Oct – Dec 2004

Mexico, Oct - Dec 2004

Two Events in Mexico

Centro Cultural Islamico de Mexicowww.Islam.com.mx Fiesta (Open House) del Fin de Ramadhan Assalaam A\’laikum Dar as Salaam (Tequesquitengo, morelos), tiene el agrado de invitarlos a un evento (Open house) que dará inicio a las 10:30 AM el Domingo 14 de Noviembre. Habrá una serie de actividades recreativas (montar a caballo, football, paseo en lancha, nadar etc) y platcias sobre el Islam. Habrá una comida y una gran oportunidad de conviviar con Musulmanes. Estan muy bienvenidos nuestros amigos No Musulmanes a pasra el dia con nosotros. Hermanos y hermanas si el Domingo 14, cae el dia del Id y quieren hacer

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Oct - Dec 2004, Ramadan

Ramadan In History

By Sheikh Abdullah Hakim Quick. Ph.D. The Message – Canada / January 1997http://www.islamzine.com/ramadan/fasting4.html All praises to Allah (SWT), Lord of the worlds. He who revealed in His Glorious Quran, “Oh you who believe, fasting is prescribed for you as it was prescribed for those who came before you that you may keep your duty to your Lord (having taqwa),” 2:185. And may blessings and-peace of Allah (SWT) be upon His last Messenger Muhammad ibn Abdullah, forever. Oh you who believe, Ramadan is a sacred month wherein Almighty Allah (SWT) is constantly testing His creation and giving humanity the opportunity to

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Islam, Oct - Dec 2004, Ramadan

Normas generales en el mes del Ramadán

EL CENTRO ISLAMICO DEL ECUADORhttp://www.centroislamico.org.ec NORMAS GENERALES EN LA OBSERVANCIA DE AYUNO DEL MES ISLAMICO DE RAMADÁN “! CREYENTES!. SE OS HA PRESCRITO EL AYUNO, AL IGUAL QUE SE PRESCRIBIO A LOS QUE OS PREDECIERON. QUIZAS ASI TEMAIS A ALAH (DIOS) “. – SURA AL-BAQARA: 183 ¿EN QUÉ CONSISTE EL AYUNO? El ayuno de Ramadán es una orden de Dios y una purificación, que consiste en la abstinencia total de la bebida, comida, relaciones matrimoniales y otros detalles más que puntualizaremos. ¿QUÉ TIEMPO DEL DIA? Comienza desde el amanecer hasta la puesta del sol. ¿QUÉ TIEMPO DEL AÑO? El mes

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Oct - Dec 2004, Other

The Joy of The Children

By Rebecca Abu Qaoud Assalam Waleikum Warahmatulla Wabarakatuhu! I have to share a wonderful experience that my children and I had recently. This is the second year that I have attended the Eid Festival organized by the Chicago Association of Latino-American Muslims (CALAM). This is a new occurrence in my personal experience. I have attended other Eid Festivals since becoming Muslim, and I have come to appreciate its importance. Eid-ul-Fitr was not really meaningful to me at the begining as a new Muslim. My husband was a great source of information in understanding this Islamic festival. I learned to enjoy

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Oct - Dec 2004, Other

Halal Fajitas Barbeque

By Abu’Maya Gomez In the Bay Area [San Francisco, Oakland, San Jose, etc], the Muslim population is well established with mosques centrally located throughout the area. Yet the Latinos receiving Islam is a very scanty effort, and some converts to Islam are left without any assistance. The Zaytuna outreach coordinator asked the Latinos in his class to start a gathering for Latinos to assist each other with our social, psychological, and new Islamic identities. In 2003, phone calls and e-mails were sent to encourage Latino Muslims to meet on Saturdays from 3:00 – 5:00pm on the Zaytuna grounds. The meetings

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Latino Muslims, Oct - Dec 2004

Latino Muslim Cultural Night

By Kathryn Espinoza It’s the night of August 20, 2004, and my heart is smiling, reflecting my face, as I sit here on this now empty stage, looking upon this now empty hall that about two hours ago was full of approximately 250 Muslims ranging from all corners of the globe. I’m still. I’m free. I’m happy. The ummah is now complete…I think to myself. Thinking back in my memory bank to 4:30 pm: the arrival of the enchiladas de pollo, the ones sisters and brothers slaved over the night before. Picture this…a garage turned kitchen with Mexicanos, Mexicano-Pakistanis, Salvadorenos,

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Islam, Oct - Dec 2004

The Second Annual Hispanic Muslim Day

By Shinoa Matos Bismillah ArRahman ArRahim”We share family values,” said Imam Mohammad Al-Hayek, referring to the many commonalties that Latinos and Arabs share. “We even look alike.” This foundation of similarities was laid down at the 2nd Annual Latino Muslim Day Event that took place on Sunday, October 3rd, at the Islamic Educational Center of North Hudson in Union City New Jersey.The event held a succession of speakers, Qur’anic recitations, Q&A, trivia with prizes, food, and a gigantic cake with a replica of a Mosque on top of it. Each guest was given a folder containing Islamic materials in Spanish

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Oct - Dec 2004, Poems

Ramadan is Here

By Asma Sadia http://www.muhajabah.com/ramadan-poems.htm One night I heard a knock on my door;Who can it be, I wasn’t quite sure.I open the door and am filled with glee;The visitor ahead is no stranger to me.I welcome the guest with utmost delight;For I know it has come to give me respite. An air of happiness fills the space;My home now seems, a better place!Have you any clue who this visitor could be?Yes! Its Ramadhan, the month of mercy.The pious and righteous can’t await its arrival;Others seem to greet it, with waves of denial. For Allah(SWT) we fast from dawn to dusk;For

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Oct - Dec 2004, Poems

Ya Ramadan!

http://www.muhajabah.com/ramadan-poems.htm By Noor Syed In the name of Allah, the most Merciful, the most Kind A blessed month is casting its shadow upon usA night of this month is better than a thousand monthsBear with patience for the sake of Ar-RahmanIt’s a continuous training to strengthen our Imaan. Glory be to Allah who sent Ramadan as a mercy to mankindIts a purification of our soul, our heart, and our mindWith the most sincere devotion and love we fastTo be cleansed and free from sins of the past Glorified is He, who choseth this holy month,To test our sabr and fill

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Oct - Dec 2004, Quotes of the Month

Quotes of the Month

“The month of Ramadan is that in which the Qur’an was revealed as a guidance for mankind with clear proofs of guidance and discrimination. Therefore, whosoever is present at home in this month let him fast therein. But whoso is temporarily sick or on a journey, shall fast the same number of other days, Allah desires ease for you and He desires not hardship for you, and He desires that you may complete the number, and that you may exalt Allah for His having guided you and that you may be grateful.” – Quran 2:185. “He who does not desist

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