Jan – Mar 2008

Jan - Mar 2008, Other

Cumbre Países Árabes – América del Sur (ASPA)

Cumbre de Ministros de Relaciones Exteriores de los Países Árabes – América del Sur (ASPA) Por Fernando Bazán http://www.cemoc.com.ar/aspa2008.htm CEMOC Treinta y cuatro representantes de naciones de América del Sur y de los países árabes se reunieron en Buenos Aires los días 20 y 21 de febrero en el Palacio San Martín, sede protocolar del Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores de Argentina. La reunión se enmarcó en la continuación del diálogo institucional abierto entre ambas regiones durante la Cumbre de Brasilia de 2005. En aquella oportunidad los puntos sobresalientes de la “Declaración de Brasilia” fueron el apoyo al reclamo palestino por

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Islam, Jan - Mar 2008

Feelin’ the Connection

By Siri Carrion Bismillah al-Rahman al-Rahim When you meet people from your home country or the city where you were born it feels so great! There is an instant connection, but when you meet another Muslim from your country or city, an instant bonding takes place that you cannot describe. Alhamdulillah. The Atlanta Latino Muslim Association (ALMA) had its first meeting/lecture on February 16, 2008. My intention was to bring the Latino Muslim community together to put a face to a name and have dinner and just get to know one other. But you know Allah SWT is the best

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Hajj, Jan - Mar 2008

Hajj 2007

By Imam Yusef Maisonet I will remember this Hajj for the rest of my life. In my forty years as a Muslim, I have never expected anything like this. Hajj 2007 was my third time on hajj. The first was by myself and the second time was with my wife. However, this time, hajj had a special meaning to it because I was making a historical hajj with brothers from the Latino community, and I was making this hajj for a friend that had his intention on making this hajj and died before he could accomplish his goal. We spent

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Hajj, Jan - Mar 2008

Imams Training in UAE Culminates with Hajj

By Imam Yusef Maisonet Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates Allah blessed thirteen Muslims from the United States and one from France to attend a historical pioneer Imams Training Program in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) recently, after being randomly selected. All Praise is due to The Creator that I was among those selected to be a participant in this program. The Imams Training Program was put together by a brother with vision, Bro. Khalid Ahmed, who spent the last two years back and forth between the U.S. and the UAE, getting the logistics worked out. Dhabi sponsored this program, including

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Jan - Mar 2008, Poems


By Isa Lima I feel so empty being away from you.To sit in your presence is to know Islam is true.For I listen attentively at your side.At work the next day my faith I dare not hide. You revive what’s in me with your peace and tranquility.You’re a gathering filled with serenity.The angels make dua for us when we sit with you. The Quran appears so understandably clear though I might feel blue.Allah mentions us to those near Him when we’re together.We gain reward with each letter. The thing I don’t understand at all anymore,Is why people scurry away from

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Jan - Mar 2008, Poems

Praise Allah

By neQiniso Abdullah Praise Allah, Mighty and great,Who knows our past and guards our fate,Who formed us from moistened clay;To whom else, then, shall we pray? Praise Allah, Eternal and Wise,Who hears our laughter and hears our cries,Who paves a straight and narrow way;To whom else, then, shall we pray? Praise Allah, the Merciful One,Who has no mother nor a son,Who keeps our feet from going astray;To whom else, then, shall we pray? Praise Allah, the only God,We dare not act without his nod,Since by His grace we live this day;To whom else, then, shall we pray?

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Jan - Mar 2008, Quotes of the Month

Quotes of the Month

“We [God] have sent you a Messenger of your own who recites Our revelations to you and makes you grow in purity; and educates you in the Scripture, and wisdom, and teaches you what you knew nothing about.” – Quran 2:151. “When a (courteous) greeting is offered you, meet it with a greeting still more courteous, or (at least) of equal courtesy. God takes careful account of all things.” – Quran 4:86. The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said, “Seek help from God and do not lose heart. And if anything (in the form of trouble) comes to you, don’t say, ‘If

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Jan - Mar 2008, Stories

On Becoming Muslim

By Shariffa A Carlo In the Name of Allah, most Compassionate, most Merciful The story of how I reverted to al Islam is a story of plans. I made plans, the group I was with made plans, and Allah made plans. And Allah is the Best of Planners. When I was a teenager, I came to the attention of a group of people with a very sinister agenda. They were and probably still are a loose association of individuals who work in government positions but have a special agenda – to destroy Islam. It is not a governmental group that

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Jan - Mar 2008, Other

¿Quién era Jesús (la paz este con él)?

Por Yahiya Emerick Hay muchas preguntas que vienen a la mente cuando se menciona el nombre Jesús. Alguna gente dice que él era un profeta, otros lo llaman un dios, mientras que otros opinan que él era un hombre muy sabio. Pero sobretodo, una cosa segura es que él no era un hombre ordinario. Pero si hay algo especial sobre él, ¿por qué toda la confusión? ¿De todos modos, quién era Jesús? SU ORIGEN Jesús vivió hace aproximadamente 2.000 años en Palestina antigua cuando el imperio Romano estaba en su cenit. No fue concebido en la manera normal, sino que

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Islam, Jan - Mar 2008

Who was Jesus (pbuh)?

By Yahiya Emerick There are many questions that come to mind when the name Jesus is mentioned. Some people say he was a prophet, others call him a god, while others say he was a very wise man. But whatever your idea is, one thing remains certain: he was not your ordinary man. So if there is something special about him, why all the confusion? Just who was Jesus anyway? HIS ORIGIN Jesus lived about 2,000 years ago in ancient Palestine when the Roman Empire was at its zenith. He was not conceived in the usual way, but was implanted

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