

Islam, Jan - Mar 2008

Feelin’ the Connection

By Siri Carrion Bismillah al-Rahman al-Rahim When you meet people from your home country or the city where you were born it feels so great! There is an instant connection, but when you meet another Muslim from your country or city, an instant bonding takes place that you cannot describe. Alhamdulillah. The Atlanta Latino Muslim Association (ALMA) had its first meeting/lecture on February 16, 2008. My intention was to bring the Latino Muslim community together to put a face to a name and have dinner and just get to know one other. But you know Allah SWT is the best

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Islam, Jan - Mar 2008

Who was Jesus (pbuh)?

By Yahiya Emerick There are many questions that come to mind when the name Jesus is mentioned. Some people say he was a prophet, others call him a god, while others say he was a very wise man. But whatever your idea is, one thing remains certain: he was not your ordinary man. So if there is something special about him, why all the confusion? Just who was Jesus anyway? HIS ORIGIN Jesus lived about 2,000 years ago in ancient Palestine when the Roman Empire was at its zenith. He was not conceived in the usual way, but was implanted

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Islam, Oct - Dec 2007

Developing Ideas on the Parenting Program

By Rebecca Abuqaoud Assalam Waleikum! First of all, I would like to say thanks to the sisters and brothers who have emailed me recently and in the past regarding the programs and acitivities that they would like to travel to travel to Illinois to attend. Potential programs are coming too inshaAllah, for families; and of course, this includes programs for brothers. Programs that are organized by Latino brothers in Illinois. You can visit latinomuslims.com for more information. I would like for you to consider this an informal conversation. As you may know, I recently posted information a few days ago

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Islam, Oct - Dec 2007, Women in Islam

Identity of a Muslim Woman and Maintaining it

By Samantha Sanchez A Muslim is someone who submits his/herself to Allah (God). A person who believes that there is only one God and Muhammad (pbuh) is His Prophet. Who believes in the Day of the Judgment, the Books, the Angels… But what is a Muslim woman… something far beyond this definition. A Muslim woman is unique in that she wears her Islam on her sleeve or her head and not just in her heart. Why? Well we can debate all day from both standpoints the feminist and the REALIST about whether or not it is an infringement of her

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Islam, Oct - Dec 2007


By Raheel Rojas I like many of you have Christian parents. I have given them dawah but they are not Muslim yet. I have given up the verbal dawah and I am now working on refining my Islamic manners. As Muslims we are to be totally respectful and mainly obedient to our parents even though they are not believers. Ever since I started on the refinement I have seen a change in my parents receptiveness in Islam. DON’T GIVE UP ON YOUR PARENTSI was very down at the progress of my dawah with my parents. I got on Pal Talk

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Islam, July - Sept 2007, Ramadan

When is Laylat al-Qadr?

By Shaykh Faraz Rabbani http://qa.sunnipath.com/issue_view.asp?HD=1&ID=336&CATE=6 When is Laylat al-Qadr? The Prophet Muhammad (Allah bless him and give him peace) said, “Whoever prays on Laylat al-Qadr out of faith and sincerity, shall have all their past sins forgiven.” [Bukhari and Muslim, from Abu Hurayra (Allah be pleased with him)] The Prophet (Allah bless him & give him peace) also said, “Seek it in the last ten days, on the odd nights.” [Bukhari and Muslim from Abu Sa`id al-Khudri (Allah be pleased with him)] The scholars affirm that it is the best of nights, [al-Fatawa al-Hindiyya, quoting Mi`raj al-Diraya, 1.216] because of

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Islam, July - Sept 2007, Ramadan

Fasting in Different Religions

By Prof. Shahul Hameed http://www.islamonline.net/servlet/Satellite?c=Article_C&cid=1159951551162 &pagename=Zone-English-Discover_Islam%2FDIELayout Voluntary abstinence from food has been a spiritual purification rite in many religions. Penitence, purification, mourning, sacrifice and enhancement of knowledge and powers were some of the aims of fasting envisaged by these religions. Even philosophers, scientists and physicians of the past adopted fasting as a healing process needed to recreate health where there was sickness. Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, Galen, Paracelsus, and Hippocrates all believed in fasting as a form of therapy (Haas). We find in scriptures such as the Bible, for example, prophets like Moses, Elijah, Daniel and Jesus resorting to fasting for

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Islam, July - Sept 2007

One God, Why not One People?

