Humor, Jan - Mar 2002

The Juan and Juan interview

By Juan Galvan

Assalaam alaiykum,
Juan Alvarado and I were supposed to do an interview
together on a Columbian radio morning show. I chickened
out at the last minute. I began to worry that I’d make
a fool out of myself. My Spanish isn’t the greatest. I
also don’t like interviews very much.

Juan did a great job. I listened on the other line
during the interview. The top three questions Juan was
asked were:

3. Do you think John Walker is a traitor?
2. Do you pray at the mosque three to five times a day?
1. Would your wife let you have four wives?

I couldn’t believe he was asked those questions. I
laughed throughout much the interview. Let us know
bizarre questions you’ve been asked about Islam. Heck,
one of my sisters thought Bin Laden was the “leader of
the Muslims” and was “going to call a Holy War.”

I asked Juan to repeat the answers to the top three
questions. Here are his answers…

Response to Questions
By Juan Alvarado

Assalaam alaiykum,
The answers I gave the questions were:
>1. Would your wife let you have four wives?
As a Muslim, I have a right to have four wives. I don’t
think that my wife would let me have another wife. I
told him also that historically, most Muslim men do
not have more than one wife because they have to deal
with them equally and that includes supporting them
and their children.

>2. Do you pray at the mosque three to five times a day?
He seemed to think that we need to go to the mosque
everyday. I told him that I go on Fridays. He then
said, “oh so you’re a moderate?” I then told him that
our main day is Friday but that we have to pray five
times daily.

>3. Do you think John Walker is a traitor?
I really didn’t get to express what I wanted to say. I
wanted to say that I feel bad for the guy because he
seems to have not known what he got himself into. I
did get to say that before the whole 9-11 thing, he
was already there. I also told him that if he was involved
in killing the CIA agent, he might have to pay for it.

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