
Oct - Dec 2011, Other

Two Latino Cultural Events at the Muslim Community Association

Homepage Latin Cultural NightMCA Banquet HallFriday, December 09, 201106:30pm – 10:00pm Latin Cultural NightMCA Banquet HallFriday, December 09, 201106:30pm – 10:00pm Our Mission: We are the Muslim Community Association of the San Francisco Bay Area. In cooperation with Muslim communities around the Bay Area, our mission is to: Live our faith as a congregation, inspired by the teachings of the Quran and Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) as individuals and as a collective body, and to foster a mission of peace, justice and compassion for all within our Mosque, our community and the world.

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Oct - Dec 2011, Other

Creación de “CAIR en Español’

Por Wilfredo A. Ruiz, Esq. 25 de agosto de 2011 Assalam Ailekum; Ramadan Kareem! ” Bismillah: Sé que la mayoría de ustedes conocen la organización CAIR (Council of American Islamic Relations – http://fl.cair.com/sfl/). También estoy seguro que conocen y/o han experimentado la necesidad de nuestra comunidad de musulmanes latinos en los EEUU de tener un vehículo de representación ante los cada vez más frecuentes expresiones de islamofobia, desinformación sobre el Islam y nuestro Profeta (SWS) y en el plano personal las reiteradas violaciones de nuestros derechos civiles ya sea con problemas con patronos que no respetan el derecho de las

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Oct - Dec 2011, Other

Guerra y Paz

By Miguel Alvear http://www.miguelalvear.com/resources/hoy%20encontre%20un%20lugar%2005.pdf Este díptico es un retrato del quiteño: Dr. Juan Suquillo, Shaij del Centro Islámico e Imam de los Musulmanes en Ecuador. Estudió en la Escuela Militar, y cuando subteniente, se enfrentó al ejército peruano en la Cordillera del Cóndor, durante el conflicto armado de 1981. Una mina le causó gravísimas heridas y la pérdida de su mano derecha. Al borde de la muerte, Juan Suquillo dice que se dió cuenta que “no estaba preparado para enfrentar a Dios”. Luego de su recuperación fue condecorado con la Cruz al Mérito de Guerra y viajó a Estados Unidos

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July - Sept 2011, Other

The Azizah Magazine Feature Story and Cover You Missed

Azizah Magazine “All in the Family.” Passing beauty, strength and faith from woman to woman in Muslim American families. By Amirah Abdullah. “All in the Family” was among thefeature stories from: Azizah MagazineVolume 4, Issue 3 “Single Issue”Tapping the Power Cover Storyhttp://www.azizahmagazine.comSBN: 1530-7220 (ISSN)Publisher: WOW Publishing Inc. (2006) Special Report : “Tapping The Power.” Deep inside, there is the spiritual power to propel us past difficulties and hardships. Many women are accessing that strength to survive life’s ups and downs. Survivors of tragedy and disaster share how they are coping. By Tayyibah Taylor, Renee Warner Syed & Kelly Crosby.

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Islam, July - Sept 2011, Other

Andalucia Raises Funds and Awareness at their 2011 Fundraising Gala

From the Andalucia Center Blog August 27, 2011 http://www.andaluciacenter.org/profiles/blogs/andalucia-raises-funds-and-awareness-at-their-2011-fundraising-ga In efforts to raise awareness and support for its groundbreaking project, the Andalucia Center and IslamInSpanish hosted a Fundraising Gala on August 17th. Entitled “Serving Humanity in the Multimedia Age”, the Gala affair featured various figures that spoke openhearted about the impact the Center has made so far in the community and its need to be recognized as a headquarters of using media to promote social change. An assortment of videos played which not only highlighted the targeted demographics that the center caters to–Youth, Women, New Muslims, Latinos and the General

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April - June 2011, Other

The IslamInSpanish Television Show

http://www.islaminspanish.org New Television Show– Six Month Series –on HMS TV Hosted by Abu Mujahid FletcherStarting May 24th, 2011 Watch on Houston Local Channels:*Comcast 17*TVMax 95*Sudden Link 99*Phonoscope 75*AT&T U-verse 99 Watch it live online at www.HMSTV.org! Houston’s three year old “IslamInSpanish Show” is back for six months and is now filmed in front of a live Non-Muslim, Spanish audience at the Andalucia Social &Educational Media Center. The theme of the shows is to portray a balanced way that Islam has benefitedLatinos in Houston and around the world. Please inform your Latino neighbors, friends, co-workers, and any Spanish speakers to watch

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April - June 2011, Other

The Muslim Situation in the Caribbean

From The Muslim World League Journal (MWLJ) http://www.islamawareness.net/Caribbean/carribean.html There are 31 countries in the Caribbean, which are classified linguistically into four regions, such as English speaking, French speaking, Spanish speaking and Dutch speaking Islands. There are 19 English speaking countries; Five French speaking countries; three Spanish speaking countries and four Dutch speaking Islands. Muslims from different parts of the globe have settled in these regions. Immigrants vary from medical students to traders, from Indo-Pakistan to Indonesian and African countries. Some are very active Islamic view-point on critical issues like break-up in the media in Bahamas. Whereas, in other places, they

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April - June 2011, Other

What is the Islamic Networks Group (ING)?

