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Latino Muslims

Zakat for Da’wah and Public Welfare Programs

 BY: MUZAMMIL SIDDIQI   SOURCE: ISLAMICITY APR 16, 2022 In the Qur’an, Allah Almighty has mentioned 8 categories of people who can receive Zakah. Allah Almighty says: “Alms are for the poor and the needy, and those employed to administer the (funds); for those whose hearts have been (recently) reconciled (to the truth); for those in bondage and in debt; in the cause of Allah; and for the wayfarer: (thus is it) ordained by Allah, and Allah is full of knowledge and wisdom.” (At-Tawbah:60) The expression “in the cause of Allah” or fi Sabil Allah was generally interpreted “Jihad fi Sabil Allah” and so many

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Books, Dawah, Islam, Latino Muslims, Other

Representation Matters: Islamic Books for Latino Children

By Wendy Díaz May 8, 2021 Original link: Representation Matters: Islamic Books for Latino Children | About Islam Fifteen years ago, my husband and I, both Latino converts to Islam, welcomed our first son to this world. Alhamdulillah, he was the first Muslim child born into our families, a blend of Puerto Rican and Ecuadorian heritages living here in the U.S. His fitra, that innate faith in one Supreme Creator, was untainted unlike ours had been. He did not have to discover Islam later in life in his teens and twenties like his parents had. We named him Uthman after

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Books, Dawah, Islam, Latino Muslims, Muslim converts

A Book About Our Journeys to Islam

By Aaron Siebert-Llera As a light-skinned (Chicago winters will do that to anyone) Mexican-American, I have often had to deal with the frequent ‘you don’t look Mexican’ comments. Now that I am also Muslim (13 years & counting), I am more often mistaken for being Arab or Bosnian, so I actually blend in at the mosque. But when people find out I’m Mexican, they then ask the question ‘wait, how can you be Mexican and Muslim?’ Part of the issue for people not being aware of our presence has always been that the greater Latino/a community does not do a

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Dawah, Latino Muslims, Muslim converts

Did you feel alone this holiday season?

Dear fellow Muslim – peace be upon you, Do you remember how you felt alone during this holiday season? Well, that’s how new Muslims feel during Islamic holidays. Perhaps, you haven’t given much thought to it because you have supportive Muslim friends, a loving Muslim family, and an active local Muslim community all year around? What does your local community do for the new convert during Islamic holidays? What do you do for them? Please consider giving to The LADO Group by the end of this tax year. You may know of us better as the Latino American Dawah Organization

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Latino Muslims

Alianza Islamica: The True Story

RAMON FRANCISCO OCASIO MARCH 14TH, 2016 11:51 AM On January 30, 2016, Muslims and non-Muslims alike gathered in Houston, Texas, for the most highly anticipated event of the season: the grand opening of IslamInSpanish’s Centro Islamico, a new nexus to bring Islam to Latinos. Bright, sunny, nearly cloudless skies graced the sizable throng, most seated under a protective canopy while the rest stood bathed in the warmth of a Texas winter’s sun. While children frolicked in inflatable castles, the crowd was regaled with speech after speech, each discourse augmenting the auspiciousness of the event, all building up to a momentous climax

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Latino Muslims

A Historical Review Of Bani Saqr

Pioneers of the Latin American Muslims Conversion to Islam in North America By Al-Hajj Yusuf Abdul Rahman Padilla-Alvarez February 2016 An early review of the beginnings of the first conversions of Puerto Ricans from the Latin American dispensation in North America into the religion of Islam from Newark, New Jersey. My name is Al-Hajj Yusuf Abdul Rahman, I was born Jose Angel Padilla-Alvarez, in El Corozo de Boqueron, Cabo Rojo, Puerto Rico in 1954. My family migrated to New York then to Newark, New Jersey while I was still an infant. On the historical side, most Puerto Ricans migrated from Puerto

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Latino Muslims

Latino Muslims 101

Selected Bibliography Barzegar, Abbas. “Latino Muslims in the United States: An Introduction.” The High Plains Society for Applied Anthropology 23.2 (2003): 126-129. Print. Bowen, Patrick D. “Early U.S. Latina/o – African-American Muslim Connections: Paths to Conversion.” The Muslim World 100.4 (2010): 390-413. Print. Bowen, Patrick D. “The Latino American Da’wah Organization and the “Latina/o Muslim” Identity in the U.S.” Journal of Race, Ethnicity, and Religion 1.11 (2010): n. pag. Web. 21 May 2014. Bowen, Patrick D. “U.S. Latina/o Muslims Since 1920: From ‘Moors’ to ‘Latino Muslims’.” Journal of Religious History 37.2 (2013): 165–184. Print. Chitwood, Ken. “Hispanic Muslims? An In-depth

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Latino Muslims, Other, USA

Latino Muslim Survey Report

Latinos are the fastest-growing segment of the US Muslim population. According to some estimates, there are between 55,000 and 198,000 Latinos practicing Islam in the country. At a time when President Donald Trump has issued a ban on Muslim refugees from seven countries and fortified Border Patrol and Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents, the group has become particularly vulnerable. However, research explaining why many Latinos have converted to Islam or shedding light on the group’s experiences in the United States remains scarce. Hoping to fill this gap, Gastón Espinosa, Professor of Religious Studies at Claremont Mckenna College, conducted the first-ever, large-scale survey research of Latino

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Books, USA

Want to Learn More About Muslims? Pick Up a Book. Or 10

By Saadia Faruqi, Dec 16, 2016 Wear Your Voice magazine Media stereotypes and misinformation about Muslims are nothing new. But in a post-election world, Muslims are finding more allies who often want to help but don’t know much about us. More and more of our fellow Americans have questions and need answers. In on online forum recently, someone asked me about books I would recommend to those wishing to learn about Muslims. I’m happy that people want to learn — even though I think meeting Muslims is far more valuable than reading about them — but searching in the sea of available choices can

