July - Sept 2004, Latino Muslims

Confraternidad, el 4to Annual de las Latinas Musulmanas en Chicago

Por Rebecca Abuqaoud

(The English translation follows.)

Assalam Waleikum, Warahmatulla Wabarakatuhu!

La confraternidad de las hermanas latinas musulmanas en Chicago, el 4to anual del 2004 fue exitoso, alhamdulillah!. Este evento se llevo a cabo el pasado 26 de Junio a las 4pm en el Banquete Salon del Muslim Community Center. En este dia especial, un promedio de treinta mujeres latinas de diferentes partes de Illinois e inclusive fuera de este estado, se reunieron para dar la bienvenida a las nuevas hermanas en Islam. Se reunieron tambien para compartir un tema candente, para saborear la comida latina y luego al final se aprendio a usar el HIJAB de diferentes estilos, fue un dia innolvidable de fiesta.

En esta reunion anual el programa fue en espanol con excepcion del segmento de APRECIACION Y RECONOCIMIENTO a nuestra hermana Mary Ali que es Americana y que estuvo con nosotras. Las otras pasadas reuniones anuales, los programas fueron en ingles o bilingue. En esta ocasion se hizo en nuestro idioma a pedido de la mayoria de las hermanas, que en otras ocasiones habian traido a sus invitadas on musulmanas y ellas no entendian el ingles a la perfeccion. Se vio esta necesidad y la otra razon es que aunque otras entendian el idioma a la perfeccion lo preferian en espanol por lo calido que nos haria sentir.

El objetivo primordial de estas confraternidades anuales de dar la bienvenida a las nuevas hermanas en Islam surgio a raiz de que varias de ellas no eran comprendidas por sus familias cuando ellas abrazaron el Islam. Por consiguiente, ellas no tenian el respaldo en su nueva religion. Otras habian asistido a diferentes comunidades islamicas y no se sentian acogidas y muchas compartieron experiencias que sentian la indiferencia de ciertos grupos. En esta necesidad en la busqueda de apoyo mutuo en la nueva fe islamica, las hermanas latinas se comenzaron a reunir. Varias hermanas que ya habian sido musulmanas por varios anos se hicieron presente para brindar su apoyo y bienvenida a las nuevas hermanas.

En esta confraternidad anual tuve la oportunidad de dirigir el programa como ya lo habia hecho en las reuniones anteriores. Se abrio el programa dando la bienvenida a todas las damas presentes. Luego se dio lectura del SURAH FATIHA en arabe y espanol. Esta parte de la lectura en lo personal fue una experiencia unica pues al momento de leerla senti un alivio puesto que al inicio del programa la hermanas designadas para cuidar a los ninos estaban ausentes. El programa estaba a punto de empezar con la algarabia de los ninos que eran muchos. Afortunadamente, dos hermanas se levantaron voluntariamente para cuidar a los ninos en otro salon, asi entonces el programa tomo su tono amable como se habia planeado.

Despues de la lectura de SURAH FATIHA, se hizo la presentacion de las nuevas hermanas que habian abrazado el Islam durante el 2003 y 2004. Eran seis nombres en la lista de presentacion, sin embargo solamente dos hermanas estuvieron presente. Una dama Puerto Riquena, la hermana Idalia Nieves se puso de pie para contarnos que estaba feliz de ser musulmana y que ya era un ano de serlo. Muslimah, una joven Mexicana tambien nos compartio su alegria de ser musulmana.

Despues de la presentacion de las hermanas nuevas en Islam, se hizo una APRECIACION Y RECONOCIMIENTO a nuestra hermana Mary Ali porque en otras reuniones anuales empezando desde el 8 de setiembre del 2001 nos habia traido temas para la mujer en el Islam con excepcion del ano pasado 2003 que fue el tema EL CONCEPTO DEL JIHAD. Por su excelente preparacion y presentacion en los temas fue una inspiracion para muchas que oimos sus discursos. Muchas despues de las reuniones salian motivadas para ser lideres en la comunidad latina musulmana. No me olvidare cuando en el 2do Anual, que fue el 14 de setiembre del 2002, una senora dijo:”No entiendo lo que esta diciendo yo pense que esto seria en espanol” mientras la hermana Mary Ali daba su tema, pues la hermana Ali lo decia en ingles. Entonces una hermana dijo:”Es hora que nosotras nos preparemos”, “Es verdad” dijo alguien.

