desafortunadamente, no es posible brindarle los nombres de Musulmanes Latinos que tienen más de una esposa. Esta práctica no es muy común en países Islámicos, mucho menos en países occidentales.
Por la letra de su carta se nota que este aspecto de nuestra religión es un misterio para usted y los escritores del Show de Christina. Deje aclararle que no es permitido dentro de nuestra religión que un hombre tenga más de una mujer (o en otras palabras, novias) pero si se permite tener hasta cuatro esposas legitimas dentro de lo que dicta Alá (o sea Dios). Las razones y las condiciones para formar más de una familia merecen un buen estudio que desafortunadamente no se puede transmitir muy bien por correo electrónico.
Finalmente, como Musulmanes se nos impone respetar las leyes de los países en que vivimos, y por lo tanto no se recomienda casarse con mas de una esposa en los Estados Unidos ni en cualquier país donde sea ilegal. La poligamia es un permiso dado por Dios en el Islam y no es un requisito para practicar nuestra fe. Ya que el Show de Christina se enfoca en temas sensacionalistas, esperamos que en el futuro que el Show de Christina podrá mostrar al Islam y los Musulmanes en una manera respetuosa y sin prejuicios.
Gracias por su tiempo.
Por parte de LADO
Maria Enriqueta Romero
Seattle, WA
———- Original Message —————-
Subject: Show de Cristina
Date: Tue, 10 Jan 2006
From: “Martin Fernandez”
To: Grupo LADO
Me dirijo a ustedes hoy para ver si me pueden brindar una ayuda. Este 18 de enero estamos produciendo un show periodistico titulado “Amores Multiples” como sabes es muy comun entre los musulmanes tener mas de una esposa o mas de una mujer. Seria un show muy interesante y periodistico. Yo se que algunas veces hacemos shows amarillistas pero este no seria uno de ellos. Conocen a alguien Latino Musulman que tenga mas de una esposa o practicante?
Martin Fernandez
Cristina Show
Univision Communications Inc.
9405 NW 41 Street
Miami, Florida 33178
In English –
Subject: Show de Cristina
Date: Tue, 10 Jan 2006
From: “Martin Fernandez”
To: Grupo LADO
I direct myself to you all today to see if you can lend me some help. This January 18th we’re going to produce a show entitled “Multiple Loves.” As you know it’s very common among Muslims to have more than one wife or more than one woman. It would be a very interesting and timely show. I know that we sometimes make sensationalist shows but this one wouldn’t be one of them. Do you know of a Latino Muslim who has more than one wife or practicing?
Thank you,
Martin Fernandez
Cristina Show
Univision Communications Inc.
9405 NW 41 Street
Miami, Florida 33178
Another English version using a PC translation software –
Subject: Show de Cristina
Date: Tue, 10 Jan 2006
From: “Martin Fernandez”
To: Grupo LADO
I go to you today to see if they can offer me a help. January 18 are producing a show journalistic titled Multiple” “Loves as you know it is very common among the Muslims to have but of a wife or but of a woman. Serious a show very interesting and journalistic. Me you that sometimes we not make shows amarillistas but this serious one of them. They know somebody Muslim Latin that has but of a wife or practitioner?
Thank you,
Martin Fernandez
Cristina Show
Univision Communications Inc.
9405 NW 41 Street
Miami, Florida 33178