Home Description Islamic Networks Group (ING) is an educational outreach organization based in the San Francisco Bay Area with affiliates throughout the U.S. Founded in 1993, ING’s mission is intercultural understanding and mutual respect through education and dialogue. Utilizing accredited volunteer speakers, ING delivers thousands of presentations and other educational programs annually in schools, colleges and universities, law enforcement agencies, corporations, healthcare facilities, and community organizations. ING reaches hundreds of groups and tens of thousands of individuals a year at the local grassroots level, thereby building bridges among people of all faiths and none. Vision ING’s vision is a world

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April - June 2011, Other

15 Tips to Raising Great Children

From HilalPlaza http://www.hilalplaza.com/raising_children_in_islam.html Children are easily influenced by their surroundings. These days, it is extremely difficult to expose our children to an ideal Islamic environment given the influences from media, friends and even other members of the family. With television, radio, Internet and forms of media mostly touting un-Islamic values, it is up to parents and adults close to the children to set the correct example. It is impossible to shield our children from all the negative forces that can shape their minds and, ultimately, their behavior. However, by our own example and showing them better options, we can set

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Jan - Mar 2011, Other

Islamic Roots in the Latino Culture

http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=161308980583855 Time:Saturday, February 19 · 5:00pm – 8:00pm Location:MCC Of Rockford5921 Darlene Dr, Rockford, IL 61109 More Info:Islamic Roots in the Latino CulturePresented by Daniel HernandezOrganized by the Latino Muslims of Rockford – Did you know that the word “ojala” comes from “Oh Allah”?– Did you know that the Muslims reigned over Spain for 800 years?– Did you know that approximately 3,000 Spanish words come from the Arabic language? ***Esta invitación es para el público en general. Todos son bienvenidos.***Open invitation to the general public. Everyone is welcome. Please join us for both events. Video: Islamic Roots in the Latino

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Jan - Mar 2011, Other

Event: Islamic Roots in the Latino Culture

http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=171262426251735 Time:Friday, February 18 · 6:30pm – 9:00pm Location:Islamic Community Center of Illinois (ICCI)6435 W. Belmont Ave, Chicago, IL 60634 More Info:Lectura en espanol/Lecture in SpanishRaíces Islámicas en la Cultura LatinaPresentado por Daniel Hernández – Sabías que la palabra “Ojala” viene de “Oh Allah!?– Approximadamente 3,000 palabras del español son de origen Arabe.– Sabías que en el sur de España, los musulmanes reinaron por casi 800 años?– Did you know the word “ojala” comes from “Ya Allah”?– There are approximately 3,000 Spanish words that come from the Arabic language.– Did you know that Muslims reign Spain for almost 800 years?

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Jan - Mar 2011, Other

Event: Through the Eyes of Latino Muslims

http://www.icnyu.org/index.php?option=com_eventcal&task=event&eventid=816 https://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=203599379650714 Wednesday, March 2, 2011, 5:30-8:00 New York University, Kimmel Room 90960 Washington Square South, New York, NY Join us as we learn from Latinos and Latinas about their experiences with Islam and the Latino culture. Some have converted, some were born as Muslims, but each individual has a unique story and perspective. We will be having Hispanic food from La Isla. Hope to see you Wednesday! Co-Sponsored by:LUCHA and United Muslims Association

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Jan - Mar 2011, Other

3-Day Da’wah Event at ICSGV

http://losangeles.ummahnow.org/events/4663 Event details: Brothers Mujahid Fletcher and Adbdullah Hernandez will inshAllah speakat the Islamic Center of San Gabriel Valley for a 3-Day Da’wah Eventbetween March 10th-12th, 2011. Day 1: Thursday, March 10th“Beautiful Ways of Calling People to Allah(SWT)”Begins after Salat ul’Isha (7:30pm) Day 2: Friday, March 11th“Why We Chose Islam”Presented at the Friday Jumu’ah Khutbah & at the Friday Night Lecture Day 3: Saturday March 12th“History of Islam in Spain/Spanish Community”Begins at 11:00am until 1:00pm “How to Give Da’wah to the Latino Community”Begins at 2:30pm until 5:00pm *There will be two separate lectures, one in English and one in Spanishthat

