April - June 2012, Latino Muslims

Various Latino Muslim Events

Yo y mi Gente!


Saturday, May 26, 2012

7:00pm until 8:30pm in EDT

Feat. Brother Mujahid Fletcher & Imam Abdullah Daniel Hernandez
Understanding our unique position as a Latino American embracing Islam. Defining who were are to our love ones. Redefining our new identity within the Muslim community and overall society.

Entender nuestra posición única como Latinos Americanos quien abrazar el Islam. Definir quiénes somos a nuestros seres queridos. Redefinición de nuestra nueva identidad dentro de la comunidad Musulmana y la sociedad en general.

Date: Saturday, May 26th, 2012
Time: 7:00pm – 8:30pm

~ This is a part of the 2012 ICNA-MAS Convention ~


The Turning Point in Their Lives. When, Where, Why Islam?


Sunday, May 27, 2012

3:00pm until 5:00pm in EDT

ICNA-MAS Convention 2012 Parallel Session:

Date: Sunday, May 27th, 2012
Time: 3:00pm – 5:00pm
Room: 21
Panelist: Br Ryan Harris, Br Mujahid Fletcher, Imam Abdullah Daniel Hernandez, Sr Hujrah Wahhaj and Sr Wendy Diaz

Thousand of converts revert to Islam here in the west. Many don’t have the support from their families yet with patience, courage and strong faith in the the one and only Allah SWT; they continue to over came trials and obsticles along the way. Please, join us and learn about the turning point in their lives. When, Where, Why Islam…


Muslim Convert Social – Cinco de Mayo

By The Institute of Islamic Information and Education


Location: IIIE, 4390 N. Elston, Chicago, IL

Saturday, May 5, 2012
3:00pm until 5:00pm

Come join the blossoming Muslim Convert community of Chicagoland in our first monthly Convert Social! For this Cinco de Mayo themed gathering, we will feature authentic Mexican cuisine prepared by our beloved Latina Muslim sister Raquel. Sharing a unique life experience as a recent Muslim Convert will be sister Kanika Aggarwal, entrepreneur and founder of Habibi Halaqas. Our goal in hosting this event to have a regular informal gathering where new Muslims can meet, network, bond, and share their experiences in a fun, relaxed atmosphere. This event is geared to Muslim Converts, but all are welcome to come, meet new people, and enjoy the festivities of Cinco de Mayo!


Latino Muslim in Toronto


‘Latino Muslim in Toronto’ is a unique group made up of Spanish speaking women, Muslim and non-Muslim who share an interest in Islam. Our goal is to create friendships, built a strong sisterhood, grow together in knowledge and come together to remember Allah.

We believe together we can encourage and support each other and with Latinos being the fastest growing minority in Islam we want to bring the Latino Muslim community together in Toronto and if Allah wills bring the message of Islam to our non-Muslim brothers and sisters in our Latino community.

We meet weekly every Saturday at 5pm.

Location: Toronto, North York, ON M3J 2M9, Canada (address can be given over the phone or via email)


Islam in Mexico

As Salamo Aleikom,

I hope inshAllah this e-mail reach you in the best of health,

AlhjamduliAllah Allah Sw has open the heart for a Brother who is not Spanish to help Brs and sis. in Mexico. We haven’t have the chance to help him but now is our chance. Attached is the picture of the Masjid in San Cristobal. The Brother standing on the right is the imam from the Masjid in Mexico City, the one next to him is the Iman in Chiapas. He is original from that land. People from that part of Mexico are indigenous Maya. There are 500 Muslim amongst them MashAllah.

After helping in Mexico City Masjid, Br. Abdul Qadir is going to travel the first week of January to Chiapas. He needs money for the masjid carpet and roof. If you cannot donate money you can donate used hijabs or abayas in good condition .

Please bring your donations to Al-Huda Books before the Dec 30Th.


Chicago Events

Assalam Aleikum sisters!

It has been a great blessing last Friday, April 20, 2012 to begin studying The 40 Hadith of Iman al Nawawi presented by sister Hazel Gomez.

Sister Hazel explained: – Who was Iman Nawawi?
– His qualities
– Why he was successful
– The Significance of the 40 Hadith
– Why he chosed 40 Hadith


Prophet Muhammad PBUH not only encourages Muslims to seek knowledge in order to convey Islam to others but also invokes prayer for those who teach and transmit Islamic knowledge to others. Keep in your Duas sister Hazel Gomez for imparting Islamic knowledge in the Halaqas(Islamic circle of study) for sisters in North East Chicago.


Among the most accepted and comprehensive collections of Hadith is Iman al-Nawawi’s (40 Hadiths).
The text contains great precepts of the religion. Join us! for this great opportunity to study with sister Hazel Gomez, a young community leader. She will explain the hadiths narrated by Iman al-Nawawi.


1. Next presentation of The Study of the 40 Hadith by sister Hazel Gomez is Friday, June 15, 2012 at 6:30pm at sister Rebecca’s house.
Sisters interested in this study contact sister Rebecca for address information. This is also an email address to keep you informed on the halaqas for sisters, and other activities, festivities, programs for the community hosted by Muslimahs Of Chicago. Find Muslimahs Of Chicago on Facebook.


Saturday, May 12, 2012 at the Muslim Community Center; 4380 N Elston Avenue, Chicago, IL 60641 (Red Room, 1st floor) at 3:00pm-5:30pm.

Theme: ETHICS TO DEVELOP THE BONDS OF SISTERHOOD. Topics presentations based on the theme by sisters Amal Ali and Amina Sayeed.

Dinner, child care…Entrance is Free! meet and bond with your sisters in Islam!


Since the first Halaqa and Annual event started for convert Spanish speaking sisters with our beloved sister Mary Ali (May Allah be pleased with her) in North East Chicago with her great presentation: The Rights And Duties of A Muslim Wife in September 8, 2001, SUBHANALLAH!!

The halaqas or Islamic Circle of studies continues, The Annuals sisterhood events continues, so many get together activities flourished such Iftars togethers, Eid pot luck, picnics in Summer and more social events. Many sisters contributed to enrich this community, may Allah bless them.

It is also beautiful to see in the Halaqas the diversity of women coming and getting together for the cause of Allah.


Brother Quadri Syed
As many or some of you know, the Islamic classes for Spanish speaking sisters started at MCC, the Muslim Community Center, Elston Avenue
in March 29 of 2003 and continued there for several years. The presence of this group of sisters was acknowledged by MCC Administration. One day I received a phone call of MCC office to ask of how are the sisters and if the classes continues. I responded that Alamdulillah we are fine and the classes for sisters continues in sister’s houses for the comfort and lectures are in English in North East Chicago.

It was good news for MCC administration to know that the sisters continue with their Islamic studies(Halaqas)
MCC opens its doors to continue with the halaqas, dawa events, get together activities that allow sisters to come together for the sake of Allah.

Alhamdulillah! MCC is our home base to continue with the halaqas and much more that benefit us in Islam.
Brother Quadri Syed, MCC Da’wa Chairman sends special salaams to all of you.


InshaAllah after Ramadan and Eid celebrations, to continue in deep study the 40 Hadith with sister Hazel Gomez; the Halaqa will be twice a month.

One presentation will be at sister’s Rebecca house and the other presentation will be at MCC on Friday evenings.