Islam, Jan - Mar 2012

Muslim and Muslim Characteristics


Praise be to Allaah who gave us this life and the opportunity to worship him, and blessings be upon the last of his messengers, Muhammad saw. Good manners are indispensable in the life of the believer and every believer should try to put them into practice.

This little book does not explain all the manners of Islam being that these are many, however it is an effort to make you know some of them. Islamic manners are a way to get closer to our creator, and by putting these into practice we can obtain a personality according to what Allah has revealed. Muhammad (saw) told us that having good manners is better than fasting during the day and praying all night.

Characteristics of the Muslim and Muslim:

Manners in Islam are external behaviors that reflect the personality of the believer, which is made up of a series of characteristics, among these are:

Patience: A basic attribute of a good believer is not to get angry. Once a companion of the prophet asked for advice and he said: “Do not be angry, do not be angry”.

And Allah – Praised and Exalted – exalts those who are patient by saying “by the way Allah is with the patients”. and in another verse it says: “; Believers are those who seek the help of Allah through patience and prayer”;

Al Dikr: Another basic characteristic of a good believer is that he always remembers Allah. As Allah says “; Believers are those who remember Allah sitting or lying down.” The good believer looks for the ideal reminder for every moment and place. The believer makes a lot of du a (supplications to allah). He is always aware that Allah hears him and pleads with him to forgive him, guide him, give him

Paradise, and all the good stuff.

To love Allah and his messenger: Another characteristic is to love Allah and his Prophet above all things, the Prophet (pb A. e.) Informs us that to be good believers we need three characteristics: 1. To love Allah and his messenger above all things, 2. Loving and hating for God alone, 3. Fearing becoming unbelieving as fearing being thrown into the fire.

It is indispensable for the believer to love the Prophet (pb A. e.) And everything he taught us because it was him who chose Allah to teach us how to worship him.

Good wishes: Another characteristic of the believer is wanting for his brother what he wants for himself. Said the Prophet (pb A. e.) That: “; He is not a believer who does not want for his brother what he wishes for himself” ;.

Commitment to others: Continuing, the Muslim has obligations to his parents, his relatives, his neighbors and Muslims in general. A Muslim cannot stop greeting his brother for more than three days. A person who eats his fill knowing that his neighbor is hungry is not a Muslim.

Respect for the affairs of others: Muhammad (saw) told us that one’s best Islam is not to meddle with other people’s affairs. Allah and his messenger have warned us not to slander our brothers, not to talk about them when they are absent, even if we know of their mistake it is better to hide it and not tell it to others. He who covers the error of a brother Ala will cover his errors on the day of judgment.

Knowledge: Another characteristic of the believer is wanting to increase his knowledge. Muhammad (pb A. e.) Constantly asked Allah – Praised and Exalted – not to allow the sun to set until he learned something new. In other words, every day I wanted to know something more about their Faith. Allah also says in the Qur’an: “Perhaps those who know are the same as those who do not know”;

And Allah also teaches us a supplication in the Qur’an which is: “; OH Allah! Increase my knowledge”;

Tell the truth: Another characteristic of the believer is to always tell the truth. Muhammad was once asked (pb A. e.) Can the believer be a coward? and he answered Yes. Again they asked him if he can be the miserly believer? and he said yes, and then they asked him if he can be a Muslim who is lying? and he said No. The Muslim is by word of mouth and lying is characteristic of the hypocrite.

Repentance: The believer always seeks forgiveness from Allah, since he does not feel like an angel or anything like that. Muhammad (pb A. e.) Said “; ask God for forgiveness, by the way I do it more than 100 times a day”; Says the Qur’an: “; Allah loves those who repent”.

Al Tawaqul: Putting dependence on God. The believer knows that all dominion is in the hands of Allah, that something does not happen without God’s will and that God provides food to his servants like a bird when he leaves his nest in the morning and returns in the afternoon fed.

Works: Another characteristic of the believer is wanting to carry out good works [sabiq bil jairat] out of fear of God. Doing more than God requires you to do, hoping that what you do more will complete what you failed to do.

Cleanliness: Another characteristic of the good believer is that he is clean (mutajr). Always know that God loves the clean and orderly.

Ihsan: Another characteristic of the believer is knowing that God always watches over him, even though one does not see or hear him.

The characteristics of the good believer in Islam are many and the best were from the Prophet (pb A. e.) As Allah tells us: “; by the way, the Prophet have the best of examples to follow”. So we just have to study the life of Muhammed (saw).

The Prophet also says (pb A. e.), That “he who has good manners is better than the one who prays and fasts all day and all night”. Let us ask Allah Most High to give us some of these characteristics.

Some manners of the daily life of the Muslim man and woman:

When we start something, we must say:

Bi-smiLlaji-r-Rajmani-r-Rajim (In the name of Allah, the Merciful, the Merciful)

When we meet a Muslim, we say: As-Salamu Alai-kum (Peace be with you)

The person answers: Wa-Alai-Kumu-s-Salam (And with you be peace)

When we wake up in the morning, we should thank Allah (Praised and Exalted) and say

Al-jamdu li-Llahi-l-Ladí Ajya-na Ba da Ma Amata-na Wa-laihi-n-Nushuur

(Praise be to Allaah, Who brought us back to life after killing us, we will return to Him)

The beautiful sunrise. When we see the beauty of the morning we must say:

A baj-na wa-A baja-l-Mulku Li-Llahi Rabbi-l-} lamîn (a)

(We enter in the morning, and the entire kingdom belongs to Allah, the Lord of the worlds)

Instead when we see something man-made that impresses us we should say

La Jawla, wa-La Quwwata Illa bi-Llahi (i) There is no power or strength but that of Allah.

