Ramadan Reverts, Friends and Family Iftar
By Nylka Vargas
September 3, 2011
Asalaamu Alaikum,
I finally got around to getting the pics transferred from my phone. The pictures unfortunately look small from my end. I will try to edit them for later use, insha’Allah but the idea is conveyed, I hope. I believe Sr. Mariam also had some taken.

Alhamdullilah the Reverts’ iftar was a success and we had many new Muslims come that day. The invite was sent out with follows up by email and through the telephone.

To summarize:
New Muslims were awarded gift cards as a token of welcoming them to our community. The Sheikh gave a short speech about the growing Muslim community and the importance of our coming together to have our iftar. We appreciate any meal Allah (swt) provides us with, but for the purposes of our gathering we should aim to make it nicer next time, like former years where more came out and more efforts were put into the decoration.

Insha’Allah we’ll improve next year with dedicated brothers and sisters. There is so much to do at our masjid. Planning for an event is not something we should limit for event time but should work on year round. Now is the time to figure out what our needs are and fixing them so we can have better programs. Enjoy the photos! Jazaakum Allahu khair.