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Jan - Mar 2011, Other

An-Nisa Hope Center

http://www.annisahopecenter.com/ About Us An-Nisa Hope Center is a non-profit 501(c) (3) organization working to prevent domestic violence in our community. We provide the structured support system needed to regain self-sufficiency and a permanent place in society. An-Nisa opened its doors in 2009 and has handled many serious domestic violence cases, spousal abuse, parental abuse, and spousal and child abandonment.* We have provided successful counseling and support to approximately 120 families in an effort to prevent divorce.* Assisted many individuals with job placement, housing and other social services.* Provided shelter, food medical care, legal referals and support to many homeless or

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Jan - Mar 2011, Other

El-Hajj Malik ash-Shabazz: Retrieving a Legacy Fallen into Dereliction

By Yusuf Rios SuhaibWebb.comDecember 9, 2009 http://www.suhaibwebb.com/society/el-hajj-malik-ash-shabazz-retrieving-a-legacy-fallen-into-dereliction/ Often, El-Hajj Malik ash-Shabazz (r) (a.k.a. Malcolm X) is judged by what he said more than by what he did not say. With more frequency, he is only defined by a narrow segment of his life and teachings: a politicized discourse married to the teachings of Elijah Muhammad addressing race relations. Due to this partial reading, the legacy of El-Hajj has fallen derelict and is in need of rehabilitation so that we can transcend the limits of his misread legacy. The life and teachings of El-Hajj as a whole are seldom considered, resulting

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Oct - Dec 2010, Other

A Call for Participants: A Nation-Wide Study of Latino Muslims

To Whom It May Concern: I am writing to introduce myself. My name is Patrick Bowen, and I am a PhD student at the University of Denver/Iliff School of Theology in the Religion and Social Change program. For my dissertation I am studying US Muslim re/converts, and so I am trying to make connections with various groups throughout the US. My goal is to be able to get in touch with people from the U.S. Latino Muslim community who would be willing to take a survey and/or talk to me about their experiences as converts to Islam. Your input would

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Oct - Dec 2010, Other

Hispanic Open House

Por Casa De Paz 12 de Nov, 2010 Salam Aleikum Confundido, Curioso, estresado … 1. ¿Te has preguntado por qué estás aquí en este mundo? 2. ¿Ha pensado alguna vez lo que usted sabe que no puede ser lo que busca? 3. Se le ha cruzado por la mente que lo que se les ha enseñado que no puede ser verdad? 4. ¿Alguna vez sintió que algo falta en tu vida? 5. ¿Alguna vez ha deseado que no es una respuesta a todas o algunas de sus preocupaciones y problemas??? 6. ¿Te has preguntado por qué un libro divino perfecta

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Oct - Dec 2010, Other

New Muslim Cool

From CSCC.edu http://cscc.edu/News/10-10/New-Muslim-Cool.html Film, performance and panel discussion Nov. 3, 2010 Journalist, activist and political analyst Bakari Kitwana will lead a townhall meeting on the intersection of Islam, hip-hop and identity among a new generation of American youth with a panel discussion and viewing of the award-winning documentary film, “The New Muslim Cool” at 5 p.m. on Wednesday, Nov. 3 in room 404 of the Center for Workforce Development (WD) The 2009 film, which has screened the Sundance Film Festival and aired nationally on the Public Broadcasting System (PBS) follows Puerto Rican rapper Hamza Perez as he steers away from

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Oct - Dec 2010, Other

The Puerto Rican Race

A Reply to Ibrahim Abdullah Al-Boriqee By Danny “Khalil” Salgado Al-Puerto Rikani http://khalilpr.blogspot.com/2009/08/puerto-rican-race-reply-to-ibrahim.html August 02, 2009 Introduction I would like to answer your question as to my position on Puerto Ricans and race. It has been long overdue that I reply to you on Puerto Ricans and race. If you do not agree with me, then at least you can see the sources from where I am coming. At the very least, these article may help you strengthen your position. Simply stated I would say an emphatic “no” to your question regarding whether or not I see the Puerto Ricans

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Jan - Mar 2010, Other

Moros y Mestizos Conference Set for Feb. 25-27

By Jazmyn Bradford UNM TodayFebruary 24, 2010 http://www.unm.edu/~market/cgi-bin/archives/004821.html The Department of Spanish & Portuguese, Chicano Hispano Mexicano Studies, Southwest Hispanic Research Institute, Latin American and Iberian Institute, Foreign Languages and Literatures, American Studies, and the Department of Student Affairs will co-host the 16th annual UNM Conference on Ibero-American Culture and Society, “Moros, Moriscos, Marranos y Mestizos: Alterity, Hybridity Identity in Diaspora.” The conference will be held on Feb. 25 through Feb. 27. On Thursday, the event will be held in the Student Union Building, Acoma, Isleta and Sandía rooms. On Friday, it will move to at the National Hispanic Resource

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