July - Sept 2012, Other

ICNA Events

August 13, 2012

Assalamu Alaikum wa Rahmatullah,
Dear brothers and sisters,

We have reached the last ten days of Ramadan, Alhamdulillah! I pray that Allah (SWT) makes these days a source of purification for us all.

As you know, Dawah is a large part of ICNA’s work. ICNA brings knowledge of our deen to our friends, neighbors and communities; our Dawah programs are extremely important in bringing the true message of Islam to the public at a time when Islamophobia and hate are on the rise.

I write to you to ask for your support of these efforts. Your contribution to ICNA will support major initiatives such as:
Islamic literature & DVDs: Thousands of informational brochures, Islamic books and multimedia items on various topics are provided for the general public. Brochures are available in English, Spanish and Chinese, and translations of the Quran are also available in numerous languages.

Dawah to Latinos: ICNA hopes to increase its Dawah efforts amongst the Hispanic community in the future InshaAllah. Several new initiatives like all Spanish booths, more trained Spanish speaking volunteers, Spanish literature, Spanish language support on the 1-877-WhyIslam hotline etc have already been launched and several other initiatives are planned.

Dawah to the movers and shakers of society: With your help, ICNA will focus its efforts on educating community leaders, elected officials, interfaith leaders, educators and media personnel on Islam. This will help us take the message of Islam to those who have the means to shape the narrative on Islam.

Call centers: Trained volunteers operate national hotlines dedicated to answering questions about Islam and arrange local mosque visits for those interested in learning more. Currently we have the 1-877-WhyIslam, 1-800-662-Islam (by GainPeace) and the 1-855-Shariah for the Shariah campaign.

Information booths: Arranged at street fairs, malls, book fairs, and high traffic areas across the country, Dawah booths provide the public with the opportunity to ask questions about Islam. Thousands visit these booths and ask for brochures, DVDs and translated copies of the Holy Quran.

Social services: Projects such as the Back to School Giveaway are a form of Dawah through action. ICNA’s social services create a sense of community and bonding between Muslims and their neighbors.

Dawah ad campaigns: Billboards on major freeways are covered with Islamic messages and an invitation to call the Dawah hotline. ICNA also sponsors radio, TV and subway ads in major cities across the country.

Dawah in prison: Volunteers have established direct contact with prison inmates through personal correspondence. Hundreds of inmates have turned their lives around and accepted Islam through the correspondence system.

As Ramadan comes to a close, let us look back and reflect on what we’ve done to make a difference this month. Your donation to ICNA will bring the light of Islam to others. Commit to making a difference and donate today.