God Has No Son
By neQiniso Abdullah
“Jesus is God’s only son,”
The Christians still insist.
But how could such a thing be done;
No mates for Him exist!
Don’t they know that with this claim
They say that God’s a male,
Who needs a son to bear His name,
As if His life could fail!
Those who choose to speculate
And assign to God a sex,
Reduce Him to man’s carnal state
And jeopardize their necks!
But any who place on God this lie
Should rightly fear His wrath.
His lofty throne is far too high
Above man’s sensual path.
Now, if a farmer timely sows
A seed in fertile land,
Would we consider that which grows
To be a son of man?
Thus has God with Mary done
In bringing Jesus to life.
So Jesus cannot be called His son,
Nor can Mary be called His wife.
They truly know not what they’ve done
Who made Mary God’s mate and Jesus His son.