April – June 2011

April - June 2011, Islam

The Latest News from PIEDAD

By Nylka Vargas http://www.llamo.org LLAMO NewsletterApril 13, 2011 – Vol. 1, Issue 1 PIEDAD (Propagación Islámica para la Educación y Devocion a Allah el Divino) is a national network of Muslim women coming together for the common good: spiritual development, community building, sisterhood, and educational outreach, with a focus on the Latina/Hispanic community. As-Salaamu Alaikum! Thank you for your interest in PIEDAD. The following is an outline of our programs. We hope that you enjoy reading about the and ask for your feedback. If you have any questions, or would like to help us out please send us an email.

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April - June 2011, Islam

Mosque Open House in English/Spanish

Peace be with you, We hope that you are enjoying a spring season of warmth, blooming, renewal and growth. We’d like to inform you of a mosque open house at the Islamic Association of North Texas on April 2, 2011. The open house will include a tour, information booths, English and Spanish presentation, Q & A sessions, free gifts, free literature, and of course, free Mediterranean food! Please feel free to share this information with anyone who might be interested to attend. The details are as follows: Mosque Open HouseApril 2, 2011, 2:30 — 5:30 PMIslamic Association of North Texas840

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April - June 2011, Latino Muslims

First Muslim Info Booth at Latino Festival

By ICNA-WhyIslam http://www.icna.org/first-muslim-info-booth-at-the-fiesta-broadway-festival/ LOS ANGELES, California (May 8, 2011) — Today the Annual Fiesta Broadway Festival, billed as the world’s largest Cinco de Mayo event, attracted half a million people who converged on 24 blocks in downtown Los Angeles. Over 50,000 people visited the first ever information booth on Islam organized by ICNA Southern California Chapter’s outreach project WhyIslam. The Latino population is growing fast in the United States, and even faster in California. “We do not want to lose the opportunity to reach out to them at this early stage,” said Amir Mertaban, Dawah Chair, ICNA Southern California Dawah

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April - June 2011, Other

The IslamInSpanish Television Show

http://www.islaminspanish.org New Television Show– Six Month Series –on HMS TV Hosted by Abu Mujahid FletcherStarting May 24th, 2011 Watch on Houston Local Channels:*Comcast 17*TVMax 95*Sudden Link 99*Phonoscope 75*AT&T U-verse 99 Watch it live online at www.HMSTV.org! Houston’s three year old “IslamInSpanish Show” is back for six months and is now filmed in front of a live Non-Muslim, Spanish audience at the Andalucia Social &Educational Media Center. The theme of the shows is to portray a balanced way that Islam has benefitedLatinos in Houston and around the world. Please inform your Latino neighbors, friends, co-workers, and any Spanish speakers to watch

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April - June 2011, Other

The Muslim Situation in the Caribbean

From The Muslim World League Journal (MWLJ) http://www.islamawareness.net/Caribbean/carribean.html There are 31 countries in the Caribbean, which are classified linguistically into four regions, such as English speaking, French speaking, Spanish speaking and Dutch speaking Islands. There are 19 English speaking countries; Five French speaking countries; three Spanish speaking countries and four Dutch speaking Islands. Muslims from different parts of the globe have settled in these regions. Immigrants vary from medical students to traders, from Indo-Pakistan to Indonesian and African countries. Some are very active Islamic view-point on critical issues like break-up in the media in Bahamas. Whereas, in other places, they

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April - June 2011, Other

What is the Islamic Networks Group (ING)?

Home Description Islamic Networks Group (ING) is an educational outreach organization based in the San Francisco Bay Area with affiliates throughout the U.S. Founded in 1993, ING’s mission is intercultural understanding and mutual respect through education and dialogue. Utilizing accredited volunteer speakers, ING delivers thousands of presentations and other educational programs annually in schools, colleges and universities, law enforcement agencies, corporations, healthcare facilities, and community organizations. ING reaches hundreds of groups and tens of thousands of individuals a year at the local grassroots level, thereby building bridges among people of all faiths and none. Vision ING’s vision is a world

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April - June 2011, Other

15 Tips to Raising Great Children

From HilalPlaza http://www.hilalplaza.com/raising_children_in_islam.html Children are easily influenced by their surroundings. These days, it is extremely difficult to expose our children to an ideal Islamic environment given the influences from media, friends and even other members of the family. With television, radio, Internet and forms of media mostly touting un-Islamic values, it is up to parents and adults close to the children to set the correct example. It is impossible to shield our children from all the negative forces that can shape their minds and, ultimately, their behavior. However, by our own example and showing them better options, we can set

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April - June 2011, Islam

Children’s Books from HablamosIslam

By Wendy Diaz In English: Bismillahi ar Rahmani ar Rahim.As salaamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu dear brothers and sisters, Hablamos Islam and Hablamos Islam Niños are established programs that provide Islamic resources to the Spanish-speaking community. However, in our efforts to expand and meet the needs of both our Hispanic/Latino and English-speaking brothers and sisters, we have published our Islamic children’s books in both English and Spanish, alhamdulillah. Our newest book is called “The First Day of Ramadan/El Primer Día de Ramadán” and is priced at $11.99. This is the perfect pre-Ramadan gift for your child! All proceeds go

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April - June 2011, Poems


By Isa Lima There are times when your heart feels like stone,and shaytan ravages you like a dog chews a bone.you wonder how to get out of such a horrible abyss,where you lie in darkness and can’t comprehend the gist,Why’re we here upon this treacherous land?our father was from paradise, you must understand. We’re in a prison with insurmountable bars and walls,There’s only one exit, death, it will overtake us all.some of us have rap sheets as long as the nile,we continue to sin profusely as we live in denial.Our Creator has rights upon us, we mustn’t disdain.sincerity means we’re

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April - June 2011, Quotes of the Month

Quotes of the Month

“Recite what is sent of the Book by inspiration to thee, and establish regular Prayer: for Prayer restrains from shameful and unjust deeds; and remembrance of Allah is the greatest (thing in life) without doubt. And Allah knows the (deeds) that ye do.” – Quran 29:45. “God has promised to the believers, both men and women, gardens beneath which rivers flow, to live therein forever, and they will have beautiful mansions in these gardens of everlasting bliss. But God’s good pleasure is the greatest (bliss of all). That is the supreme triumph.” — Quran 9:72. I asked the Prophet (for

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