July – Sept 2012

July - Sept 2012, Other

ICNA Events

August 13, 2012 Assalamu Alaikum wa Rahmatullah,Dear brothers and sisters, We have reached the last ten days of Ramadan, Alhamdulillah! I pray that Allah (SWT) makes these days a source of purification for us all. As you know, Dawah is a large part of ICNA’s work. ICNA brings knowledge of our deen to our friends, neighbors and communities; our Dawah programs are extremely important in bringing the true message of Islam to the public at a time when Islamophobia and hate are on the rise. I write to you to ask for your support of these efforts. Your contribution to

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July - Sept 2012, Other

Get your ‘Yo Hablo Islam’ T-shirt today!

By Wendy Diaz July 19, 2012 As salaamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu Brothers and Sisters, In an effort to raise funds to keep our Islamic children’s books (bilingual in English/Spanish) in print, Hablamos Islam is selling the “Yo Hablo Islam” T-shirt! “Yo Hablo Islam” means “We Speak Islam!” It is a way to bridge gaps between us and those who speak Spanish, and insha’Allah, open up opportunities for dialogue. And besides that, it just looks cool! If you have been wondering where you can get one, we have a box full of them from sizes Small to X-Large! They

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July - Sept 2012, Other

Guia De Viaje Al Arte Hispano-Musulman

By Aznar Fernando Guia Total, Anaya Touring Club, 328 páginas, 2005. http://www.laislalibros.com/libros/guia-de-viaje-al-arte-hispano-musulman-guia- total/l6542001805/978-84-9776-217-5 Comentario Bibliográfico Un apasionante y exhaustivo viaje por la cultura hispanomusulmana que nos llevará a atravesar nuestra geografía desde los castillos fronterizos de las tierras del Duero o el Ebro levantados por el califato hasta las plazas fuertes que defendieron el reino nazarí, el valle del Guadalquivir, los desiertos almerienses o las fértiles tierras levantinas. Un recorrido en el tiempo por lugares tan unidos a la leyenda como La Alambra o Medina Zahara, pasando por alcazabas como Toledo, Ronda, Córdoba o la perdida Medina Siyasa en Cieza,

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July - Sept 2012, Quran

Tajweed Blog/ Blog Sobre Tajweed

By Julio C. Colón October 3, 2011 As Salaamu Alaikum wa Rahmatu Allahi wa Barakaatuh, I started a blog to transcribe tajweed rules into Spanish. There’s really no place to get it all in one place in Spanish that I know of. I hope to post up at least once a week. Please share with your Castillian-speaking friends. He empezado un blog en español sobre la reglas de la ciencia de taywíd. Espero escribir una nota acerca de una regla por semana in sha’ Allah. Por favor comparte el blog con cualquier hermano/a que se interese en el tema. http://eljequejulio.wordpress.com/

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July - Sept 2012, Other

Postgraduate: Education with a soul

From New Straits Times http://www.nst.com.my/nation/extras/postgraduate-education-with-a-soul-1.60515 March 15, 2012 Conventional postgraduate studies with an Islamic essence are what the International Islamic University Malaysia offers its potential students. A form of blended studies where students have the opportunity to obtain an orthodox graduate degree and on top of that, Professor Dr Hassanuddeen Abd Aziz, Dean of IIUM’s Centre of Postgraduate Studies, points out that Islamic approaches in all disciplines will be given “In all our programmes, students are exposed to the Islamic vantage point. Using what they have learned, we expect our students at a postgraduate level to be able to formulate

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Islam, July - Sept 2012

Once Upon a Time in Andalusia

By Dr. Abdellatif Charafi This article is intended to be a trip in time to a very special period in world history: from the ninth to the thirteenth century in Andalusia, and more specifically in Córdoba, where a million people lived in Europe’s largest city, the cultural center of that period. There existed no separation between rigorous scientific study, wisdom and faith. Nor was East separated from West; nor was the Muslim from the Jew or the Christian. It was there that the European Renaissance actually began, and from where it grew. By examining the trajectory of Islam in Andalusia,

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July - Sept 2012, Latino Muslims

Latinos – Who are they?

By Juan Alvarado In this article, I will try to explain some questions on identity and culture and possibly how to best approach Hispanics (for dawa). You might think that it is strange for someone to write about this. I know my neighbor-he’s the nice Mexican fellow that lives down the street. Or, maybe you are “in the market” to marry a Latino Muslim. Do you really know who they (or we) are? In addition to the above, I also want to clear up some of the confusion as to who is Latino and what constitutes the Hispanic identity. As

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July - Sept 2012, Poems

A Silent Prayer to Allah

By Samantha Sanchez O Allah! Please grant me oneWho will be the garment for my soulWho will satisfy half of my deenAnd in doing so make me whole Make him righteous and on your pathIn all he’ll do and sayAnd sprinkle water on me at FajrReminding me to pray May he earn from halal sourcesAnd spend within his meansMay he seek Allah’s guidance alwaysTo fulfill all his dreams May he always refer to Qur’anand the Sunnah as his moral guideMay he thank and appreciate AllahFor the woman at his side May he be conscious of his angerAnd often fast and

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July - Sept 2012, Quotes of the Month

Quotes of the Month

Allah’s Apostle said, “The example of a believer is that of a fresh tender plant; from whatever direction the wind comes, it bends it, but when the wind becomes quiet, it becomes straight again. Similarly, a believer is afflicted with calamities (but he remains patient till Allah removes his difficulties.) And an impious wicked person is like a pine tree which keeps hard and straight till Allah cuts (breaks) it down when He wishes.” -Sahih Bukhari 7/70/547. Narrated Abu Huraira. Allah’s Apostle said, “The riding person should greet the walking one, and the walking one should greet the sitting one,

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