By Yahsmin M. B. BoBo In the name of Allah, Most Merciful, Most Kind “The believers are but a single brotherhood.” (Qur’an 49: 10) When I conjure thoughts of Muslim Unity, I think back to the earliest days in the establishment of Islam. I envision our blessed Nabi, peace be upon him, his family and companions, may Allah be pleased with them. I ponder the persecution, alienation and hardship they endured during their difficult stay in Mecca and during both migrations first to Abyssinia and later to Medina. Their unity and support of one another was inescapable and indeed, crucial

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April - June 2007, Islam

Behind Bars – Islam Inside and Outside Prison

By Dawud Burgess Many have written and talked about what it is like to live inside a prison. Nonetheless, a great number of these authors have never lived in one of these institutions, or even seen the inside. While numerous letters have been written about prisons, and many theories abound on what the prison experience is like, very few of us know first hand what it is like to live inside a prison cell. Very few prisoners talk about the things they saw in that place. To understand what it means to be a Muslim while doing time, or what

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April - June 2007, Islam

Dialogue With a Latino Muslim Prisoner

By Juan Galvan –Juan: I am from time to time asked about Latino Muslim prisoners. Unfortunately, not much information is available about Latino Muslim prisoners. I have exchanged letters with various Latino Muslim prisoners. I want to share with you letters by a Latino Muslim prisoner from New Mexico. After finding my address in a Muslim magazine, Joe Segura sent me the following letter. September 20, 2002 Peace be upon you,My name is Joe Segura. I am a Mexican-Muslim from New Mexico. I am doing time in prison for things I’ve done wrong in my past. Thanks to Allah. He

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April - June 2007, Islam

My Visit to a California Prison

By Daniel Denton Friday, March 24 2006 Assalamu Aleikum brothers and sisters, Alhamdulillah. Today I had an opportunity to go to one of the correctional facilities here in California, and I witnessed something that I have NEVER witnessed before. And, if I did not believe in Allah’s Greatness, I would have sworn that what I was witnessing was an optical illusion. It was the brothers’ post Eid celebration, and there were about forty brothers in attendance. As I was waiting in the chapel, I noticed African American brothers coming in, and then a few “brown” or Chicano brothers started coming.

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Islam, Jan - Mar 2007

Common Islamic Sayings

1. As-salaamu “˜alaykum (Peace be upon you) – By way of greetings 2. Wa alaykumus salaam (And peace be upon you) – In reply to the greetings 3. Bismillah (In the name of Allah) – Before making a beginning 4. Jazakallah (May Allah reward you) – For expression of thanks 5. Fi Amanullah (May Allah protect you) – By way of saying good-bye 6. Subhaanallah (Glory be to Allah) – For praising something 7. Insha Allah (If Allah wishes) – For expressing a desire to do something 8. Astaghfirullah (I beg Allah for forgiveness) – Repenting for sins before Allah

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Islam, Jan - Mar 2007

Dichos Islámicos Comunes

1. As-salámu aleikum – El saludo universal musulmán que significa “La paz esté contigo.” 2. Wa aleikum as-salám – La respuesta al saludo encima. Significa, “Y la paz esté con usted.” 3. Bismiláh – Significa “En el nombre de Dios.” Se dice antes de hacer cualquier cosa. 4. Yazak Alá – Significa “Que Dios te recompense.” Se dice como expresión de gracias. 5. Fi Amanuláh – Significa “Que Dios te protege.” Se dice como expresión de despedida. 6. Subjánalah – Significa “Gloria a Dios.” Se dice cuando elogiando algo. 7. Incha Alá – Significa “Si Dios quiere u Ojala.” Se

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Islam, Jan - Mar 2007

So That You May Know Who I Am

By Juan Galvan Assalaam alaykum, In Quran 49:13, Allah (SWT) has stated, “O mankind! We created you from a single soul, male and female, and made you into nations and tribes, so that you may come to know one another. Truly, the most honored of you in God’s sight is the greatest of you in piety. God is All-Knowing, All-Aware.” The wisdom found in the Quran never ceases to amaze me. The most honored in the sight of our Creator are those with the greatest piety. Although we all come from a single soul, we are now scattered throughout this

