Islam, Oct - Dec 2010

Eighth Annual Hispanic Muslim Day

By Nylka Vargas Alok

October 19, 2010

Asalaamu Alaikum wa Rahmatullah wa Barakatuh All!

The NHIEC’s Eight Annual Hispanic Muslim Day is this Sunday (10/24) from 1p-5p.
It’s a dawah event catering to Latinos and Latino Muslims. Please spread the word
to anyone that may be interested in learning more about Islam. The event is bilingual,
with presentations in both Spanish and English with Spanish translation available.
We will have plenty of free literature and cds, IslamInSpanish cd’s, Entertainment
featuring Latino Muslim children reading from “Un Velo y Una Barba” written by Wendy Diaz (, giveaways, and complimentary brunch and dinner.
There is no admission charge.

We also encourage anyone interested in learning about Islam, learning about
the Latino Muslim experience, or dawah to Latinos to join us!

Event: 8th Annual Hispanic Muslim Day
When: October 24, 2010
Time: 1p-5p
Location: 4613 Cottage Place, Union City, NJ 07087

Nylka Vargas, P.I.E.D.A.D
Islam es Para Todos!

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