Jan - Mar 2006, Other

Univision Visits IEC

From MyMasjid.org


The Islamic Educational Center of North Hudson (IECNH) hosted nationally syndicated Hispanic television station Univision [channel 41 in the NYC metro area] on Thursday February 23rd at its center in Union City, NJ.

Alex Robayo speaking about Islam post 9-11.

El Centro Islamico de North Hudson tuvo a la emisora reconocida nacionalmente, Univision, el Jueves el 23 de Febrero en su centro en Union City, NJ.

Miriam Mesiji, an Univision field reporter, was investigating the large number of Latin Americans leaving Catholicism into other faiths, namely Islam. She interviewed Sr. Neisy Lara and Flor Maza and discussed their conversion into Islam as well as Islam’s close ties Latin American culture and family values. She also interviewed Br. Alex Robayo regarding his views on Islam and 9-11.

Flor Maza

Miriam Mesiji, una reportera de Univision, estuvo investigando las grandes cantidades de Latinos que han dejado el Catolocismo para otras religiones, inclusivo al Islam. Ella intrevisto a las hermanas Neisy Lara y Flor Maza acerca de su conversion al Islam tanto como los acostumbres Islamico que tienen un parecimiento inexplicable a las tradiciones Latinas. Tambien se intrevisto al hermano Alex Robayo sobre su opinion acerca del 9-11.

Neisy Lara

Miriam Masiji also interviewed Father Anthony Figuereido, a Seton Hall University Catholic Priest, regarding the issues of mass exodus of Latin Americans out of Catholicism and into Islam.

Miriam Masiji tambien intrevisto al Padre Anthony Figuereido del la Universidad Catolica de Seton Hall. El Padre comento acerca del exodo de los Latinos del Catolocismo al Islam.

The IECNH center has programs every Wednesday for individuals interested in learning more about Islam. The center is located on 46th street between Kennedy Blvd and Bergenlive Ave in Union City, NJ. They can be reached at (201) 330 – 0066.

El Centro Islamico tiene programas cada miercoles para los interesados en aprender mas sober el Islam. El centro esta colocado en la Calle 46 entre Kennedy Blvd y Bergenline Ave en Union City, NJ. Tambien se alcanzan al (201)330 – 0066.

Watch the Univision at IEC video, then watch a video about the 3rd Annual Hispanic Muslim Day.