When we go into the bathroom we don’t do Dikr. We sit down so that our urine (which is impure) does not splash on us.

When we leave the bathroom after washing, we say:

Gjufarana-ka, Al-Jamdu Li-Llaji-L-Ladhi Adhhaba Anni-l- Ad ha wa- Afani
(Forgiveness OH Allah! Praise be to Allah who caused me to heal from what was bothering me and gave me relief)

Finishing going to the bathroom we wash our hands and </p>
<p> preferably we do Wudhu (ablution) to continue in a state of purity.

It is better for us to pray together in the mosque. When we enter the mosque, we enter with the right foot first, and we say:

Alaumma Iftaj Lî Abwaba Rajmati-k (a) (O Allah! Open the doors of Your mercy for me)

When we leave the mosque after praying, we say:

Alaumma Innî Asalu-ka min Fadli-k (a)
(O Allah! I ask you to give me your goodness)

When he meets his brothers, he greets them in an Islamic way, trying to be the first to give salams. When you talk to them, try to smile at them and if
<p> they are gathered in a circle, do not point your feet towards them. When he sits down to chat about something, he tries to remind himself of God, and at the end he says:

or Sbjanaka Ala Juma hua bijamdika ashadu an la ilaha il-la anta astagfiruka hua atubu ileika. Glory to You OH Allah, and praise be yours, I am a witness
<p> that there is no God but You, I seek your forgiveness and I repent to You. If you say this, anything wrong you have said is forgiven.

When we are ready to leave the house, we say:

Bi-smiLlah, Tawakkaltu Ala Llah (i) wa-La Jawla, wa-La Quwwata Illa bi-Llahi (i)

(In the name of Allah, I depend on Allah, and there is no greatness or power except that (it is permitted) by Allah)

We should visit sick people and pray to Allah (Praised and Exalted) for their recovery:

As alu-Llaha-l- Adzima Rabba-l-Arshi An Yushfik (a) (I ask Allah, the Almighty, Lord of the Throne, to heal you)

When we sneeze we say:

Al-jamdu Li-Llahi Ala Kulli Jal (in) (Praise be to Allaah under all circumstances)

And when we hear someone sneeze, we say: Yarjamu-ka Ala (u) (May Allah have mercy on you)

When we travel in a car, on a train, or on an airplane, we must say this du {SYMBOL 145 \ f “; Calligrapher Euro”;} to:

Bi-smiLlahi wa-l-Jamdu li-Llah. Subjana-l-Ladhi Sakjkjara La-na Hadha wa-Ma Kun-na La-hu Muqrinîn. Wa- Inna ila Rabbi-na la-Munqalibun.

(In the name of Allah, and praise be to Allah. Glory to Him who has created this transport for us, even though we were unable to create it (by ourselves
<p>); we will return to our Lord)

When we return home safe and sound from a trip we should thank Allah (Albados and Exalted) and say: Alaumma Inni As alu-ka Kjair-l-Maulich (i) wa-

<p> Kjaira-l-Makjrach (i). Bi-smiLlahi Walach-na wa-Bi-smiLlahi Kjarach-na wa- Ala-Llahi Rabbi-na Tawakkal-na.
(Oh Allah! I ask for the best entrance and the best exit. In the name of Allah we go out, and in Allah our Lord, we put our trust)

When we sit down to eat our food together he remembers that Allah is the one who provided him with food and he begins by saying:

Alaumma Barik Lana Fî-ma Razaqta-na wa-Qi-na Adhaba-n-Nar, Bi-smiLlah (O Allah! Bless the provisions that you have given us, and protect us from the punishment of hell, in the name of Allah) When eating

The one who serves does it from the right, eats what is in front of him (if they eat from a plate all together) and with the right, he makes sure that his brother serves before himself and does not eat lying down or blow his food .
After we have finished eating and drinking, we should give thanks for the food and drink that Allah has provided for us, and we say:

Al-Jamdu li-Llahi-l-Ladhî At ama-na wa-Saqa-na wa-cha ala-na mina-l-Muslimîn (Praise be to Allaah, who has fed and watered us and made us Muslims)

If we are angry, we must control ourselves by saying these words:

To udhu bi-Llahi Mina-sh-Shaitan (i). (I seek refuge in Allah from Satan.

When we hear good news, we should say:

Al-Jamdu li-Llahi-l-Ladhi bi-Ni mati-hi Tatimmu- – alijat (u) (Praise be to Allaah, with whose benevolence good things are perfected)

Whenever we are sad, or in trouble, we ask for Allah’s help by saying:

La Ilaha Illa Anta, Subjana-ka Innî Kuntu Mina-zd-Zdalimin (a) (There is no deity but You, Glory to You, OH Allah !, surely I was one of those who do evil)

We should end our day by saying this du to when we go to bed:

Bi-smi-ka Llahumma Amûtu wa- Ajya (In your name, OH Allah, I die and live)
Let us ask our creator for the Most Merciful and Merciful to allow us to put into practice some of these manners. and allow us to enter paradise and protect us from the tortures of hell. Ameen.