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Latino Muslims

Why Black American Muslim and Convert Communities are Headed Towards Extinction

By Imam Abu Laith Luqman Ahmad “We can swim in denial or continue kicking the can down the road. Nevertheless, there seems to be data that shows that the American Muslim convert community, a community already fractionalized, marginalized, and historically disadvantaged because of race, are at great risk of extinction, and here’s why.” – Imam Abu Laith Luqman Ahmad. In the view of many Muslims, Black American Muslims aren’t considered a real civilization of people in the first place, let alone a declining one. Black Muslims themselves do not regard themselves as a new and distinct civilizations of Muslims. That right

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Latino Muslims

Latino Muslims in the United States: Reversion, Politics, and Islamidad

By Gaston Espinosa, Harold Morales, Juan Galvan Journal of Race, Ethnicity, and Religion Volume 8, Issue 1 (June 2017) PDF Version Latino Muslims have emerged in a religious landscape that is “diverse and fluid” and in a public discourse that too often frames Latinos and Muslims as foreign and problematic in the U.S. (PEW 2014). This was nowhere more evident than in the wake of the 2016 Election when President Donald Trump issued a 90-day ban on Muslim immigration from seven countries, citing national safety concerns regarding the vetting process. While Latino Muslims were not part of this ban, because

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Oct - Dec 2012, Other

Latino Muslim events, etc

Latino Muslims: A Merging of Cultures Monday, October 15, 20127:00pm until 9:00pm in EDT Manhattanville College Student Center Theater2900 Purchase StreetPurchase, NY 10577 Join us for an intimate discussion with a panel of Latino MuslimsBring your questions for an interactive Q&A session! REFRESHMENTS WILL BE SERVEDEARN DUCHESNE HOURS! Sponsored by: Muslim Chaplaincy, World Religions DepartmentMuslim Student Association (MSA), Latin American Student Organization (LASO) ———————- Halal Expo Chile 2012 October 12 at 3:00pm until October 14 at 7:00pm CHILE OPENS DEVELOPMENT OF HALAL From 12 to 15 October 2012at the Sheraton Hotels in Vina del Mar Chile. Halal

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Oct - Dec 2012, Other

Tenth Annual Hispanic Muslim Day Tenth Annual Hispanic Muslim Day / Décimo Día Anual del Musulmán Hispano Sunday, October 7, 20121:00pm until 6:00pm in EDT2500 Kennedy Blvd. Union City NJ 07087 Asalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullah wa barakutuh: Free registration and program updates here: The NHIEC masjid invites all Muslims, converts and their families to our 10th Annual Hispanic Muslim Day. Please encourage your non Muslim friends and neighbors to attend this Islamic Educational event. 1:00p – Dhuhr Prayer / Meet & Greet with Refreshments 1:30p – Program Commencement / Br. Alex Robayo MC for the day 1:40p – Quran Recitation with Translation (English/Spanish)

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Islam, Oct - Dec 2012

The Kalimah & the Shahādah in Various Languages

From MuslimSpeak July 3, 2008 The Kalimah & the Shahādah in Various Languages If one were to search the net they would find various pages dedicated to demonstrating how to say and write ‘I love you’ in as many languages as those making the list can compile. One might also find less meaningful phrases such as ‘Where is the bar?’ or ‘Cheers!’. For any Muslim there is indeed no phrase more dear to them than the Shahādah or the Kalimah, so I decided to compile such a list for surely it would be far more useful and beloved to us than

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Islam, Oct - Dec 2012, Quran

Conference on the Real Personality of Prophet Muhammad

Centro Islámico Para Asuntos de la In the name of Allah, most gracious and most mercifulAll Praise be to AllahPeace and blessings upon our beloved Prophet Muhammad, his family and his companionsPeace be upon you ISLAMIC CENTER OF WOMAN’S AFFAIRS in order to provide the correct information about Islam and Muslims to the Guatemalan society, the center has done its first Islamic conference to general audience on the topic: “THE REAL PERSONALITY OF PROPHET MUHAMMAD” onSaturday, October 6th, 2012. For this activity, many Muslims and Non-Muslims have come and paid special attention to the topic and also asked questions

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Latino Muslims, Oct - Dec 2012

Morales Presents on Representations of Latino Muslim…

Morales Presents on Representations of Latino Muslim in the Media at American Academy of Religion Conference November 27, 2012Indiana University of Pennsylvania Harold Morales, Department of Religious Studies, presented a paper on media portrayals of Latino Muslims at the American Academy of Religion conference in Chicago, November 17-20, 2012. In “Latino Muslim by Design: Reductive Binaries in American News Media,” Morales examined representations of Latino Muslims in news media and responses to these productions. Since the mid-1970s, Latino converts to Islam have been forming communities in metropolitan areas including New York and Los Angeles. Conservative estimates of the number

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Islam, Oct - Dec 2012

La Identidad del Musulmán Latinoamericano

Por Imam Juan Suquillo Latinoamérica el terruño de las nuevas generaciones de musulmanes en occidente. Veinte años atrás cuando decidimos con mi esposa y un grupo de hermanos musulmanes fundar el primer Centro Islámico reconocido oficialmente por el gobierno Ecuatoriano, jamás pensé que este decisión sería la semilla edificadora de una nueva identidad naciente en Ecuador: El Musulmán Latinoamericano. Interpretando la marca de identidad de las jóvenes generaciones que han transcurrido en estos años en nuestro Centro Islámico, se puede colegir con certeza, que el Musulmán Latinoamericano no pertenece al estereotipo del musulmán inmigrante en Latinoamérica, pues su pertenencia geográfica

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