Jan – Mar 2010

Jan - Mar 2010, Spain

WhyIslam Spanish Billboard

877-WHY-ISLAM Spanish Billboard in Union City, NJ The Islamic Circle of North America has launched a nation-wide campaign to place WhyIslam billboards in major cities across the country in its ongoing efforts to educate others about Islam. As part of this campaign, the New Jersey chapter of ICNA has put up a Spanish billboard in Union City, New Jersey. In addition to the toll free 877-WHYISLAM hotline, the billboard also provides the address of the North Hudson Islamic Educational Center (NHIEC) masjid. The goal of the campaign is to provide unbiased information about Islam and to dispel commonly perceived misconceptions.

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Islam, Jan - Mar 2010

Khadijah Rivera (1950-2009)

Islamic Horizons March/April 2010 Heart of the Community Discussing her conversion, Khadijah Rivera, a Puerto Rican ex- Roman Catholic, wrote: “Reverting to Islam would be complicated by my childhood training that Jesus Christ was my savior and salvation. To pray to anyone but him would be blasphemy. I therefore studied several religions when I left my church and its rigid teachings. But they were all Christian and not much different from the original one. Of course they all believed that the papal aristocracy was nonsense and I praised them for that. But they could not justify Jesus Christ in a

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Islam, Jan - Mar 2010

Ibrahim Benjamin Perez Mahomah (1933-2009)

Islamic HorizonsMarch/April 2010 Widely Sharing Love of Islam Hajji Ibrahim Benjamin Perez Mahomah passed away peacefully in his sleep on 8 Dec. 2009 after a fight with brain and stomach cancer. He was laid to rest in Livermore, CA. One of the first, if not the first, Hispanic converts to what he thought was Islam in the San Francisco/Bay Area back in the 1950s, he told Deborah Kong of the Associated Press in June 2002 about his conversion. A Puerto Rican, he was nevertheless drawn to the Nation of Islam meeting in 1957 out of curiosity. The only Latino at

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Islam, Jan - Mar 2010

Science and Scholarship in Al-Andalus

The Message InternationalNovember-December 2005, pg 17 Maslamah al-Majriti wrote a number of works on mathematics and astronomy, studied and elaborated the Arabic translation of Ptolemy’s Almagest, and enlarged and corrected the astronomical tables of the famous al-Khwarizmi. He also compiled conversion tables in which the dates of the Persian calendar were related to Hijrah dates, so that for the first time the events of Persia’s past could be dated with precision. Al-Zarqali, known to the West as Arzachel, combined theoretical knowledge with technical skill. He built a water clock capable of determining the hours of the day and night and indicating

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Jan - Mar 2010, Other

Moros y Mestizos Conference Set for Feb. 25-27

By Jazmyn Bradford UNM TodayFebruary 24, 2010 http://www.unm.edu/~market/cgi-bin/archives/004821.html The Department of Spanish & Portuguese, Chicano Hispano Mexicano Studies, Southwest Hispanic Research Institute, Latin American and Iberian Institute, Foreign Languages and Literatures, American Studies, and the Department of Student Affairs will co-host the 16th annual UNM Conference on Ibero-American Culture and Society, “Moros, Moriscos, Marranos y Mestizos: Alterity, Hybridity Identity in Diaspora.” The conference will be held on Feb. 25 through Feb. 27. On Thursday, the event will be held in the Student Union Building, Acoma, Isleta and Sandía rooms. On Friday, it will move to at the National Hispanic Resource

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Jan - Mar 2010, USA

Islamic Classes in New York and Chicago

—New York— Introduccion al Islam en EspanolClass Dates: February 10th, 2010 – May 5th, 2010Timings: Wednesdays, 7:00pm – 8:30pmLocation: The IC http://www.icnyu.org/index.php?option=com_eventcal&task=event&eventid=477&date=1268874000 Class Description: El propósito de esta clase será proveer conocimientos básicos sobre la religión del Islam, empezando por los seis principios de la fe Islámica y los cinco pilares de la misma. De igual forma, buscaremos entablar una conversación productiva sobre asuntos que atañen a los musulmanes hispanoparlantes hoy en día. Cuáles son los retos y posibilidades que enfrentamos los musulmanes latinos en relación a nuestras familias, nuestras comunidades, y la comunidad musulmana norteamericana en especifico? Cómo podemos

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Jan - Mar 2010, Other

My Daughter’s Aqiqah

By Shinoa Matos Bismillah irRahamnir Raheem The day of Sumaeyah’s Aqiqah had arrived, after having postponed it for two months. My husband Julio and I intended to do it on the 7th day after her birth in accordance with the Sunnah of the Prophet but because of my Cesarean, I was not up to making all the arrangements so soon. After we both fully recovered-me from my surgery and Sumaeyah from a respiratory infection-everything seemed to be well enough to call the imam and set up the ceremony. I met Imam Muhammad Shamsi Ali at the Islamic Cultural Center of

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Jan - Mar 2010, Poems

Because Allah ta’ala made me both…

By MusliRican http://muslirican.blogspot.com/ Hejab on my headWith a machete dangling from my neckI’m not a terroristJust a bonafide Boricua with coquis on my mindI love the flares of salsa skirtsWith claves and congas singing to my heart’s contentWhile I prostrate on the sands of RinconAwaiting the whales to make their presenceBorinquen is my paradiseAllah is my creatorYes–I can inhabit both spacesAnd when bachata comes on the radioI move three steps liftThree steps liftAnd when the azhan is called“Allahu Akbar” and “Bismillah” run out of my mouthGive me some piraguas with a side of datesA little of sunlight with a dash

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Islam, Jan - Mar 2010

The Principles of Islam

By Sayyed Mohammad http://www.irca.org.au/Islam/Poems/principles.htm In the name of Allah, Most Beneficent, Most Merciful I Know, child, that God is only One,And has no Partner or Son;He has made us and everything,All beasts, all fowls, all birds that sing,The Sun, the Moon, the Starry Sky,The Land, the sea, the mountains high.He knows whatever we think or act,By Him is seen the real fact.And only He does what He wills,He makes, He keeps, He saves, He kills.Forever the same, no age, no youth,He is Perfection, He is Truth.Almight, All-Seeing, Wise,He had not form, or shape or size.But Self-Existing is our Lord,And is

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Jan - Mar 2010, Quotes of the Month

Quotes of the Month

“But celebrate the praises of thy Lord, and be of those who prostrate themselves in adoration. And serve thy Lord until there come unto thee the Hour that is Certain.” – Quran 15:98-99. “It was by God’s grace that you (O Muhammad) did deal gently with your followers: for if you had been harsh and hard of heart, they would indeed have broken away from you. Pardon them, then, and pray that they be forgiven. And consult with them in all matters of public concern.” – Quran 3:159. The Prophet said, “The example of the person abiding by Allah’s order

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