Women in Islam

Events, Holidays, Muslim converts, Other, Stories, USA, Women in Islam

Black Friday deals for the blind?

By Heather Albright As-salamu alaykum wa Rahmatullah, Alhamdulillah and Mashallah! I recently managed to acquire tools for my blind friends abroad who require assistance. It surprised me to learn that some of them lacked access to basic aids like a white cane, which the National Federation of the Blind provides for free in the USA. I’ve always taken for granted the ease of replacing my cane if it breaks. Similarly, the NFB also offers free slates, styluses, and a program providing talking medical devices like scales and blood pressure machines, but unfortunately, these aren’t accessible overseas. However, I stumbled upon

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Oct - Dec 2011, Women in Islam

In Memory of Sister Mary Ali

By Rebecca Abuqaoud December 9, 2011 Assalam Aleikum dear sisters in Islam, It was not easy to receive the sad news of the decease of Sister Mary Ali last Tuesday. The news was shocking. She leaves us with great memories. May Allah SWT have mercy on her soul and grant her the highest rank in Paradise. It was an honor to have Mary Ali among us with her teachings, advice, and wisdom. The first time, I met Sister Mary Ali face-to-face was in my house in September 8, 2001. I invited her over the phone to my house to share

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Islam, July - Sept 2011, Women in Islam

“Aren’t You Hot in That?” – My First Summer in Hijab

By Holly Garza http://ww2.onislam.net/english/reading-islam/living-islam/personal-stories/in-their-own-words/409345.html July 14, 2009 As-salamu Alaykum! This just means “peace be upon you” or, in Spanish, “La paz sea con usted”. Am I hot in my headscarf with covered arms and legs? Yes, I am hot, but I’m not any hotter than you not covering like I do. Honestly, at times I’m even four to six degrees cooler than you. Now, a few degrees cooler will not make me feel cool in 95 degree weather, but I am not really suffering much more than someone who is not covered. This I know for a fact. At home

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Jan - Mar 2011, Women in Islam

The Female Scholars Of Islam

By Latifah Martinez As-Salaam Alaykum, I wanted to put together this little piece to briefly mention a few of the MANY female scholars throughout history to make the point that women have always had an important position in this deen that was never questioned in the past. I think that if more Muslim women and girls knew about these noble women then less would be affected by the false talk of the so-called “Muslimah feminists” who make us think that we must either reduce or completely remove the hijab, mingle with men and other such things in order to be

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April - June 2009, Women in Islam

The 9th Annual Gathering of Latina Sisters in Chicago

By Ingrid Ascencio d’ Farrukh The 9th Annual Gathering of Latina Sisters in Chicago was held on May 24, 2009 in the Youth Center of the ICCI Masjid. Allah (subhanahu wa ta’ala) made it possible once again, for this group of women to get together and share an afternoon of topics of interest, delicious food and a warm environment full of hugs and kids. The entire program was held in Spanish, and after the formal welcome and introduction of the event, little Sarita Hashlaman (7 years old) gave a beautiful recitation of Surah Ash-Shams and Ayat Al Kursi to invite

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Islam, Oct - Dec 2007, Women in Islam

Identity of a Muslim Woman and Maintaining it

By Samantha Sanchez A Muslim is someone who submits his/herself to Allah (God). A person who believes that there is only one God and Muhammad (pbuh) is His Prophet. Who believes in the Day of the Judgment, the Books, the Angels… But what is a Muslim woman… something far beyond this definition. A Muslim woman is unique in that she wears her Islam on her sleeve or her head and not just in her heart. Why? Well we can debate all day from both standpoints the feminist and the REALIST about whether or not it is an infringement of her

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Islam, July - Sept 2004, Women in Islam

Women in Islam

By Hasan Rabani How do women fit into Islam? What is their fate?This has been the subject of many a debate.“for the believing men and women, is a great reward’This is from Surah Al Azaab, the words of our Lord.It can be seen from reading the Holy Quranthat a woman has some privilege over a man. Women can pray at the mosque or even at home.They may marry or divorce, its their choice, their own.After marriage she can retain her old maiden nameand is rewarded for treating all her offspring the same.Once women are married they should live pious lives.“and

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April - June 2004, Islam, Quran, Women in Islam

La Virgen María en Islam

Por Juan Galvan Mucha gente se sorprendería al ver el amor que los Musulmanes sienten por la Virgen María, la madre de Jesús. En el Corán, a ninguna otra mujer se le da más atención que a María. Ella recibe más atención que a todos los Profetas con la excepción de Adán. En los 114 capítúlos del Corán, María esta entre las ocho personas en tener un capítúlo a su nombre. El decimonoveno capítúlo del Corán se llama Mariam, en honor a la Virgen María. ‘Mariam’ significa María en Árabe. El tercer capítúlo del Corán se llama Amran, el cuál

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April - June 2004, Islam, Quran, Women in Islam

The Virgin Mary in Islam

By Juan Galvan Many people may be surprised that Muslims love Mary, the mother of Jesus. In the Quran, no woman is given more attention than Mary. Mary receives the most attention of any woman mentioned in the Quran even though all the Prophets with the exception of Adam had mothers. Of the Quran’s 114 chapters, she is among the eight people who have a chapter named after them. The nineteenth chapter of the Quran is named after her, Mariam. Mariam means Mary in Arabic. The third chapter in the Quran is named after her father, Imran. Chapters Mariam and

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July - Sept 2003, Poems, Women in Islam

I am a Muslim Woman

By Jenn Zaghloul I am a Muslim woman. Feel free to ask me why.When I walk, I walk with dignityWhen I speak I do not lie I am a Muslim woman. Not all of me you’ll seeBut what you should appreciate. Is that the choice I make is free I’m not plagued with depression. I’m neither cheated nor abused.I don’t envy other women. And I’m certainly not confused. Note, I speak perfect English. Et un petit peu de Francais aussi.I’m majoring in Linguistics. So you need not speak slowly. I run my own small business. Every cent I earn is mine.I drive my Chevy to school & work. And

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July - Sept 2002, Women in Islam

An Answer: Why Muslim Women Cover

by Samantha Sanchez Don’t deny it. You have seen a Muslim woman in the street or on television and thought she must be in complete submission. In which case you’d be right…read on to find out why. Today’s society often looks upon the modestly dressed woman with disdain with ideas that she is an oppressed woman who dons a headcovering because of her husband or some other man in her life. For these people, life that is devoted to modesty and piety is something shameful and unfashionable. But many of these people need only look in their own scriptures to

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Hajj, Jan - Mar 2002, Other, Women in Islam

A Woman on a Mission

By Sidra Khan http://www.thetruereligion.org/womanmission.htm The Guardian (London)Thursday 8th May 1997Sidra Khan reports on Aisha Bhutta’s bid to convert the world to Islam Aisha Bhutta, nee Debbie Rogers, is serene. She sits on the sofa in big front room of her tenement flat in Cowcaddens, Glasgow. The walls are hung with quotations from the Koran, a special clock to remind the family of prayer times and posters of the Holy City of Mecca. Aisha’s piercing blue eyes sparkle with evangelical zeal, she smiles with a radiance only true believers possess. Her face is that of a strong Scots lass – no

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