LADO Timeline of Accomplishments
September 1997 | Latino American Dawah Organization (LADO) is founded to promote Islam among Latinos in the United States. |
October 1997 | LADO begins to formalize its mission statement and the means for accomplishing its mission. |
October 1997 | LADO selects “¡A su LADO!” as its slogan. |
October 1997 | LADO establishes first LADO website. |
October 1997 | LADO establishes first LADO online newsletter. |
1998-2000 | LADO makes alliances with organizations on a local level. |
January 2001 | LADO initiates Latino Muslim Census. |
July 2001 | LADO attends the 2nd Annual Latino Muslim Conference. |
July 2001 | LADO is endorsed by ISNA and ICNA. |
August 2001 | LADO is in the news and Islamic Horizons Magazine. |
July 2001 | LADO begins working with ISNA’s Latino Coordinating Committee. |
October 2001 | LADO begins collecting a book on Latino conversion stories. |
October 2001 | LADO forges relationship with various Muslim organizations. |
October 2001 | LADO establishes YahooGroup. |
Dec 2001 – Sept 2002 | LADO members in various newspaper and magazine articles. |
January 2002 | LADO overhauls its website and online newsletter to better serve the needs of the Latino Muslim community. |
July 2002 | LADO attends the 3rd Annual Latino Muslim Conference. |
July/August 2002 | LADO coordinates first, ever Muslim magazine issue dedicated to American Latino Muslims. Islamic Horizons: July/August 2002 issue. |
July/August 2002 | LADO releases the first comprehensive article about Latino Muslims in America in Islamic Horizons Magazine. |
September 2002 | LADO members speak at 39th Annual ISNA Convention. |
March 2003 | LADO forges closer relationships with Latino Muslim organizations. |
July 2003 | LADO attends the 4th Annual Latino Muslim Conference. |
September 2003 | LADO members speak at 40th Annual ISNA Convention. |
December 2003 | LADO clarifies its mission statement, dawah objectives, and guiding principles in response to the rapid growth of Latino Muslims. |
June 2004 | LADO establishes chat room and guestbook. |
July 2004 | LADO attends the 5th Annual Latino Muslim Conference. |
September 2004 | LADO members speak at 41th Annual ISNA Convention. |
October 2004 | LADO members speak at 2nd annual Hispanic Muslim Day event in New Jersey. |
Nov/December 2004 | LADO coordinates the first, ever Latino Muslims magazine issue by The Message International dedicated to Latino Muslims. The Message International: November/December 2004 issue. |
Nov/December 2004 | LADO releases extensive article in English and Spanish about Latino Muslims in The Message International. |
May 2005 | LADO unveils its redesigned website. |
July 2005 | LADO attends the 6th Annual Latino Muslim Conference. |
September 2005 | LADO members speak at 42th Annual ISNA Convention. |
October 2005 | LADO members speak at 3rd annual Hispanic Muslim Day event in New Jersey. |
Nov/December 2005 | LADO coordinates the second Latino Muslims magazine issue by The Message International dedicated to Latino Muslims. The Message International: November/December 2005 issue. |
Nov/December 2005 | LADO releases article about the founding of LADO in The Message International. |
Etc. | Etc. |