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Islam, Jan - Mar 2007

The Centrality of the Masjid

By Samantha Sanchez The Masjid as a Center for Community, as a Nucleus of the Muslim Society Beyond establishing prayer, the function of the mosque is to provide for the needs of the community. Islamic cities were built with this purpose in mind, just look throughout North Africa and Europe. The mosque was at the center surrounded by the market and residence areas. Thus making the mosque of central importance in all aspects: socially, academically, politically, militarily, culturally, and so on. The community mosque, despite limited space in some communities, should provide a number of services for the community beyond

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Islam, Jan - Mar 2007

My Beautiful Trip to the AbuBakr As-Siddeeq Seminar

By Idriis Garcia http://www.albaseerah.org/forum/showthread.php?p=2377#post2377 March 15th, 2006 Beautiful” I hate it. Two thoughts I kept repeating in my head and upon my tongue. Not about the same thing but in fact different matters which are in contrast themselves. The first was like a dream. Being in Makkah, praying at the Haram, making “˜Umrah, learning firsthand from the big scholars, then Madeenah, praying at the Haram, attending the sittings of more big scholars, and every morning being awoken for fajr by a live adhaan” beautiful. While I was enjoying this bliss, I would occasionally recollect what it was like back in

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Islam, Jan - Mar 2007

My Experience at the AbuBakr As-Siddeeq Seminar

By Amiira bint Fernando http://www.albaseerah.org/forum/showthread.php?p=2378#post2378 March 15th, 2006 “We’re actually going to Makkah and Madinah?!” I could not bring myself to believe that my zowj and I were going to have the opportunity to make our “˜Umrah, as well, as learn from some of the top “˜Ulamaah. Subhan’Allaah, it was like a dream come true. As I looked out the window of the airplane, I still felt myself in doubt. Why me? I embraced this beautiful and wonderful Deen in March 1999, and still felt that there was so much more I needed to perfect before being worthy of setting

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Islam, Oct - Dec 2006

Hispanic Muslim Day 2006

http://mymasjid.org/content/view/46/2 The Islamic Educational Center of North Hudson held it’s 4th Annual Hispanic Muslim Day event yesterday (September 10th, 2006) to celebrate the Islamic heritage Latinos from across the globe share through their Moorish ancestors who once ruled Spain for over 800 years. The day’s event was filled with lectures, food, games, and Q&A sessions. Many Latino converts, along with some of their family and friends, attended the event that was first created by IEC 4 years ago to recognize their ever-growing Latino congregation. With the rapid rate by which Latinos are converting to Islam, IEC recognized the need for

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Islam, Oct - Dec 2006

Civilización Islámica Desde el Comienzo Hasta la Era Medieval

Por Dr. Abdus Samad Romero Román La presencia actual de una imponente masa de inmigrantes y estudiantes musulmanes en Europa y Estados Unidos; obliga inevitablemente a los ciudadanos europeos y americanos a medirse con otra civilización y, sobre todo, con otra religión, El Islam. Civilización y religión que hoy, por fin; es necesario conocer, puesto que sólo a través de un reciproco conocimiento y comprensión será posible alcanzar una convivencia pacífica que permita una colaboración provechosa en el interés general. Se hace necesario, a la luz de cuanto sucede hoy (pero también en relación a lo que algunos personajes relevantes

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Islam, Latino Muslims, Oct - Dec 2006

FAQS About Latino Muslims, Revisited

By Juan Galvan On Saturday, November 18, I had a unique opportunity to meet with Muslims from New York City and New Jersey. I met with Muslims at the 96th St Mosque until noon then with more Muslims at the Islamic Educational Center of North Hudson (IECNH) until 4:00PM. My visit to New York was mainly vacation but I wanted to meet some Muslims who I admire for their contribution. I have been blessed to meet many amazing Muslims on the Internet. I also wanted to request some input on a number of issues from them. Originally, my plan was

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