Despues del 2do Annual, varias hermanas mostraron interes de reunirse mas seguido e inclusive tener clases una o dos veces al mes. Y porque este interes de las hermanas surgio, se solicito un salon en el Muslim Community center, fue la hermana Mary Ali quien nos tendio la mano, pidio salon al presidente de Da’wah de la MCC. A partir del pasado marzo del 2003, las hermanas tienen sus clases en espanol. La hermana Mary Ali fue ese puente de coneccion para que las hermanas latinas pudieran tener ese espacio, puesto que el presidente de la MCC no sabia de esta necesidad. Se expreso gratitud, reconocimiento y apreciacion a nuestra hermana Mary Ali por su gran contribucion y apoyo al grupo de las latinas musulmanas.

Despues de agradecer a la hermana Mary Ali, llego lo esencial del programa que fue el tema: LA MUJER EN EL ISLAM, OPRIMIDA O LIBERADA?. Nuestras hermanas Ruth Saleh y Vilma Lopez hicieron una presentacion excelente. La hermana Ruth Saleh toco tres puntos importantes, ella explico COMO LA MUJER ERA TRATADA ANTES Y DESPUES DEL ISLAM; HIJAB, menciono el significado de usarlo y los beneficios que trae a la mujer. El punto es que aparte de ser proteccion para la mujer, el HIJAB inspira respeto. El tecer punto fascinante que ella menciono fue LAS MUJERES EN EL CORAN. El Coran explica los deberes y derechos de la mujer.

La hermana Vilma Lopez tambien toco tres puntos del tema. IGUALDAD ENTRE HOMBRE Y MUJER; MATRIMONIO Y DIVORCIO; LA VIDA FAMILIAR. Explico que la mujer parte de su deber es educarse, menciono la palabra IKRA, que muchas de nosotras estan familiarizados con esta palabra. Que fue ordenanza de Allah al Profeta Muhammad (la paz y bendicion sean sobre el) a traves del angel Gabriel. Buen punto que enfatizo ‘Ikra’ que significa lee. Me encanto esa parte poque pienso que uno tiene que leer, pues asi uno se informa y se educa de muchos aspectos. Otro punto que menciono parte del matrimonio es el CONTRATO. Menciono la palabra ‘Maher’ que significa dote. Despues de la conclusion del tema presentado por las hermanas Ruth y Vilma, la audiencia tuvo la oportunidad de hacer sus preguntas. Una de las preguntas fue si era correcto que el esposo no le permitiera ir a Jumah. La hermana Ruth Saleh respondio que la mujer no esta obligad ir a Jumah, sin embargo no se sabe cual es la intencion del esposo al no permitirla ir a Jumah, quiza el no quiere que ella socialize.

The 4th Annual Gathering of the Latina Sisters in Chicago

By Rebecca Abuqaoud

Assalam Waleikum, Warahmatulla Wabarakatuhu!

The 4th Annual Gathering of the Latina Sisters in Chicago was successful, alhamdulillah!. The event took place June 26th at 4pm in the Banquete Room of the Muslim Community Center. In this special day, an average of thirty Latina women from different parts of Illinois and out of state came together to welcome the new sisters in Islam. They also learned a hot topic; had dinner with latin seasoning; learned to wear the hijab in different styles. It was an unforgettable day of joy.

In this annual gathering, the program was all in Spanish except the segment of recognition and appreciation. At the other past annual gathering, the programs were in English or bilingual. In this occasion, the program was in Spanish due the request of the majority of the sisters who brought their nonMuslim guests, and many of these guests did not understand English perfectly. Thus, we found we needed to reach the guests in a language that they knew best. The other reason was that even though there were sisters that understand English perfectly, they preferred the program in Spanish.

The major objective of this annual gathering is to welcome the new sisters in Islam. The need for the gathering emerged because many new Muslim sisters were not understood by their families after they embraced Islam. Therefore, they did not find the support of their families in their new Islamic faith. Some sisters who visited different Islamic communities did not feel welcomed, and they felt their indifference. The sisters started to get together as a means of supporting each other in their new religion. Many sisters who already were Muslim for many years were present to welcome and give support to the new Muslim sisters.

In this annual event, I had the opportunity to host the program as I had done in the past sisterhood gatherings. The program started by welcoming all sisters. After the opening of the program, I read Surah Fatiha in Spanish and Arabic. While I was reading the surah, I had a feeling of relief. This was a good and necessary feeling because the program almost started with the children’s cheerfulness. The sisters assigned as baby sitters were absent. Fortunately, two sisters volunteered to take care of the children in another room. After the quick arrangement, we were able to easily start the program as planned.

