Jan – Mar 2009

Islam, Jan - Mar 2009

The Religion of Love

By Dr. Khalifa Abdul Hakim http://muslim-canada.org/ch9hakim.html What follows is an excerpt from Chapter 9 of “The Prophet and His Message” by Dr. Khalifa Abdul Hakim. We gratefully acknowledge and thank The Institute of Islamic Culture for permission to reproduce this. ISLAM is essentially a religion of love – God’s love for man and man’s love for God and man’s love for man and the entire creation. Love is the ground as well as the goal of all genuinely spiritual religions. The Qur’an begins by calling God Rahman and Rahim (generally translated in English as Beneficent and Merciful), but the word

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Jan - Mar 2009, Other

Como me Encontro Dios en Malasia

Por Ariffin Gutierrez He vivido en Malasia por más de 11 años. Llegue a este país para dar clases de español en el Instituto de Diplomacia y Relaciones Exteriores de Kuala Lumpur. Después fui a dar clases de español en una universidad que se llama Universiti Putra Malaysia o UPM. Ahora tengo mi propia oficina, al lado de las Torres Gemelas Petronas. Me case en 1997 pero ante del matrimonio, me converti al Islam como requisito para poder casarme. Yo me converti porque me convencí y estuve (y estoy) de acuerdo que no hay otro dios excepto Aláh. Logicamente, Dios

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Jan - Mar 2009, Quran

Thomas Jefferson’s Qur’an

From MuslimBridges.org http://www.muslimbridges.org/content/view/453/ Muslim Congressman Took Oath of Office on Thomas Jefferson’s Quran.Keith Ellison finds book symbolic of U.S. founding fathers’ religious tolerance Incoming Minnesota Representative Keith Ellison became the first Muslim member of the U.S. Congress January 4, 2007. swearing his oath of office on a copy of the Quran that belonged to the author of the Declaration of Independence and the third president of the United States, Thomas Jefferson. “Look at that. That’s something else,” Ellison, D-Minn., said as officials from the Library of Congress showed him the two-volume Quran, which was published in London in 1764. Ellison

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Jan - Mar 2009, Latin America

The International University in Latin America

From UIAL.org http://www.uial.org/index.php?lang=english UIAL Mission One of the main characteristics of the era in which we live in today is that ordinary people in addition to world wide scholarly and cultural institutions have become interconnected due to what is known as the era of communication and globalization. These connections have been made possible by the tremendous capabilities of modern technology, in ways that no human being could have ever dreamt of a few decades ago. It is evident that one of the benefits of these connections is that they give us the opportunity to become better acquainted with each other’s

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Jan - Mar 2009, Latin America

La Universidad Internacional de América Latina

From UIAL.org http://www.uial.org/index.php?lang=spanish Misión de la UIAL La comunicación entre las diferentes sociedades, entidades educativas y culturales, es una de las principales características que distinguen esta época, conocida como la era de las telecomunicaciones; gracias a los grandes avances técnicos y científicos a este nivel. Es evidente que dentro de lo positivo que tiene la era de las telecomunicaciones, es que, nos permite saber y conocer más sobre los demás, comprender sus particularidades y sus aspiraciones intelectuales y culturales. Con toda la tecnología, se espera disminuir los conflictos y problemas por los que está pasando nuestro mundo hoy día, los

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Islam, Jan - Mar 2009

First Institute for Latin American Imams

By Hany Salah IslamOnline.netFebruary 4, 2009 http://www.islamonline.net/servlet/Satellite?c=Article_C&pagename=Zone-English-News/NWELayout&cid=1233567606891 SAO PAULO – The first-ever institute for training imams and preachers in the entire Latin American continent will soon see the light in Brazil to meet a dire need for homegrown scholars. “The institute will open its doors by March,” Abdelbagi Sidahmed Osman, executive director of the Latin American Institute for Islamic Studies, told IslamOnline.net. “It will be the first of its kind, not only in Brazil but in Latin America.” Headquartered in Maringa city in the northern Parana state, the ground-breaking institute will focus on teaching Islamic studies and training imams. It

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Jan - Mar 2009, Spain

The Islamic Influence on Spanish Phrases and Customs

By Juan Alvarado Although some Spanish words come from Greek, the Spanish language is considered a Romance language because most Spanish words are descended from Latin. Surprisingly, many of these Spanish words carry an Arabic meaning or concept. The following few examples will give an idea of how these words are used. An example is the Spanish word aceros, meaning both energy and strength. Aceros is a translation of the Arabic word hiddah (meaning sharpness and force). Another example is the Spanish word poridad, which means both purity and friendship, from the Arabic word khalasa (meaning to be pure). Lastly, the Spanish word and

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Islam, Jan - Mar 2009

What Prayer Means to Me

By Velma Cook Five times a day I retreat from life, pause and renew my intention for living. It’s not just kids and work, fun and problems. There’s more, much more lying just beneath the surface of our everyday thoughts. If we dare to peer within, we’ll find it, the home of peace, of truth: an acute awareness of what is wrong and right, of what is worthwhile and what is wasted. I stand still and concentrate on the spot on the carpet where my forehead will soon rest, casting aside all worries, fears and hopes, and focusing on the

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Jan - Mar 2009, Poems

La fundación del Islam

Por Mansoor Marican La fundación del Islam es elchaháda o la declaración de la fe. La traducción del significado del chaháda es“yo atestiguo que no hay otro dios paraadorar excepto Aláh y Mujammad esel ultimo mensajero de Aláh.” Se debe creer en el corazón y ser declaradoverbalmente con sinceridad, certeza y sinduda, entendiendo su significado, yaceptando todas sus condiciones. La primera parte del chaháda comienzaen la negativa (“ningún otro dios”) ytermina con afirmación (“excepto Aláh”). La creencia en Islam comienzacon el rechazo de todo que no es Dios.Incluye los profetas, santos ydioses falsos hechos por sereshumanos tales como ídolos y

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Jan - Mar 2009, Quotes of the Month

Quotes of the Month

“And know that this community of yours is one community, and I am your Lord. So take Me as your Protector.” – Quran 23:53. “Our Lord! Place us not among the people who have been guilty of evildoing.” – Quran 7:47. Allah’s Apostle (pbuh) said: “A strong believer is better and is more lovable to Allah than a weak believer, and there is good in everyone; cherish that which gives you benefit and seek help from Allah and do not lose heart, and if anything (in the form of trouble) comes to you, don’t say: ‘If I had not done

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