The IslamInSpanish Newsletter
First Quarter 2010! –
June 16, 2010
Alhamdulilah, 2010 has become an exciting year with many new developments for IIS. By ALLAH’s Blessings thousands of people were educated on the truth about Islam by way of audiovisual means worldwide. We have heard and witnessed hundreds coming into the fold of Islam just through our efforts of sharing this information.
Orange County Workshop
January 15-17

IslamInSpanish kicked off 2010 with a workshop in Orange County, CA. The three day event started with a khutba by Isa Parada at the Islamic Center Orange County and Mujahid Fletcher at the Islamic Center of Viejo. Br. Isa and Br. Mujahid then shared their personal stories of how they embraced Islam Friday night.
“Journey to Islam: Latino Muslims Share Their Story”
By Br. Mujahid Fletcher & Br. Isa Parada
Saturday afternoon there was a 4 hour course on the non-Muslim perceptions of Islam and how to invite others to the deen. Sunday was host to tan afternoon event explaining the basics of Islam and the many aspects of Latino culture that go hand and hand with Islam. The event capped off with a sister accepting Islam
Br. Asif Balouch Interns at IslamInSpanish
January 19
As part of IslamInSpanish’ s initiative to mentor the youth and give direction to tomorrow’s leaders, Br. Asif Balouch was brought on board to IIS as our very first intern. A senior at the University of St. Thomas in Downtown Houston, Br. Asif is a Communication Major and a Creative Writing minor. Asif hopes to not only gain skills and experience needed to thrive in the workforce but also to contribute to a greater cause of spreading Islam to the worldwide Latino community. We are happy to have him.
Muhammadi Masjid-Started 2nd Islamic University
February 7th
Arabic language course focused on building a strong religious base for future teachers of the community through learning the classical Arabic from the Quran and Sunnah
“Reality from a Different Perspective”
Islamic Center of Clear Lake – February 26
Coordinated a youth event with NEYA. Over 80 youth came to the event to express their thoughts on different issues going on in their daily lives. They had an opportunity to meet Muslims (Born and Convert) that have 360 degree changes in their lives, from ex-drug addicts, drug dealers, ex-convicts and ex-gang members.
2 young Latino men accept Islam
Masjid Hamza – March 19th
By Allah’s permission, 2 young latino men (Rigo and Danny) accept Islam after meeting with the IIS team after Jumuah prayer. Both brothers are doing great alhamdulilah!
99 Names of Allah In Spanish
Masjid Muhammadi – March 28th
For the first time in the Spanish language, all of Allah’s names were taught for over 1 year by Br. Abdurahman Vega. Also for the first time, the Meccan period was covered in the Spanish language (in Houston) by Br. Isa Parada.
“Reality from a Different Perspective”
Masjid Maryam – April 2nd
The same issues from the Clear Lake discussion circle were discussed around a bonfire at Masjid Maryam along with a BBQ
“Potluck” Sugarland Park- April 4th
Pot luck for Hispanic Muslims. Br.Abdullah Hernandez (Alazhar student) was introduced to the community in Houston and insha Allah he will be joining the IIS team this summer.
“Latinos Journey to Islam”
University of Texas San Antonio/ Harvard University – April 7th
Isa Parada went to the University of Texas-San Antonio and Mujahid Fletcher spoke at Harvard University to discuss their experiences before Islam and how Islam has changed them for the better.
New Spanish Lecture Series
Muhammadi Masjid – April 11th
Br. Abdurahman Vega began his new lecture series in the Spanish Language called “Principles of Prayer” which teaches the new Muslim the basic information on how to perform prayer correctly. At the same time, Br. Isa Parada began the second part of the Seerah which is the Prophet’s life in Medina. This part of the series will focus on how we as Muslims living in America can benefit from the Communal life of the Prophet (peace be upon him) and his companions (May Allah be pleased with all of the them).
IIS speak at Catholic Church
St. Cyril Catholic Church – April 14th
Isa Parada and Mujahid Fletcher were invited to speak at their old Church, both speakers covered the basic principles of Islam and also answered the audiences questions for 2 hours in spanish!
Open Discussion
North Zone Dar Ul Arqam School – April 15th
Br. Isa Parada held an open discussion with middle and High school students on the dangers of going to extremes in using Facebook andtxt messaging.
Islamic Awareness Week
University of Houston (MSA)-April 19th
Br. Isa Parada assisted the MSA with their dawah table on their first day of Islamic awareness week at the U of H. He observed the students on their manners in giving dawah and gave them critique at the same time. He also interacted with the non muslims who had questions about Islam.
“A Latino’s Story from Inner City Gang to Islam”
University of Houston-April 20th
Br. Mujahid Fletcher gave an frank talk about his time as a gang leader to him accepting Islam.
Hifz Program
Hamza Masjid – May 6th
Br. Isa Parada had an open discussion with the students of Masjid Hamza’s hifdh program of the blessings of memorizing the Quran and the dangers of sins.
History of Drugs
Clear Lake Islamic Center-May 15th
Isa Parada and Br. Mujahid were part of a panel of speakers that discussed the History of Drugs,Trafficking and Gangs in America for their Drug awareness program. Isa and Mujahid highlighted the reality of drugs being a lingering presence in the life of a Muslim youth in America.
Q&A Session
Muhammadhi Masjid- May 16th
Br.Isa Parada held a Q&A with Muslim and Non-Muslim women in the Spanish language.
IslamInSpanish TV Contract Renewed
Houston Media Source- May 22nd
IslamInSpanish has been picked up for another 6 months for our Spanish TV show.
Blessings of Islam
Masjid Hamza- May 23rd
Br. Isa Parada has been invited by the organizers of Masjid Hamza Sunday School to speak to the children of the blessings of accepting Islam and being a proud Muslim
“Who Am I?”
Masjid Al-Ahad- May 23rd
Br.Isa Parada was invited to speak about the challenges of keeping our Muslim Identity in America. The lecture is called “Who Am I?”
“Salvar La Familia Latina, Salvar Nuestra Sociedad”
ICNA Convention-May 29th-May 31st
Br. Mujahid took part in the annual ICNA Convention in Hartford, CT as a speaked on behalf of the Spanish programs held at the convention covering various topics dealing with Latino Muslims
MSA High School Banquet
June 3rd
Br. Mujahid has been invited to speak at the MSA banquet for High school students
1st Level Course Completed
June 6th /June 13th
The Islamic University of Medina Arabic level 1 course will be completed in its entirety for the first time in Houston. Insha Allah this group will move on to the 2nd level of the 4 level course.
Andalucia Social & Educational Media Center
Opening this Summer InshAllah!
Asalamu Alaikum,
IslamInSpanish Team
May ALLAH Bless you all and please make dua for ALLAH’s Guidance and acceptance for this project and that it serves for the good of all humanity worldwide.
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Houston, TX 77055