April – June 2005

April - June 2005, Other

A Picture With My Family

By Zulayka Martinez I’m a native Mexican. Yes, I was born in Mexico and came to the United States when I was only seven years old. I still live in Houston. My family came here for a better life. Don’t get me wrong though, not for one second would I ever, ever deny that I’m a Mexican. I’m proud of my culture and heritage. But Mexico could never had given me what the United States has. This is where I went to school, where I work, and basically where I built my life. Most importantly, this is where I found

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April - June 2005, Islam

Andalusian Muslims Recall Painful Mass Exodus

By Al-Amin AndalusiIslamOnline Correspondent http://www.islam-online.net/English/News/2005-02/27/article02.shtml RABAT, February 27, 2005 (IslamOnline.net) — After more than five centuries, Muslims of Al-Andalus (now Spain) still mark every year in anguish the mass exodus of their ancestors by Spanish authorities to North Africa. The Moriscos, the name given to Muslims who were living in Spain after the fall of the last Muslim stronghold of Granada in 1492, were subjected to an array of persecution, torture, mass killings, forced conversions to Christianity, the notorious Spanish Inquisition and mass exodus that started in February 1502. Today, up to four million grandsons of the Moriscos are living

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April - June 2005, Islam

The Islamic Social Order

By Maulana Abul Ala Maududi Equality of Mankind Allah created a human couple to herald the beginning of the life of mankind on earth, and everybody living in the world today originates from this couple. The progeny of this couple were initially a single group with one religion and the same language. But as their numbers gradually increased, they spread all over the earth and, as a natural result of their diversification and growth, were divided into various tribes and nationalities. They came to speak different languages; their models of dress varied; and their ways of living also differed widely.

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April - June 2005, Islam

La Orden Social Islámica

Por Maulana Abul Ala Maududi http://www.whyislam.org/877/Espanol La Igualdad de la humanidad Alá creó un par de humanos para anunciar el principio de la vida humana en la tierra, y todos que vive en el mundo hoy origina de este par. La progenie de este par era inicialmente un solo grupo con una religión y una misma lengua. Pero como sus números aumentaron gradualmente, se separaron todos sobre la tierra y, como resultado natural de su diversificación y crecimiento, fueron divididos entre varias tribus y nacionalidades. Vinieron hablar diversos idiomas; sus modelos del vestido vino a variar; y sus maneras de

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April - June 2005, Other

Public Schools versus Private Schools

By Taqwa Dilek Salaam alaaykum Brothers and Sisters, Insha’Allah you are all doing well and strengthening your Imaan daily as we all move through uncertain times. I hope that you all have moments daily to reflect upon those things that are blessings in our lives and give thanks to Allah swt for those things. In my years as a Muslim I have met many sisters who worried about their children’s social and academic education in public schools. As a result of this concern many brothers and sisters are opting to send their students to private schools. As an educator, administrator

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April - June 2005, Other

Cinco de Mayo Parade

Houstonian Muslims Part of Cinco de Mayo Parade Downtown Houston By Ilyas Hasan Choudry http://www.cairhouston.org/CU60.htm The Council on American-Islamic Relations Houston Chapter (CAIR-Houston) in collaboration with the Islam Public Outreach Department (Dawah) of the Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA-Houston) organized the Muslim cavalcade at the famous Cinco de Mayo Parade in Houston . This occasion is celebrated to honor the 1862 Battle of Puebla, where Mexican forces overcame better-equipped French forces, who invaded the country demanding repayment of loans from 1846-48 Mexican-American War. CAIR-Houston created a special banner on this occasion ofCinco De Mayo Parade, which read in Spanish:

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April - June 2005, Quran

The Qur’an Saved Me

By Daoud S. Ali I was born in Los Angeles and then lived in Mexico for eight years. When my parents divorced, my mother brought my brother and me back to the United States. We settled again in Los Angeles. I had a very modest upbringing. As a single parent, my mother did her best to provide for us. She worked as a seamstress in a sweatshop making minimum wage for 13 years. Like many Mexican-Americans, I grew up as a Roman Catholic. I only went as far as my first communion and was not particularly devout. By the time

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April - June 2005, Other

Tres Shahadahs

Por Omar Weston 15 Junio, 2005 Assalaam A\’laikum Ayer Martes por la noche despues de la clase con el Sheikh Isa Garcia tres Mexicanas de varias partes de la republica aceptaron el Islam. Alhamdulillah. A continuacion estan los dialogos. Sala de Chat: Martes/Tuesdayhttp://www.islam.com.mx/chathttp://www.islam.com.mx Dear brothers, I am glad to inform you that last night after our class via Internet with Sheikh Isa Garcia, we had three shahadats from Mexican ladies from various parts of Mexico. Alhamdulillah. Here is the discourse in Spanish. [admin] Bienvenida Ana monica de Chetumal [ll_MEXI_ll] wa3likum assalam [anamonica] gracias,me encantaria platicar mas contigo y claro con

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April - June 2005, Latino Muslims, Muslim converts, Organizations, Other, USA

The LADO Genesis

By Juan Alvarado Evolution of the Latino American Dawah Organization Since childhood I always noticed that I was spiritual to say the least. I was baptized, did my communion and confirmation. I was even an altar boy. By the time I was 19, I renounced Christianity once and for all due to my lack of belief in the basic teachings of Christianity. However, I continued my search for truth. This search led me to read on a non-stop basis, something that I still do. After studying Islam for a couple of years, I was sufficiently comfortable that I decided to

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April - June 2005, Quotes of the Month

Quotes of the Month

“Indeed in the Messenger of Allah (Muhammad PBUH) you have a good example to follow for him who hopes for (the Meeting with) Allah and the Last Day, and remember Allah much.” – Quran 33:21. “O you who believe! If you help the cause of Allah, then Allah will help you and make your foothold firm.” – Quran 47:7. A person asked Allah’s Apostle, “What (sort of) deeds in or (what qualities of) Islam are good?” He replied, “To feed (the poor) and greet those whom you know and those whom you don’t know.” – Sahih Bukhari 1.2.27. Narrated ‘Abdullah

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