After the reading of Surah Fatiha, it was time to introduce the new sisters who embraced Islam during the years 2003 and 2004. Six sisters were on the list of presentation. However, only two of the sisters were present. A Puerto Rican sister, named Idalia Nieves, stood up to express how happy she was in being a Muslim since a year ago. Muslimah, a young Mexican lady, also shared her enthusiasm in being a Muslim.

After the presentation of the new sisters in Islam, it was time to give our recognition and appreciation to sister Mary Ali, who in past annual gatherings since September 8, 2001, brought topics for the women in Islam. One of her brightest presentations was last year about ‘The Concept of Jihad.’ Due to her excellent preparation and presentation of Islamic topics, many of us who heard her speeches were inspired and motivated to become leaders in the Latina Muslim community. I will never forget what happened in the 2nd Annual Sisterhood Event, which was on September 14, 2002. A lady said, “I don’t understand what she is saying. I thought this was supposed to be in Spanish.” This comment was made while sister Mary Ali gave her speech in English. Another sister said, “It is time for us to better prepared, educated.” “It is true,” someone replied. After the 2nd Annual gathering, many sisters showed interest in getting together regularly. They suggested that we have Islamic classes once or twice a month. Because the sisters’ interest emerged, a room was requested for the sisters in the Muslim Community Center. Sister Mary Ali extended her support to the Latina sisters, and she requested a room to the President of Da’wah of the MCC. Since last March 2003, the sisters have had their Islamic classes in Spanish. Sister Mary Ali was the bridge of connection between the Latina sisters and the staff of the MCC who did not know about this need. Words of gratitude, recognition, and appreciation were expressed to sister Mary Ali. Her support to the Latina sisters was a great contribution.

After the segment of appreciation to sister Mary Ali, it was time for the most important part of the program. Sisters Ruth Saleh and Vilma Lopez made their excellent presentation entitled: “The Women in Islam, Oppressed or Liberated?” Sister Ruth Saleh discussed three points. She explained how women were treated before and after Islam. The second point was the hijab. She mentioned the benefits that it brings to the woman who wear it. One of the benefits of wearing the hijab is the protection for woman against evil. The other benefit is that wearing the hijab inspires respect for the woman. The third fascinated point discussed was the women in the Quran.

The Quran explains the duties and rights of the women. Sister Vilma Lopez also discussed three points about the topic – equality between man and woman, marriage and divorce, and the familiar life. She explained that one of the women’s duties was education. She mentioned the word ‘ikra’, which many of us were already acquainted with. Ikra means to read. Ikra was a command of Allah to Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) through Angel Jibrail. She emphasized the importance of reading; so a woman can become educated. I was fascinated about this point, because I believe reading is important to be well informed and educated on many aspects of life. Another point that she mentioned about marriage was the contract. She mentioned the word ‘maher’, which means dowry. Indeed, many Latina sisters are unfamiliar with the word ‘maher’.

After the conclusion of the topic presented by sisters Ruth and Vilma, the audience had the opportunity to ask questions. One of the questions was if it was acceptable for a husband not to allow her wife to attend Jumah prayer. Sister Ruth Saleh answered that the woman is not requested or obligated to go to Jumah. However, the intention of the husband is unknown for not allowing her wife to go to Jumah; perhaps he doesn’t want her to socialize.

Most of the questions were written on paper. This was a request to the sisters, so they can stay focused on the topic. It was surprising to know that many of the sisters did not know about the “famous contract” in marriage. The sisters learned many aspects of the Islamic marriage that were ignored due to the lack of information on this matter. It would be great to share more about what we learned that day; some sisters shared their experiences as wife. However, this is kept reserved because it is exclusive for the women.

When Asar time arrived, the sisters went to pray. After the prayer, it was time to eat the delightful and tasty dishes with Latino seasoning. On the buffet table was Mexican food: enchiladas – a mix of chicken, jalapenos, and vegetables. Besides the enchiladas, there was lasagna, malukva, an arabic dish, yuca, borrego, and arroz con gandules. Refreshments and much dessert was available to complete the enjoyment of our delicious meal.

The formal program changed its mood to a party when an Arab sister showed sisters how to wear the hijab in different styles according to face shapes and the places they go. This was a moment of joy. The sisters had fun in trying the different ways of wearing a scarf. This was a great idea for many of them, to help break down the routine of getting dressed. We left the event with smiling faces, with a feeling of joy, and knowing this event will happen again. A complete program where sisters have the opportunity to meet their new sisters in Islam. In addition to learning about complex topics, the sisters enjoyed having the Latino dinner, or should I say Latino Muslim dinner?

InshaAllah, the next program will be better and as blessed as this sisterhood event was, and that we continue to meet our new sisters in Islam. The Muslim family is increasing, alhamdulillah!