The IslamInSpanish Television Show

New Television Show
– Six Month Series –
Hosted by Abu Mujahid Fletcher
Starting May 24th, 2011

Watch on Houston Local Channels:
*Comcast 17
*TVMax 95
*Sudden Link 99
*Phonoscope 75
*AT&T U-verse 99
Watch it live online at!
Houston’s three year old “IslamInSpanish Show” is back for six months and is now filmed in front of a live Non-Muslim, Spanish audience at the Andalucia Social &
Educational Media Center.
The theme of the shows is to portray a balanced way that Islam has benefited
Latinos in Houston and around the world.
Please inform your Latino neighbors, friends, co-workers, and any Spanish speakers to watch this weekly show. The latest show times for the “IslamInSpanish Show” can be found at:
For more information on how you can be attend a taping and be part of our studio audience, please contact us through our website at:
Jazakallah Khair.