April – June 2009

April - June 2009, Islam

An Intimate Look at Hip-Hop’s Jihad

By Suad Abdul Khabeer http://planetgrenada.blogspot.com/2009/06/intimate-look-at-hip-hops-jihad.html June 23, 2009 ‘New Muslim Cool,’ a new PBS documentary, shows how young Muslim Americans in the post-9/11 era are deepening ties between hip-hop and Islam Real hip-hop heads know that Islam and hip-hop have been longtime friends, feeding off each other’s energy. Muslim ideals of self-respect and social change have inspired some of the greatest emcees, and hip-hop is giving voice to the dreams and daily struggles of a generation of Muslims. This cross-pollination between Islam and hip-hop is vividly illustrated in a new documentary, New Muslim Cool, which premieres tonight on PBS. Directed

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April - June 2009, Women in Islam

The 9th Annual Gathering of Latina Sisters in Chicago

By Ingrid Ascencio d’ Farrukh The 9th Annual Gathering of Latina Sisters in Chicago was held on May 24, 2009 in the Youth Center of the ICCI Masjid. Allah (subhanahu wa ta’ala) made it possible once again, for this group of women to get together and share an afternoon of topics of interest, delicious food and a warm environment full of hugs and kids. The entire program was held in Spanish, and after the formal welcome and introduction of the event, little Sarita Hashlaman (7 years old) gave a beautiful recitation of Surah Ash-Shams and Ayat Al Kursi to invite

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April - June 2009, USA

Cartographies of Islam in the Americas: Migrants, Converts and Devotion

By UCLA Latin American Institute http://www.international.ucla.edu/lai/events/showevent.asp?eventid=7321 Symposium about the growing presence of Islam in Latin American Societies. Friday, April 03, 20099:00 AM – 12:30 PMRoyce 362Los Angeles, CA 90095 Muslim communities in the Americas are made up of migrants- people from historically Muslim regions like the Middle East and South East Asia who have settled in the region, and a growing number of converts. Migrants and their descendants are a majority of Muslims in South America, particularly in Argentina and Brazil. Converts are more visible in Mexico and the Caribbean. In all of these regions however, migrants and converts interact

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April - June 2009, Islam

Brazil…Few Imams, Closed Mosques

By Hany Salah IslamOnline.netJune 11, 2009 http://www.islamonline.net/servlet/Satellite?c=Article_C&pagename=Zone-English-News/NWELayout&cid=1243825288434&utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=rss CAIRO — Though Muslims enjoy a unique atmosphere of tolerance in Brazil, many of their mosques are closed because of the rarity of imams, something that threatens the Islamic identity of many Muslims, particularly the younger generations. “One third of the mosques are closed due to the absence of imams,” Al-Sadiq Al-Othmani, head of the Islamic Affairs Department at the Sao Paulo-based Center of Islamic Da`wah in Latin America, told IslamOnline.net over the phone. There are mosques in all the major capitals of the Brazilian states and some cities in the interior. In

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April - June 2009, Islam

Ahl al-Sunnah wa al-Jamaa`ah (The People of Sunnah and the Community)

The Beginning Point of an Islamic Methodology. By Dr. Ihsan Bagby http://www.mana-net.org In its mission statement, MANA says that its organization will be based on Ahl al-Sunnah wa al-Jamaa`ah (the People of Sunnah and the Community). What does this mean? The term Ahl al-Sunnah wa al- Jamaa`ah is actually an old term that was first used in the second century of the Islamic era. Firstly the term means that the foundation of all Islamic thought is Quran and the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) as found in authentic hadith. The ultimate arbiter

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April - June 2009, Hajj

Impresiones de la peregrinación Menor (Umra)

Por Marta Khadija Contestando a la llamada de Alá en una viaje de Reflexión, Inspiración, Renacimiento, y Devoción, el pasado 25 de Mayo de 2009 seis hermanas, un hermano y yo salimos para el Medio Oriente con el propósito de hacer el ritual de Umra, el cual se lleva a cabo en Meca, Arabia Saudita. La mayoría de nosotros visitábamos Meca por primera vez. Desde la planeación de este viaje empezamos a experimentar una emoción muy grande, La cual fue creciendo a medida que el día de salida se aproximaba. Viajamos por la aerolínea Emiratos Unidos (Emirates), vuelo directo de

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April - June 2009, Other

A Day in the Life of a ‘Project Downtown Tampa’ Volunteer

Homeless Coalition Begins Bi-Annual Census By Khadijah Rivera http://www.muslimahwritersalliance.com/MWA_Writer_Spotlight_April_Khadijah_Rivera.html Despite the fact that it’s 1:00 o’clock in the morning, I am exhausted, and my bones ache, my mind remains in a whirl-wind of activity from the events of the day, so here I sit, pen in hand. I spent the day as a volunteer assisting with the Homeless Coalitions’ bi-annual census. The volunteers were organized into teams that would work in shifts. The first shift was slated to begin at 4:00 AM on a day that began with temperatures that had plummeted overnight, and a steady rainfall. I remember feeling

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April - June 2009, USA

Historical Trip to Puerto Rico Unites Islanders to the Mainland

By Imam Yusef Maisonet and Sr Khadijah Rivera Piedad-Latinodawah.Blogspot.comJune 4, 2009 http://piedad-latinodawah.blogspot.com/2009/06/historical-trip-to-puerto-rico-unites.html A man may plan but ALLAH is still the best of planners. Everything comes at the time that it was meant to be. For over 25 years I had dreamed of returning to Puerto Rico. But my work as a Merchant seaman took me to ports in Central and South America with work turned into Dawah. All that time Puerto Rico was in the back of my mind. Last year I prepared to take that ground breaking trip to Puerto Rico which was brought about by a New

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April - June 2009, Quotes of the Month

Quotes of the Month

“Establish regular prayer: for prayer restrains from shameful and evil deeds; and remembrance of God is the greatest (thing in life) without doubt.” – Qur’an 29:45. “Many of the followers of the Book wish that they could turn you back into unbelievers after your faith, out of envy from themselves, (even) after the truth has become manifest to them; but pardon and forgive, so that Allah should bring about His command; surely Allah has power over all things.” – Qur’an 2:109. “I heard the Apostle of Allah (PBUH) say, “If anyone travels on a road in search of knowledge, Allah

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April - June 2009, Poems

Unwrap Me

By Shinoa Matos Unwrap meand find nothing extraordinaryexcept the ordinary, yet extraordinary me No “freedom” to exposeMy hair will tell you nothingEvident are my truthsIn speech, action, and thinking My body’s crevices, belonging to my makerWill give you not a drop of informationIt is my attitude, my spirit, and faithIn which you can make your assessment, your evaluation For you see, not a sliver of sound can be heardNot a piece of personality can be seenFrom all your walking modelsBinging, prostituting, and exposing It is you who needs unwrappingFrom your material and immoralityFind comfort in your blessingsRather than your ego,

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