Jan – Mar 2007

Islam, Jan - Mar 2007

Common Islamic Sayings

1. As-salaamu “˜alaykum (Peace be upon you) – By way of greetings 2. Wa alaykumus salaam (And peace be upon you) – In reply to the greetings 3. Bismillah (In the name of Allah) – Before making a beginning 4. Jazakallah (May Allah reward you) – For expression of thanks 5. Fi Amanullah (May Allah protect you) – By way of saying good-bye 6. Subhaanallah (Glory be to Allah) – For praising something 7. Insha Allah (If Allah wishes) – For expressing a desire to do something 8. Astaghfirullah (I beg Allah for forgiveness) – Repenting for sins before Allah

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Islam, Jan - Mar 2007

Dichos Islámicos Comunes

1. As-salámu aleikum – El saludo universal musulmán que significa “La paz esté contigo.” 2. Wa aleikum as-salám – La respuesta al saludo encima. Significa, “Y la paz esté con usted.” 3. Bismiláh – Significa “En el nombre de Dios.” Se dice antes de hacer cualquier cosa. 4. Yazak Alá – Significa “Que Dios te recompense.” Se dice como expresión de gracias. 5. Fi Amanuláh – Significa “Que Dios te protege.” Se dice como expresión de despedida. 6. Subjánalah – Significa “Gloria a Dios.” Se dice cuando elogiando algo. 7. Incha Alá – Significa “Si Dios quiere u Ojala.” Se

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Jan - Mar 2007, Muslim converts

My Journey to Earthbound Paradise

By Zeina Mena How unpredictable is life! I never thought that I would be sitting here writing about a conversion story. Nevertheless, I never knew how much meaning it would pose on my life. I come from a broken family, which is almost normal in America. I was born and raised in New York City, and I am of Dominican descent. I grew up Catholic, went to Catholic school, and went to Catholic Church along with completing all of my rituals except for marriage. I always saw myself as a person that was close to God, especially after my parents’

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Islam, Jan - Mar 2007

So That You May Know Who I Am

By Juan Galvan Assalaam alaykum, In Quran 49:13, Allah (SWT) has stated, “O mankind! We created you from a single soul, male and female, and made you into nations and tribes, so that you may come to know one another. Truly, the most honored of you in God’s sight is the greatest of you in piety. God is All-Knowing, All-Aware.” The wisdom found in the Quran never ceases to amaze me. The most honored in the sight of our Creator are those with the greatest piety. Although we all come from a single soul, we are now scattered throughout this

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Hajj, Jan - Mar 2007

The Inner Dimensions of Hajj

By Syed Abul Ala Maududi Excerpts from his book, “The Fundamentals of Islam.” Nature of journey for Hajj The people of the world are usually aware of two kinds of journey. One journey is that which is made to earn livelihood. The second one is that which is undertaken for pleasure and sight-seeing. In both [of] these journeys, a man is impelled to go abroad by his need and desire. He leaves home for a purpose of his own, he spends money or time for his own requirements, therefore, no question of sacrifice arises in such a journey. But the

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Islam, Jan - Mar 2007

The Centrality of the Masjid

By Samantha Sanchez The Masjid as a Center for Community, as a Nucleus of the Muslim Society Beyond establishing prayer, the function of the mosque is to provide for the needs of the community. Islamic cities were built with this purpose in mind, just look throughout North Africa and Europe. The mosque was at the center surrounded by the market and residence areas. Thus making the mosque of central importance in all aspects: socially, academically, politically, militarily, culturally, and so on. The community mosque, despite limited space in some communities, should provide a number of services for the community beyond

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Islam, Jan - Mar 2007

My Beautiful Trip to the AbuBakr As-Siddeeq Seminar

By Idriis Garcia http://www.albaseerah.org/forum/showthread.php?p=2377#post2377 March 15th, 2006 Beautiful” I hate it. Two thoughts I kept repeating in my head and upon my tongue. Not about the same thing but in fact different matters which are in contrast themselves. The first was like a dream. Being in Makkah, praying at the Haram, making “˜Umrah, learning firsthand from the big scholars, then Madeenah, praying at the Haram, attending the sittings of more big scholars, and every morning being awoken for fajr by a live adhaan” beautiful. While I was enjoying this bliss, I would occasionally recollect what it was like back in

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Jan - Mar 2007, Other

FAQs About the LADO Group

By Juan Galvan – What is LADO?The number of questions I receive about the Latino American Dawah Organization (LADO) always surprises me. I think that our website already provides plenty of information about LADO. You can learn about LADO at www.LatinoDawah.org. Latino Muslims from New York founded LADO in September 1997. They were concerned that few Latinos were coming to Islam, and they wondered what they could do. They also wanted to address common concerns of new Latino Muslims. For example, LADO set out to reassure Latino Muslims about their identity as both Latinos and Muslims. – What does LADO

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Islam, Jan - Mar 2007

My Experience at the AbuBakr As-Siddeeq Seminar

By Amiira bint Fernando http://www.albaseerah.org/forum/showthread.php?p=2378#post2378 March 15th, 2006 “We’re actually going to Makkah and Madinah?!” I could not bring myself to believe that my zowj and I were going to have the opportunity to make our “˜Umrah, as well, as learn from some of the top “˜Ulamaah. Subhan’Allaah, it was like a dream come true. As I looked out the window of the airplane, I still felt myself in doubt. Why me? I embraced this beautiful and wonderful Deen in March 1999, and still felt that there was so much more I needed to perfect before being worthy of setting

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Jan - Mar 2007, Poems

A Poor Slave of Allah

By Maria Enriqueta Romero Bismellah Soy MexicanaSoy MusulmanaDe ser Malinche* no se nada He reclamado mi herenciaHumanaFemeninaMi dignidadComo mujer y madre Levanto la frenteOrgullosamenteMi velo es mi escudoMi fe, la espadaPara combatirLa opresionMientras vivo for ElNo me falta nada Estas lagrimas no sonDebilidadSolo agradezcoser Esclava de un MaestroQue me ha elevadoPulidoInshallah Perdonado Soy MexicanaSoy MusulmanaAlhamdulilah Soy Esclava de Allah Comment: Malinche, Malinalli, or Doña Marina as she is sometimes, known was a translator for Cortez and some say, facilitated the Conquest of Mexico. For many years, if you were thought to have betrayed your Raza, you were called a Malinche,

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Jan - Mar 2007, Quotes of the Month

Quotes of the Month

“Read in the name of thy Lord and Cherisher Who created man out of a (mere) clot of congealed blood. Read! And they Lord is most Bountiful, He who taught the use of the Pen, Taught man that which he knew not.” – Qur’an 96:1-5. The people of Yemen used to come for Hajj and used not to bring enough provisions with them and used to say that they depend on Allah. On their arrival in Medina they used to beg the people, and so Allah revealed, “And take a provision (with you) for the journey, but the best provision

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