3-Day Da’wah Event at ICSGV

Event details:
Brothers Mujahid Fletcher and Adbdullah Hernandez will inshAllah speak
at the Islamic Center of San Gabriel Valley for a 3-Day Da’wah Event
between March 10th-12th, 2011.
Day 1: Thursday, March 10th
“Beautiful Ways of Calling People to Allah(SWT)”
Begins after Salat ul’Isha (7:30pm)

Day 2: Friday, March 11th
“Why We Chose Islam”
Presented at the Friday Jumu’ah Khutbah & at the Friday Night Lecture
Day 3: Saturday March 12th
“History of Islam in Spain/Spanish Community”
Begins at 11:00am until 1:00pm
“How to Give Da’wah to the Latino Community”
Begins at 2:30pm until 5:00pm
*There will be two separate lectures, one in English and one in Spanish
that will be conducted at the same time.
All programs will be held at the Islamic Center of San Gabriel Valley
19164 E. Walnut Dr. North, Rowland Heights, CA
626.964.3596 | www.icsgv.com