Islam, July - Sept 2004, Women in Islam

Women in Islam

By Hasan Rabani

How do women fit into Islam? What is their fate?
This has been the subject of many a debate.
“for the believing men and women, is a great reward’
This is from Surah Al Azaab, the words of our Lord.
It can be seen from reading the Holy Quran
that a woman has some privilege over a man.

Women can pray at the mosque or even at home.
They may marry or divorce, its their choice, their own.
After marriage she can retain her old maiden name
and is rewarded for treating all her offspring the same.
Once women are married they should live pious lives.
“and the best men are those who are best to their wives’

A woman after marriage becomes a wife.
And, for nine long months she carries new life.
During childbirth she is exempted from fasting.
Islam ended the past tradition of burying baby girls.
Praying is exempted during menstruation.
Here Islam gives women consideration.

Islam shows equality my sisters and brothers.
Don’t forget paradise lies at the feet of your mothers.
Women in the UK have had property rights since 1938.
This right was given by Islam, 14 centuries to date.
In the UK, women have had the right to vote since 1918.
This was stated 1400 years ago in islam, our deen.

Women can work and lead a happily married life
but shouldn’t neglect her role as mother and wife.
A woman, for her child’s upbringing, deserves credit.
Islam also gives a woman the right to inherit.
A woman’s status in Islam, we should never neglect.
In Islam women are favoured and deserve our respect.